In a New Neighborhood

Chapter 1: Eric's View

Sweat poured down Eric's brow as he put down the heavy, brown, cardboard box in one of the empty rooms. Well, at least they had been empty up until a couple of hours ago. Now the small apartment was rapidly filling up with many similar boxes as they completed the move. Eric swept away the perspiration from his face and began walking back to the truck to get another box.

It would have helped if it had been slightly cooler or windier that day. The temperature was unbearably hot. Eric, however, considered himself lucky. After living in a cold-weather city for so long, it was finally time to live somewhere warmer. Besides, though the new apartment was located in the thick of urban development, the beach was only a couple of hours away by car.

His thoughts were interrupted as he passed Karen, who was also carrying a box a little too large for her small, petite frame. Eric's wife had always been a trooper, and she didn't complain (too much) about shouldering some weight. To Eric's delight, her exertions were responsible for a nice sheen of sweat that outlined her smooth skin, which was mostly left uncovered by a pair of short cut-off jean shorts and a white tank top. Her straight, brunette hair was wrapped in a ponytail, the same way she wore it to the gym that she liked to frequent. Karen definitely kept herself in good shape, and Eric could not help but to turn and stare at her shapely ass and legs as he passed her. He couldn't help thinking how much of a knockout she was. Sure, they were married, but their wedding had only been two years ago so the fire in their relationship was still very much present.

Despite the enticing view of Karen with little clothing, he did wish that the apartment would have had air conditioning. In fact, he wished that they could have moved into a better neighborhood as well. Their last apartment had been a nice 3-bedroom located in an upscale part of town. This one had two small bedrooms, and was a part of a relatively crummy apartment complex in a rather run-down neighborhood. Sure, this new city was more expensive than the last so the rent wasn't comparable, but that was not the only reason for their downgrade.

Eric and some old friends from college had finally decided to launch their own boutique consulting firm. At 32 years old, this was a risky venture for Eric, but he had a very good academic and work background, as did his colleagues, and none of them had any *******. This was the time to take risks. Karen, being the trooper that she was and only 27 years old, had gladly decided to support him in this new phase of their lives.

As Eric was bringing in the last few boxes, he heard a commotion in the back patio. The condominium had a common patio in the back with some tables and chairs for the residents to use, as well as a playground next to the patio. Eric looked out from the small balcony of their apartment and saw four black guys in the playground, but they definitely weren't using it to play. Three of them were sitting around smoking what appeared to be weed while one of them was doing pullups on the horizontal bar which held up a pair of swings. They were all wearing basketball shorts and were shirtless (which was understandable because of the sweltering heat), revealing very muscular physiques, and were wearing du-rags that covered their heads from the unforgiving sun. A nearby speaker was blasting rap music.

Eric thought to himself that he should have known that a cheaper apartment would mean he might have neighbors like these. He had simply figured the place would have been filled with old people on welfare, single moms or the like. Eric was the furthest thing from racist so he didn't really mind who they were, just what they were doing. Certainly, he didn't want to live in a place which ******* dealers frequented (Eric didn't realize he had just assumed that because they were doing ******* they were ******* dealers) or somewhere where loud noises and music would deprive him of sleep (which he would surely need in order to work properly). Eric worried more about Karen's reaction.

Karen was a girl who had always enjoyed the comforts of suburban life. A small private school, small college and a conservative family meant she had always lived in relative seclusion to the urban environment Eric and Karen would be immersed in now. This also meant that Karen had not grown up with many black guys in her school or in a place in which blacks and whites mixed much. Nor did rap music blast through her former neighborhoods as it did here. Eric knew Karen was not racist, but he could easily imagine the shocked look in her face if one of her friends were to start dating a black guy. They were all as prim and proper as she was.

Just then, Karen came out to the balcony to see what the fuss was about. As Eric had thought, she was not pleased with what she saw. "What's all this noise? Are those thugs doing ******* right there in broad daylight!? Wow, I really hope these aren't are neighbors!" she complained, perhaps a little too loud.

"They might be." Eric shrugged. He didn't like the idea much either. "But even if they are we just have to suck this up for a few months. Once our firm is up and running, we can make an upgrade to a better place, just like we talked about." Another drop of sweat began running down his forehead due to the summer heat and humidity, "Perhaps the next one will have a functioning AC unit. We're going to have to make do with some fans for now."

