My wife

hi there. I am a new member here. My wife and I have been together for almost 10 years. Before we got together she was talking to a black guy but they never did hook up prior to us. Fast forward to about a year ago I finally got her to do it. She loved it. They did it several times but something happened and she changed her mind and doesn't wanna do it anymore. Should I approach it again? I know she really enjoyed it. It gave our sex life a new entense spark.
hi there. I am a new member here. My wife and I have been together for almost 10 years. Before we got together she was talking to a black guy but they never did hook up prior to us. Fast forward to about a year ago I finally got her to do it. She loved it. They did it several times but something happened and she changed her mind and doesn't wanna do it anymore. Should I approach it again? I know she really enjoyed it. It gave our sex life a new entense spark.
so why whats changed her mind if you know she really enjoyed it?
very strange was he black? how old is she? because some black guys can treat them like sluts and not all like to be treated like that, luckily mine does
Yes he was black. About the same size of me. (I'm white). He was very aggressive and she loves rough sex and he gave her that. I know she loved it. Do you think maybe she was catching feelings for him or something?
Yes he was black. About the same size of me. (I'm white). He was very aggressive and she loves rough sex and he gave her that. I know she loved it. Do you think maybe she was catching feelings for him or something?
hard to say it does happen
so why whats changed her mind if you know she really enjoyed it?
Unfortunately, some black men are crude, rude and don't really understand the dynamics involved when a white couple decides to submit to Black Men. One like that probably got his hands on her and ruined a good thing for all involved. This could have happened when she decided to meet a black man on her own, without you knowing. Now she's in hole and doesn't know how to get out. Go slow and easy, but try to get her to talk to you. Even if she never returns to BBC, she at least will feel better about herself and her relationship with you.
Yes he was black. About the same size of me. (I'm white). He was very aggressive and she loves rough sex and he gave her that. I know she loved it. Do you think maybe she was catching feelings for him or something?
Have you suggested that she try this with another, different Black Man? That might help you to understand what happened.