More married pussy?

That will never happen . Black guys don’t stick together in normal life . Damn sho ain’t goin to happen in the lifestyle. That ******* sounds good but not happening my friend.

Sorry for the Ebonics for those that don’t understand what I said . Interpretation: Sure won’t happen in lifestyle.
lol i understand perfectly. It wasn't even that bad. I've heard a lot worse
Wouldn't it be good all around if BULLS connected with other bulls and started networking their white pussy. Trading good pussy for anothers good pussy. The Bulls get a variety and so does the Queens. Help yourselves and others get satisfied.
Idea from the cuck
we already do that here in NYC lol lok at my screen name all i do is share
Wouldn't it be good all around if BULLS connected with other bulls and started networking their white pussy. Trading good pussy for anothers good pussy. The Bulls get a variety and so does the Queens. Help yourselves and others get satisfied.
Idea from the cuck
The best idea I have seen on here, so far.