Karen nodded in agreement, but a smile quickly crept into her face, "Yeah, well at least the two of us being all sweaty and dirty from moving and unpacking these boxes will make for a perfect excuse to use this!" she said as she pulled out a bath bomb. "I say you and I inaugurate this apartment tonight, and we can start with some 'us' time in the bathtub! What do you think?" Karen exclaimed, acting very perky and flirty.

This was why Eric loved Karen. She was always creative, playful and, despite her conservative upbringing, she loved sex. She wasn't a freak or into a lot of experimentation (she wasn't even big on porn or sex toys), but he had to hand it to her that she definitely enjoyed the sex they had and wasn't shy about proposing it herself. Eric's thoughts were interrupted by some whistles and shouts coming from the playground.

Eric turned and realized that the four black guys had caught sight of Karen. Apparently, they were pleased with what they saw. "Wow! Look at that fine piece of work!" one cried out.

"Quiet, Julius!" chided the one who seemed to be sitting a bit higher up than the rest of his friends "Are you our new neighbor? Why don't you come down and say hi?" His outstretched arms were huge and riddled with tattoos. Judging by how the others reacted to him, Eric assumed that this one must be the leader of their little gang. "I'm Jason. What's your name, girl?"

Karen's face showed how appalled and disgusted she was. She quickly turned and went inside. Eric followed her, not wanting to reduce himself to their level by telling them off.

"Hey, baby. Don't worry about them. Let's not let their stupid banter ruin our first day in our new life." Eric said once inside. He hugged her, "How about we try out that bath bomb of yours?" This slowly brought a smile to Karen's face as she looked up at him.

Chapter 2: Karen's View

Karen got up from their bed and walked naked to the bathroom, swaying her sexy ass. She turned on the bathroom light and noticed how well that just-got-fucked look suited her. Sex with Eric had always been great and that night had been no exception. Due to their hectic schedules, though, it had become a less frequent occurrence as of late. Perhaps moving to a warmer climate would help fix that, Karen thought to herself.

Suddenly, her cellphone rang. It was Steph, her best friend from back home. "Hey, Steph!" Karen answered excitedly, "What's up? I miss you so much already!"

"Hi, Karen!" an equally excited Steph answered back. "Me too! I got some good news, though! But first, tell me everything about the move and your new home!"

Karen told her all about it, including the dreadful incident concerning the thugs from the playground. Just thinking about how they had been ogling her made her skin crawl. Other than that, Karen was happy about their new home and new life. "So, what were those good news you were talking about?" Karen asked.

"Well, Mark has this new big project at work which he needs to go overlook for about a month. I'm used to it by now but I don't want to stay here alone again..."

Karen's face lit up. Mark was Steph's longtime boyfriend and current fiancée. He worked in an engineering company which meant he sometimes had to go be out of town for extended periods of time. Karen and Eric really liked Mark, and the two couples had often gone out to dinner or for drinks together. Karen pounced on the opportunity, "Oh my god, Steph! You should definitely come down and stay with us! The apartment's small but we got an extra room! Seriously, I won't take no for an answer!"

Steph laughed, "I figured you'd say that. Yeah, I'd love to go! Maybe Eric, you and I can spend one of the weekends at the beach or something. God knows I need a tan!"

It was true. Steph had always had pale skin but due to some distant Hispanic descent she could take on a sexy tan after some sun. Her straight, natural blonde hair complemented that skin tone very well. Karen and Steph were of similar height, but where Karen had a much nicer ass, Steph took the prize for noticeably larger tits. When they went out together, they made an extremely attractive blonde-brunette duo. They also shared a similar upbringing, and their parents all had the same friends and were a part of the same social circle.

The girls continued to make arrangements over the phone. Steph would arrive in a little less than a month and would be staying with them while Mark was away at work. After hanging up, Karen giddily rushed over to Eric to tell him the news. Eric didn't mind at all and said he was happy about her staying with them.

