Do you suspect your wife is fucking black men while on vacation?

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My wife and I used to work for the same company. We were both in sales but in different areas. Every year, they ran a contest for the top sales teams and took them on a paid vacation to a different location. Most often, they were beach/tropical vacations but they once went to Spain, once to Ireland and once to England. My wife was the top producer for her product line. Her team won trips fairly often because the entire team was very good. My team wasn't as successful, we had a few guys who just didn't give a ******* so we NEVER won a trip...despite the fact that I out sold everyone else in my product line fairly often. All the bosses would go on the trips along with the top team in 4 different areas, each team had 6 people on the team, so 30 people plus the owner of the company would go. Liz and I worked out of different offices and she still used her maiden name because that's how her clients knew her. Spouses were not invited as it was a company "working vacation", meaning they had 2 meetings while they were there most likely so they could write the trip off.

Liz's boss was a guy named Brad. He was in his 60's, fat, never did anything himself but got credit for everything my wife and the rest of the team did so the owner thought he was a super star. Liz hated him! She never said anything good about him. The business we were in was dominated by men, especially her division, and as such she got used to all the "guy talk" which was frequently borderline sexual harassment, if not blatant harassment. Liz was one of 2 women on the team and about 95% of their clients were men as well. Brad regularly had the guys on the team take clients out for drinks and partying, Liz was never asked to do that, but she always heard the stories. The guys would give details of the bars and women, Brad in particular described what he liked. She wasn't a prude by any means and wasn't bothered by it. Hell, she'd tell dirty jokes herself and she and I had been to titty bars before, so she wasn't about to file a complaint. Besides, she was making a helluva lot of money!

2 years before she left the company, her team won another trip. This trip was to Jamaica for 6 days, all the other trips were only 3 days. I had actually been the top producer in all the company but, once again, my TEAM failed to do enough to win. The trip was scheduled for May and they were staying at an all-inclusive resort on the beach. Liz was the only woman going, as usual. They flew out on a Tuesday and were scheduled to come home on Sunday evening. Their meetings were each 2 hours, 1 on Wednesday and 1 on Thursday. She called me on Wednesday and told me Brad had just been promoted. The owner sited the fact that his team had won the trip 4 consecutive years and he was now the number 2 man in the company. She was a bit excited because that meant she would no longer report directly to Brad.

Liz loves to ******* and, while back then she wasn't into some of the things she does now, she had been known to get a bit wild if she drank *******. Because of that, she usually only drank wine on company trips. I received another text from her later that day stating that the owner had returned home and now Brad was running the entire trip. They weren't required to leave the resort, the only thing they HAD to do was attend the 2 meetings and join on Friday for a happy hour in the lobby. Friday came and Liz sent me a picture of her and several guys. They were each holding a *******, it looked like some sort of fruity rum *******. She was standing in the middle of about 12 guys, they were all smiling and toasting her because Brad had just given her a HUGE bonus. The next picture was of her and Brad holding shots with their arms around each other. She was smiling and he was grinning looking down at her cleavage. She commented that she guessed she could stand taking a picture with him for $22,000.00! She was wearing some very short shorts and a bikini top. The top was like all her bathing suit tops, low cut and held together by a string.

She called me about 10 minutes later and I congratulated her on the bonus. She admitted she was a bit tipsy and said it was because everyone kept ordering her drinks. She told me "Don't worry, there's no way I'd EVER doing anything even a little bit wild around Brad!" I was certain this was true because she really hated him. I knew she'd flashed her tits to the other guys on her time, and one multiple times. His name was Geo and he was a young black guy around 25 or so. She told me they were getting ready to go to a club not far from the resort but that she'd call me later. I questioned her about that since I hadn't heard good things about Jamaica outside of the resorts. She told me there were 6 or 7 people going and she was sure she'd be safe. I didn't hear from her the rest of the night so I called her around 8:30 the next morning. She answered sounding groggy but assured me she was fine.

This was about all I knew until a few weeks after their trip. I was transferred to another product line in an effort to get me on a better team. The spot I took was from the person who took over Brad's position. I didn't know any of the people on my new team so I decided to try to get to know them by going to lunch with one of them each day. I had been on the team about 3 weeks when I invited Evan to lunch. He already had plans for lunch but asked me if I would meet him at a sports bar that evening for a ******* and to watch Monday Night Football. Liz was working late that night so I agreed. Evan was a middle aged black man, divorced with a reputation for whoring around. He was in a booth at the back of the club. He had a good view of 2 large screen tvs but the rest of the area was pretty empty, well, the whole club was pretty empty actually. I walked back and joined him and ordered a bucket of beer and, at his request, 2 shots of tequila. We drank the shots and finished off the bucket pretty quickly so he ordered another round of each. By the time we had finished that bucket and the shots we were both pretty buzzed.

