Is splash mocha real?

"actual proof it took place"? Like people that have gone telling about how fun it was or porn pics from a hotel room that don't tell you ******* about where and when it was? C'mon now....let's get real.

It's like hedo. No photos in common areas, and once you're in a hotel room it's like any other hotel room....
We looked and looked and how found several reviews with many positives feed backs and if their is no pictures well in our case that makes us feel even better this will be our first time coming so looking forward
It was fantastic. I saw that someone described it as, "The SuperBowl of Interracial." I think that's about right. Biggest interracial hotel party in the country. It was clean, classy, upscale, and well-organized. I do have plenty of pics, but as others said, no cameras/camera phones are allowed in any public area. I'm not sure, but I think you can get kicked out for that. So the pics I have are from the room. The only way you can tell it is a convention are the wrist bands everyone is wearing. There was one night that there was a professional photographer in the hallway doing couples pics if anyone wanted to do that. I took had him take pic of me with one of my new friends (that was the first night--Hello Kitty theme). If you want, I can blur faces and post. The background we are standing in front of says, "The Good Fellaz," which is the IR organization which runs Splash Mocha. If that is adequate "proof" for you, let me know.
We will be attending this year. Our room is booked and ready. We know lots of couples and Gents who attend and help with the events needs. We look forward to having a great time and meeting new friends.
It's a great time and 100% real and sexy. An event catered to IR and a damn good one at that. I've gone twice, met many great couples and guys and plan to go every time I get a chance to.