The temperature didn't let up in the next couple of days. Eric had already left for work when Karen got up one very warm morning. After showering, she put on a sleeveless top, some short shorts, a pair of sandals and went out to get some stuff needed for their apartment. On her way back, she spotted the black guy who said his name was Jason smoking a cigarette near the main entrance of the apartment building. Like last time, he was not alone, and Karen thought she recognized the other hulking black guy as the one who was doing pullups on the swing-set the day she saw them. Once again, the two men were dressed only in shorts, exhibiting their dark, well-defined bodies. Karen would have gladly gone around to a different entrance, had there been one. Seeing as there was no choice, she walked straight ahead.

As she approached, both guys checked her out unashamedly. Jason stepped in front of Karen, towering above her, "I don't think we got properly introduced the other day." He stretched out his hand, "I'm Jason." Karen could feel the other guy behind her, eyeing her ass.

Karen considered ignoring him but her polite upbringing got the better of her. Her small white hand was engulfed by Jason's as she shook it, "I'm Karen." Jason held her hand a little too long for her comfort, giving her goosebumps even though the temperature was in the high 80s.

"Nice to meet you, Karen." said Jason while looking down straight into her eyes, "My friend here is Shawn. And let me say I don't think we've ever had such a beautiful woman living here." He said it in a way that, had it been a guy like Eric or Mark speaking, it would have made Karen blush. "Hope I'm not being too forward but are you single?"

Karen reeled in shock. "No! I'm married." she said in an annoyed manner as she held up her left hand, showing her engagement and wedding rings.

"Don't tell me your married to that white boy I saw next to you. I thought he was your brother or your gay friend or something. A fine lady like you needs to be with a real man." Jason eyed her hungrily.

"What!? How can you be so crude! Get away from me!" Karen pulled her hand back and hurried past Jason. She was furious as she closed the door to her apartment behind her. She had never felt so disrespected in her entire life. It was going to be unbearable having neighbors like these.

Chapter 3: Eric's View

Eric was coming home from work, tired but excited. It had been another late night at the office, but those were to be exptected in the beginning. Before getting out of the small, used car they had bought that week, he noticed something that made him pause. He saw the guy with the large tattooed arms who had called himself Jason along with some of his friends in a dark alley near the apartment complex. Their demeanor made Eric stay in the car and keep watching. It wasn't long before he saw another small gang come up and purchase what could only be ******* from Jason. Eric wasn't an idiot either, so he could tell right away that it wasn't pot he was selling. The amounts were large enough that Eric could see the exchange from far away. Each of the gangs went their own way after the transaction had concluded. Eric thought that he saw a gun tucked beneath Jason's shirt, but it could have been the light and his imagination playing tricks on him.

Eric waited a long time before getting out of the car. His initial assumption about these guys had been dead-on, and that made him very anxious considering they were his new neighbors. Unfortunately, there was very little he could do in the short term to change that. He decided that he would not tell Karen about this incident since it would only freak her out. After seeing that the coast was clear, Eric opened the door and walked towards his apartment.

Dinner was delicious that night, which was the norm given Karen's talent for cooking. Eric's mind, however, was still on what he had seen earlier. Even in the sanctity of his own home, he felt uncomfortable with the thought of having neighbors such as Jason and his crew. He was snapped out of his daydreaming by Karen's mention of Jason's name. "Jason?" Eric asked.

"Yeah, he and one of his friends, Shawn, the really big one, were by the entrance when I was coming back. They're so rude! I hate how they look at me and hit on me." Karen complained.

Eric held her hand told her that they should probably just avoid them. "Who knows what these lowlifes are up to." he warned.

Once in bed, Eric leaned over to his sexy wife and began kissing her. Karen reacted favorably and soon the couple was making out heavily. As things began to progress into some serious foreplay, the sound of voices from upstairs interrupted them.

"Oh wow, Jason! I never get tired of seeing your big black cock!" a female voice said. It was muffled, but Eric could make out enough of the words to understand what she had said.

"Great, just our luck! I can't believe this thug lives right above us." Eric sighed, lowering his voice so as to not be heard from upstairs. Karen agreed, and the couple started listening to what was going on, interrupting their intimate moment.

"Yeah, you little slut! Suck that dick! You better show me you want it." Jason's deep voice boomed through the separation between the two apartments.

