"First, the ILF part implies she is attractive, with all the variability that can be involved in that."
To begin with, it is a comma, not an apostrophe and second, your use of the word variability regarding the attractiveness of the individual woman has nothing to do with accepting my or anyone else's concept of attractiveness, only one's own appreciation for variations.

"Then, she's a mom, which means she's married, so it's naughty to see some other man's wife."
You may have an understanding of biology, but you clearly lack an understanding of English grammar, sentence construction or the legal concept of marriage as it relates to motherhood.

However, when stating the definition of an established term, one should not attempt to assert their "conceptualization" as the definition, especially if it differs factually, as does yours.
Having one of "quite different perspectives" is wonderful as long as one acknowledges that it is their own perspective at the onset rather than imply it is the literal translation of the term to others.

I plead guilty to a bone-headed error with regard to the "apostrophe". As far as the rest of it, I suggest you relax your sphincter. Have a nice day and let's enjoy the nekkid ladies...............