June Coronavirus Surge

From what i see in my area the younger crowd 30 and under dont give a *******. See them all the time not wearing masks in stores etc. The stores wont or cant enforce it, the police have enough other ******* to worry about so they wont help and so the Govenors orders are useless if it cant be enforced because to many people in this country just dont care.

I am 50,i have to wear a mask at work and if i go into a store i wear one. Its that simple.

This is why i pray one of these vaccines actually works and we can get this virus under control by next year cause i dont see masks and social distancing saving us when i see it not being practiced everyday.
I do the same things even though I been tested 6 times im immune to covid but I still wear mask in public places including work just for everyone else’s sake especially Elderly people. But this whole covid ******* is fucking stupid all folks need to do is act like ADULTS plain and simple. If folks want to meet each other fine just get tested for covid first✊🏾
The fact that those simple things are too much to ask of some people to protect the vulnerable is ridiculous.

Also, the fact that adults need to be reminded to wash their hands - and given instructions on how to properly do so - is a sad commentary on how useless some people are.
Its the Trump effect.....combination of the dumbing down of America and privilege. There is a precedent for this. Same type of reaction when people were mandated to wear seatbelts or motorcycle helmets.