"I can't believe how he talks to women. He's such an *******, a lowlife!" Karen said irritated. Still, the couple continued to listen. Neither of them heard anything for a while.

After some time, noises began to emanate from the apartment above in increasing volume. Eric could make out what he thought were bedsprings along with other noises, but he couldn't be sure. Suddenly, the same female voice from before yelled out, "Fuck! Yeah! I love how your huge black cock stretches me out! Keep fucking me hard!"

Eric sat there listening. He had never heard other people having sex near him before. After a few minutes, Karen turned to him, "Well, no reason we can't have fun on our own." She leaned in to kiss Eric again.

Eric stopped her, "What? No way! I don't want this brute to listen to us have sex!"

"They won't hear us, look at all the noise they're making!" Karen pointed upwards, annoyed. There was no use though, Eric didn't want to reduce himself to the level of the guy upstairs. As a result, there was nothing else for the couple to do but to lie there and listen to Jason's masterful fucking. The girl upstairs was really screaming now.

"Yeah! You like taking that black man dick, don't you?" Jason's voice carried over the hardwood floor. The girl moaned that she did. "Take it, bitch. Cum all over daddy's big cock!" Continuous moaning from the girl ensued.

"Wow, she's a real slut. How can she accept him talking to her like that?" Karen stated. Eric mumbled in agreement. The bedsprings kept squeaking louder and louder.

The noises did not let up for over an hour. Finally, Karen broke the silence in the downstairs couple's bedroom "He's really giving it to her, isn't he?" she mused. Eric almost felt envious after Karen's comment. He didn't make much of it, though, and turned over. After a while, he was able to fall into an uneasy sleep. He didn't notice whether Karen had fallen asleep first or not.

Chapter 4: Karen's View

Karen paused the music on her phone, which was fastened tightly in her armband, as she returned from her early-morning run. The sun had just come up, but she was already sweating profusely, drenching her sporty shorts and top. She liked to run often, but not having had sex last night had left her with some pent-up energy she needed to burn off. As she was walking up to the main entrance she spotted a young, attractive brunette sitting by the stairs. She was dressed in a short black dress which was clearly meant for going out at night, and her heels were on the steps next to her. Karen had never seen her around before, and she looked very tired. "Hi, you ok?" Karen asked the girl.

The girl explained she was fine, just waiting for her Uber. Karen offered to keep her company while she recovered from the run and the girl gladly accepted. Just then, the girl's phone rang and she picked up. Karen wondered how old this girl was. She didn't look older than 19 and looked very out of place right then and there. "Hi Dad!" the young girl answered, "Yeah it was a lot of fun. Some dancing and then spent the night at Ashley's." Karen could tell this girl was lying, even if her ******* couldn't, and she was doing so with great ease. "No, of course I didn't go over to Brad's. We did agree to meet up later today though. Anyway, gotta run, Uber's here! See you in a bit!" The girl hung up, said goodbye and thank you to Karen for keeping her company, and started walking barefoot towards the approaching car.

As she did so, both Karen and the girl heard Jason's voice call out from the entrance. "See you around, sexy!" Karen hadn't noticed him behind her, leaning against the entrance as he placed a cigarette in his mouth. She saw the girl turn, blow him a kiss and get in the car. Karen's mind went into overdrive. That little girl had been the brazen slut who had gotten her brains fucked out by Jason the night before! It was shocking to Karen imagining that such a sweet little white girl, who clearly lived with her parents and dated a boy named Brad, had been responsible for all the noise that kept her up for hours the night before. The things Jason had said to that poor girl!

Karen shook off those thoughts as she realized Jason was staring at her in her running clothes. She turned to go inside but Jason put an arm up, blocking her way. "How bout you, baby?" His tone and look were arrogant as ever. "When am I gonna get to try YOUR tight, little, white pussy?"
Karen could not believe his nerve. He was looking at her like if she was a piece of meat. He may be used to little white sluts responding favorably to that kind of treatment, Karen thought, but not her. "Never!" she yelled out as she passed him.