We talked about his background, his divorce, and his current lifestyle. He was eager to tell me all about all the young chicks he had been banging. Eventually, he brought up the trip to Jamaica saying he had the time of his life! I told him I was glad he got to go and that he'd earned it, and hopefully it was the first of many he'd get to take. He said "I doubt any of them will be as good as this one was!" and he pulled out his phone and started scrolling through pictures. The resort was beautiful! Lots of gorgeous ladies in barely there bikinis, lots of guys as well. He showed me pictures of the meeting where Brad was promoted, and some of the group on the beach. That was when I saw Liz. She was sitting on a lounge chair with 2 drinks in her hand. She was wearing a black bikini that I know tends to crawl up her ass when she walks. Geo, Brad, and 3 other guys were all around her and she was smiling and laughing in each of the pictures.

The next picture he showed was of her walking into the water. When he got to that one he commented "That's Liz! Check out that ass!" Her bottoms were WAY up her ass making the suit look almost like a thong. I looked at him wondering if he was pranking me, then it hit me. He didn't know she was my wife because we have different last names. I didn't tell him, I just said that she was pretty hot. He then told me she was a bit of a cunt when they first got there, but loosened up after a few drinks. By the end, he said she was the life of the party. He continued scrolling through the pictures. There were some of her in the water with Geo, even a few with her and Brad playfully splashing each other. There were a couple of her hugging the Jamaican men who worked at the resort, and one of her being held in the air by 2 of them. I found these pictures interesting and wondered what else had gone on.

I asked him if they left the resort at all, he said "Oh yeah, nearly every night. There was a small night club near the resort they took a taxi to where you could dance and ******* and get really fucked up!"

I asked if everyone went but he said "No, just Brad, this guy Geo, Jim right here, Tra', me and Liz. I was surprised she went because she stayed to herself the first 2 nights we were there. But the 3rd night she loosened up and after that she came with us every night. Wait till you see the rest of the pictures!" He scrolled through several pictures of the inside of the resort, then finally showed one of them all squeezing into a cab together. It was Liz in her tiny shorts and bikini top. Right behind her was fat-assed Brad, he had his hands on her hip and butt as she got in. The next picture was of the outside of the club. The cab driver took it of them before they went inside. Liz was in the middle with 2 guys on each side. Tra' and Geo were right beside her and Brad was behind her. There were 2 pictures, the first was of her with her arms around Tra' and Geo, Brad had his arms around her middle. The second, Tra' swapped places with Jim (a 30 something white guy). In this picture, Geo had reached over and pulled one side of her top down exposing her left tit, and Brad was kissing her neck and had his hand on her right tit! I commented about what a great picture it was and that they seemed to be having a lot of fun.

He laughed and kept scrolling. The club was fairly crowded with what appeared to be a primarily local crowd. There were a couple of pictures of them all doing shots, I could tell by her eyes that Liz was feeling no pain. And then he showed a short video of Liz dancing. She was sandwiched between Brad and a local man. In the video the local guy was grinding into her and groping her tits! There were 3 or 4 videos similar to this, but the last 2 surprised me! 1 showed Liz with her arms around Brad. He had both hands down the back of her shorts on her ass. They were bumping and grinding against one another while he fondled her ass, sliding the shorts down to expose her butt every few seconds. Liz had her arms around his neck and even leaned in and kissed him twice. The next video showed Liz lying down on a table with her top pulled up. Brad, Tra', Geo, and several of the locals took turns doing shots off her tits and her stomach. When it was Brad's turn, he stood between her legs and poured the shot down her stomach toward her pussy. As it ran down her body, he slid the shorts down to where you could just see the begining of her pussy. He then licked from there all the way up her stomach finishing by sucking her nipples. She pulled her shorts up and then said something to him, wrapped her arms around his neck as he lifted her to her feet.

I was shocked by this! I told Evan "I can't believe she let them do that! She must have been ******* as hell." He laughed and said "She wasn't just *******, Brad gave her some tea, MUSHROOM tea. I don't know if she knew that's what it was, but after she drank that she was game for anything. Someone had removed her top and she didn't put it back on until we got back to the resort. I think Brad had it in his pocket. He told me before we went out that he was planning to fuck the ******* out of her. When I asked if he was serious he told me he'd just paid her $20k for a piece of ass!" We looked through more pictures, most of them were of Liz dancing with Brad or locals. Many of them had guys fondling her tits, a few they had their hands on her ass or pussy outside her shorts. There were a few of some local ladies dressed sexily, Tra' and Geo were dancing with a couple of them. He showed another video of Tra' groping a hot black lady. In the background, though fairly blurry, I could see Liz and Brad slow dancing together with their arms around each other. There were a few pictures of Liz topless hugging the other guys on her team, in several of those the guys didn't hide the fact that they were groping her tits and ass. Then there was one of Brad kissing her. It was taken from behind her and his hands were once again inside the back of her shorts.

