interesting net found

This is on the right track as far as outbreeding & it's evolutionary advantages. It derails when it tries to make it one-sided. Heterosis is an advantage in every breeding couple, not just for black men. Hell, you can even see hybrid vigor come out in cross bred plants!

Some on points and some nonsense throughout this whole thing. It figures though that it would want to try and spin it away from the empowerment of black male sexualities with white women / a pro-interracial breeding message in various places though, what with it being from aryanbeauties. Didn't that blog affiliate with Stormfront(.)org early on, the white power forum?

Still, with a grain of salt this is a real interesting read. Thanks for sharing, some pretty provoking moments for sure.
As a single black guy growing up in Southern California where blondes seem to grow on trees down here I would say that there are two kinds of women you will definitely fuck numerous times living in Southern California and that's blondes and Latinas. And yes you're going to grow a bit of an affinity for them too especially between Los Angel's and San Diego! ❤♠😎