"I know you want some of this big black dick!" Jason yelled back as Karen closed her door behind her. She was breathing heavily. She hated that man so much! She felt so dirty from being talked to like that that she needed a shower. As she peeled off her bottoms, though, she noticed that her panties stuck to her pussy, and it wasn't from the sweat. 'What the hell?' she thought to herself. She couldn't possibly have gotten wet just now. Despite her denial, the overpowering smell of her arousal quickly filled the small bathroom as she removed her clothes. Karen dismissed it as a lack of sex from the night before, when she had been horny, and stepped into the cold shower.

That night, Karen could barely hear what Eric was saying. Something about work. She was so angry about what Jason had said to her. How could he talk to her like that? At one point, Karen even interrupted Eric just to comment on how despicable Jason was, even though Eric had not been talking about Jason at all. She ignored Eric's puzzled look and served herself more wine.

Chapter 5: Karen's View

Karen was ecstatic. Steph would finally arrive that day. The past few weeks had been close to unbearable. Eric had been working late nights, and the few times she had run into Jason (with or without his friends) he had hit on her in a vulgar manner. With Steph here, she would have a companion and wouldn't feel so vulnerable around the apartment complex.

Karen ran to the door as the doorbell rang and opened the door for her friend. Shrieks and hugs were exchanged by the two beautiful girls as they greeted each other. The tour of the small apartment only took a few minutes and Steph put her stuff in the guest room. Karen showed Steph the apartment complex from the balcony, and she was relieved that neither Jason nor his friends were outside. After the preliminary tour, Steph changed into more appropriate clothes for this kind of weather and the lack of AC in the apartment, which meant shorts and a tank top. She had always been gifted with a slim body, which highlighted her nice tits, despite only going to the gym occasionally. The two girls sat down and spent the next couple of hours catching up, talking about Eric and Mark, and gossiping in general.

A few hours later, once it was almost dark, Eric called Karen. Karen picked up, somewhat tipsy. The girls had been drinking wine for some time while they had been talking. Eric was glad the girls were having fun, he had been hoping to have dinner with them on Steph's first night but it was going to be a long night at the office. After Karen hung up, Steph asked if they take the drinking outside for a bit so she could smoke. Karen gladly agreed seeing as it would be slightly cooler outside rather than inside, and the girls made their way to the common patio, glasses and bottle in hand.

The girls were having so much fun drinking and talking in the patio they barely noticed time fly by. It had been dark for quite some time when Jason, Shawn and another of his friends (who Karen later remembered had been called Julius by Jason the day they first moved in) came up to them. As always, they were wearing nothing but basketball shorts and sneakers, making Karen wonder if they even owned shirts. "Hey, Karen! What's up, girl?" Jason asked as the guys walked up and, uninvited, grabbed some seats next to the girls.

Karen rolled her eyes and tried to communicate visually to Steph that these were the guys she had warned her about. But either because of the alcohol or something else, Steph wasn't paying much attention to her. Karen realized that Steph was in some sort of shocked state, staring wide-eyed at Shawn's hulking figure as he sat next to her and started talking to her. Karen could not make out what Shawn was saying to Steph since Jason began talking to her at the same time. "It's a great night to be having some drinks out here, isn't it? Let us join you for a bit." He said as he pulled some cold brews from a six pack and passed them around to his friends. Julius took his while talking on his phone and went inside, leaving Jason and Shawn with the two girls. Karen would normally have stood up and left but she looked over and saw that Steph was already talking to Shawn and the wine was making her feel more sociable and relaxed than normal.

"Only if you can behave like a gentleman." Karen warned while serving herself some more wine.

"Why? That's no fun. Anyone can be a gentleman but it takes a real man to ruffle your feathers." Jason bragged, making Karen laugh drunkenly, despite herself.

Karen and Jason actually talked for some time, mostly the basics about each other, such as where they were from, among other things. Jason was not as rude as usual, which disarmed Karen a bit. It turns out that Jason had lived at the apartment complex for several years now. He even told her that there were some very good places to eat and go out for drinks in this otherwise run-down neighborhood. Karen was keenly interested in what he was saying and paid close attention, asking questions about the things Jason was telling her. At that point, Shawn and Steph joined their conversation as well.

