Muslim Men and White Christian Women

Muslim Men with White Christian Women

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When there are white women (christian or not) to conquer, religion has nothing to do with it. Mostly it's race play but sometimes it is. Mixing up religion everywhere is no good but ...


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True Muslim men would abstain from sex until marriage. Some of them are virgins even up until late 20s, and some even beyond that. Bringing religious ******* to this belongs to the Extreme kinks section, not general discussion. Also, being an Arab does not equal being a Muslim. If you think that, you are being racist. Lebanon has a big Christian population, Egypt has sizeable Christian Orthodox population, etc.
An overwhelming percentage of Arab men are Muslim, even in Egypt. In some backword Arab countries, e.g., Saudi Arabia, practicing Christianity can get you beheaded. So it's pretty safe to speculate that an Arab is most likely going to be Muslim...and there is nothing racist about that.
An overwhelming percentage of Arab men are Muslim, even in Egypt. In some backword Arab countries, e.g., Saudi Arabia, practicing Christianity can get you beheaded. So it's pretty safe to speculate that an Arab is most likely going to be Muslim...and there is nothing racist about that.
Yeah, that's true. But not what I meant, either. What I said that if you see an Arab, they aren't always Muslim.
When we look at the Lebanon for instance we see a country in which traditionally muslim, christian and jewish populations are living side by side with no major problems. The politic system is built upon a tri-fold representation of the people and it's been stable for a rather long time now. And that doesn't seem to change even though an influx of Syrian refugees who are mostly muslims and make about 40% of the country's population today.

Sometimes I think it's almost laughable when some folks in European and Northern American countries start to cry over 1% to 2% immigration and believe everybody wants to come to those countries when in reality migration mostly happens to neighboring countries or countries within the region of the originating country of emmigration. - Nothing close to the 40% a small county like the Lebanon has to face. :LOL: Do the reality-check! ;)
What I see here is a pile of fetish thoughts and no reality. If a Muslim girl dates a Christian man she can be libeled to be stoned and killed by the family. Muslim women must be covered to shield them from other men’s eyes but Muslim men are the number one womanizers ever. It’s total inequality and devaluation of the female. I’m my work it is also very problematic to do business with a Muslim man because of this mentality towards women.
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What I see here is a pile of fetish thoughts and no reality. If a Muslim girl dates a Christian man she libel to be stoned and killed by the family. Muslim women must be covered to shield them from other men’s eyes but Muslim men are tge number one womanizers ever. It’s total inequality and devaluation of the female. I’m my work it is also very problematic to do business with a Muslim man because of this mentality towards women.
Because man can drag woman but woman can’t that first scand men back on the days goes to wars and fights one of the reasons and there is more but don’t bring this here it’s not a religions meeting
What I see here is a pile of fetish thoughts and no reality. If a Muslim girl dates a Christian man she libel to be stoned and killed by the family. Muslim women must be covered to shield them from other men’s eyes but Muslim men are tge number one womanizers ever. It’s total inequality and devaluation of the female. I’m my work it is also very problematic to do business with a Muslim man because of this mentality towards women.
Not every muslim is the same. First there are different muslim "schools of thought". Then a lot depends on culture, not necessarily religion alone, and the question of interpretation. I know muslim men who grew up in more "liberal" or "modern" - or whatever one wants to call it - environments, who would think of what you were stating as being more associated with medieval Europe than Islam. - Just sayin'

But with one thing you are correct: If the Qran is taken literally it is not righteous behavior for a muslim Woman to marry a man who has a different confession, unlike muslim men who can rightously marry a Woman with no difference whoever or whatever she believes in (even though in many muslim communities it is still looked down upon if the Woman was non-monotheist, say, had a polytheistic belief or was an atheist).

But not behaving rightously in terms of the Qran (or in the face of God) does not necessarily lead a person to being stoned or otherwise killed! The sharia is not directly implemented as part of the religion in many muslim "schools of thought". Sunni, Shi-a and Kharijite are not all the same and even their "sub-branches" are quite diverse and different in some aspects. Cultural influences on social behavior play a big role in some (muslim) communities and some of those behavioral patterns are not even based on the Qran but a result of traditional social values instead.

I am interested in many different things in life and in an attempt to understand those I tend to inform myself by making use of different resources including many one-on-one conversations with "real people" as well as books and online sources. Having that said, I am definitely not an expert! All I like to put emphasis on here is that we cannot throw all muslim people in a pot and melt them together because in real life they are not all the same. - This is what I wanted to say. :rolleyes: Regards.