Most of the rest of the pictures were just random people, drinks etc. Then, the same cab driver picked them up. This time, he wanted a picture with just Liz. She posed topless with him for a few pictures, he got more aggressive with each photo. The last one he leaned down and licked her nipple. When they loaded up in the car, Evan had given Jim the camera and told him to take a few pictures. As Liz got in there were a few pictures of Evan with his hand between her legs and 2 other guys grabbing her ass. Then, there was one taken by the cabby again. Liz was sitting on the lap of 3 of the guys practically laying down. All of them were fondling her and she had a smile on her face, but her eyes were very dialated.

I asked him what happened when they got back to the resort. He said they all went to the hot tub for about 30 minutes before they were kicked out. Security asked Liz to put her top on so Brad gave it to her and helped her put it on. She was struggling to walk so Brad and I helped her to the elevator. Brad said we were taking her to his room, and we did. He was making out with her on the elevator and he was feeling her up. Evan told me Brad asked Liz if it was ok for me to cop a feel and to his surprise she said sure. She turned and started kissing him and Brad took his hand and put it down her shorts. As they made out he was feeling her pussy, "Which was soaking wet by the way, and not from the hot tub!"

"We walked her to Brad's room and helped her inside. She immediately stripped off her top and shorts, she wasn't wearing any underwear so she was totally naked! I didn't know what to do so I looked at Brad and he laughed and pushed her onto the bed. Brad then looked at me and said that she was a slut and we could both fuck her." I looked at her and she was smiling and kind of rocking back and forth on the bed squeezing her tits. She looked at us and said "Well? Whose going to fuck me first?" Brad asked her if she was sure she wanted to fuck both of us and she looked at me and said "Well, if we're going to fuck we need to do it now because I'm FUUUCKED UP!" She then looked at me and said "I can't believe I'm going to let this fat-ass fuck me! He's been trying to fuck me for years now. But you know what? This is his gift for getting a promotion." She then looked at him and said "Enjoy this fucker, because it's the last time this will ever happen!"

Brad laughed at her and told me "Yeah, that's what she ALWAYS says, but here we are again." At that point he stripped down and started eating her pussy. She was moaning a groaning and pulling his hair as he did and finally wrapped her legs around his neck and started rocking side to side violently. I just stood there watching as he crawled up and shoved his cock inside her. He was hard already when he stripped and his dick is very short, but very thick. When he shoved it in, she groaned and he started fucking her hard! As he got closer to cuming, he reached up and grabbed her by the throat ******* her. I've known women who like this, but he was ******* her pretty good. I stepped over to him and told him to ease off a bit but he said,"

"Fuck that! She loves this *******! Love her hair pulled, loves her nipples pinched, she even came when I bit her clit, but you probably couldn't see that."

He continued to ******* her fucking her as hard as he could. His fat belly was slapping her pussy and tears were streaming down her face. He finally let loose of her throat and she gasped out loud then let out a loud moan and began shaking all over. About a minute later, Brad crawled up on her stomach and shot his cum all over her face and tits. She was still cuming and shaking when he got off, she was rocking side to side and moaning "oh god...oh god." and then she shook all over again, her hands holding her pussy.

Brad told me "I've been on 6 trips with this whore, fucked her on 3 of them, well 4 now. Every time she tells me it's the last time, but she's always ready for more. Give her some booze, or mushrooms, and she'll fuck anybody. If you want to fuck her, go ahead. She'll fuck anyone if I tell her to. Ask Tra' and Jim, they fucked her twice on the last trip after giving her some edibles."

"I looked over at her and she was still rocking side to side and moaning. Her eyes were closed, her legs crossed and her hands were on her tits. About every minute she would shake and make a little squealing noise and moan 'Oh my god. So good'. I asked her if she was up for another round and she said 'If Brad wants you to you better fuck me'. I wasn't sure what that meant, but I know she was fucked up so I told Brad I was just going to go back to my room. I asked if he needed help getting her to her room but he said she was in the adjoining room to his like always. I left and went to bed. The next day, Liz was like nothing happened. She was happy, but as usual she was snippy with Brad. She has to be the closest thing to a real nympho I've ever met because, according to Brad, he fucked her 3 times on that trip and had her fuck one of the Jamaican resort staff the last night we were there. Makes me wish I'd fucked her because I KNOW she's hot in bed. But, I have a feeling I'll get my chance."

We scrolled through the rest of the pictures, had another beer, and then closed our tab and left. It was a few years before I ever mentioned it to Liz. When we finally discussed it, she was horrified that I had known all that time. But it made for an interesting conversation!

Edit—-I forgot to add that Brad’s bragging about fucking her before turned out to be a lie. She did fuck him that last night there, but later several people told me that on previous trips with him she refused to go anywhere he went other than meetings. They all knew she despised him and Brad told all of them when they first arrived at the resort that he was finally going to fuck her and the company was paying for it.
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