After talking for a bit between the four of them, Jason made a small toast to having drinks with these beautiful girls. Jason even proposed to the girls that they go out for drinks some night at this club nearby. Karen hit one of Jason's large, tattooed arms and reminded him she was married, all while laughing.

"He can come too. Why not? Can't he dance?" Jason replied. Karen actually considered that this might not be such a bad idea. Eric needed a break from work and god knows Karen needed some dancing. They agreed they would go out one day in the weekend, Eric included.

As they kept talking, Karen noticed that Steph had been quiet for a while now. She wasn't smiling anymore either, kind of like if she was just staring ahead at some fixed point. Karen was quite ******* at that moment and couldn't make out what was going on. Things were getting kind of blurry and the lampposts outside provided little light. Shawn had a big smile on his face, though. Karen dismissed it as Steph just being *******.

Then, Karen thought she saw some movement under the glass table. She lowered her view and tried to focus on the movement. In her drunken state, she was able to make out something dark moving against Steph's white skin. Karen almost had to hold her hand to her mouth to keep from exclaiming. Shawn has kneading the inside of Steph's thigh, and Steph had this look of being caught like a dear in headlights. Just then, Karen felt something rubbing pleasantly against her back. She turned and saw Jason's arm wrapped around her chair, his large hands rubbing her back. Karen shot up from her chair and said that they had to go. She quickly grabbed a shocked and ******* Steph and took her up to the apartment.

Once inside the apartment, Steph held her face in embarrassment. "What happened back there?" asked Karen, trying not to sound too harsh or judgmental, but surprised nonetheless.

Steph was still holding her face, "Oh my god! I don't know! I don't know what came over me." She began to panic. Karen held her and calmed her down.

After calming down somewhat, Steph went on to explain that when she saw Shawn she was in complete awe of how large and well-defined his body was. When he began talking to her she just found herself responding to him. She said it had been such a long time since a hot guy had hit on her like that.

Karen couldn't believe her ears. "Hot guy? Shawn!? Really??" she asked looking at her friend. Steph replied that she thought he was hot, very much in fact. She confessed she had always been attracted to black guys, especially tall ones with amazing bodies. Even back in the high school they had both attended, Steph recalled getting extremely aroused whenever a visiting basketball team with black players came to their school. Because of the environment in which they grew up, though, that never became an issue and so she had just never really told anyone. Especially not Mark.

The conversation turned to Mark. Steph couldn't stop talking about how guilty she felt about what had just happened. She was engaged after all! Karen asked if things were good with him or whether there had been any problems lately. Steph told her that things had been going great. Obviously work and routine had taken a toll on the excitement and on their once spontaneous sex life, but things weren't bad. She would never cheat on him, she said. She couldn't even believe she let Shawn touch her like that but it was definitely a one-time occurrence; getting the fantasy out of her system before getting married. That kind of thing. Karen told her not to worry, that she hadn't done anything wrong and that all girls are entitled to wanting to feel sexy. This vacation was their time together and they were going to have fun, she shouldn't be so hard on herself.

Suddenly, the front door opened. Eric had arrived from work. Steph went up to greet him, and so that was the end of that conversation for the remainder of the night. Despite having cheered Steph up, Karen could not believe all that she had just heard. How could she have never known all that about her best friend? How could it be possible that her best friend was attracted to black guys? She had kept this secret to herself for so long. And Shawn? Karen could not have imagined a less likely candidate for her hot friend to lay her eyes on.

Later that night, while in bed, the image of a colossal, dark Shawn sitting very close to her skinny, pale, blonde friend, groping her white, creamy thighs, was etched into Karen's mind as she fell into a fitful sleep.

Chapter 6: Eric's View

Eric was excited. He hadn't gone out partying in what seemed like ages. He put on his best shirt and perfume as he finished getting dressed. It was also going be great going out with Karen and Steph. Eric had always thought Steph was Karen's hottest friend by far, and he took every chance he could to flirt with her in a non-aggressive manner. She was always very friendly and flirted back, but they both knew it was just friends teasing each other and that nothing even remotely serious ever came from it. Still, it was nice for Eric to receive attention like that.

Eric was a bit less than excited about the plan for tonight, however. Jason had invited all of them to this club nearby. Apparently, he knew the owner or something. Eric was obviously not thrilled at the prospect of going out with a ******* dealer and his gang but the girls had begged to go out, and the place was close by. He also hadn't told Karen about the fact that he had witnessed Jason dealing *******, and wasn't about to now. The last thing he needed was for her to want to move again with work being as hectic as it had been lately.

The girls, on the other hand, seemed happy to finally go out dancing. For the past week they had basically done tourist stuff around the city and had spent countless hours shopping in the city's different malls. Eric hadn't been able to spend much time with them because of work, but it was finally Friday and he could use a few drinks. His mood perked up significantly once he saw them come out of the bathroom.

Both girls had taken the opportunity to wear and show off the dresses they had bought during the week. They were short (very short), colorful, and accentuated each of their beautiful bodies amazingly. They had taken a long time doing their makeup as well, and looked breathtaking.

All three of them had a few drinks at the apartment before heading out. Eric reflected on how lucky he was, having these two ridiculously hot girls living under his roof, and soon he'd be dancing with both of them. They were all pretty tipsy at this point and headed out, taking a short cab ride to the nearby club.

The club was surprisingly well-decorated, in stark contrast to the low-key entrance on the street. It also boasted very good speakers, given how they were blasting out hip hop and other dance hits. Several dancing bodies littered the dancefloor and Eric noted that most people there were either black or Hispanic, which seemed to match the demographic of their neighborhood. Eric got some drinks for himself as well as for the two girls and the three of them soon joined the dancing bodies.

Eric was having a great time. Both girls were having fun dancing and didn't mind rubbing up against him playfully. Clearly, the alcohol was clearly having positive effects on all of them.

After dancing for a while, Steph spotted Jason and his friends standing around a low table in the VIP section. Jason waved over to them, inviting them to join them. With all the alcohol and the pleasant time he was having, Eric didn't mind at all. When Steph proposed they go over, Eric found himself nodding as Karen looked to him to see what he thought. The bouncer let them into the VIP area and they headed over to Jason's table, which was crammed with expensive alcohol bottles and mixers. Jason was standing next to two black guys which he introduced to Eric as Shawn and Julius, though the girls already seemed to know them. Eric didn't make much of that fact as he was soon distracted by Jason telling him to serve himself whatever he wanted from the table.

It took very little time of them all mingling for Shawn to approach Steph. After talking for a bit, he simply took her hand and led her to the dancefloor. Eric noticed the apprehension on her face look but saw that she followed him anyways. He even laughed and jokingly whispered to Karen, "What a couple they would make!" and continued laughing. He didn't feel Karen go stiff, but did notice she didn't answer back.

As Eric eagerly served himself from a pricey bottle of vodka, Jason walked up and took Karen's hand. Karen quickly, but subtly, pulled her hand back. From his position, Eric wasn't able to see either that exchange or the look Karen shot Jason. Jason suddenly called out to Eric, "Yo, Eric! I'm gonna take this little lady out to the dancefloor. Help yourself to all the drinks you want."

"Umm, ok." Eric answered, though Jason hadn't really waited on his response. He looked at this tall, dark, well-built man taking his sexy little wife by the hand, not sure that he liked what he was seeing. The contrast between the two of them was astonishing. He decided to keep drinking.

Finding himself alone, he began talking to Julius who was actually not unpleasant to talk to. Julius went on to tell him about himself, even going as far as revealing to Eric that he had been in prison. For tax evasion he claimed, though Eric suspected that wasn't the real reason. After talking for quite some time, he looked out to the dance floor to see how the girls were doing.

Eric spotted Steph first, and he was extremely surprised by what he saw. He knew Steph loved dancing and could be quite flirty, but he did not expect to see her dancing like that with someone that wasn't her fiancée, especially with a black guy like Shawn. She was backing her ass up shamelessly against this behemoth that towered above her. His hands roamed wildly all over, caressing the different parts of her body. Steph's face betrayed how much she was enjoying herself. Even though they had gone out together several times, Eric had never been very close friends with Mark. Despite that, Eric felt a little bad for him at the moment. He didn't think Mark would be very happy if he saw his fiancée at that moment. Eric was also slightly jealous because it wasn't him dancing that way with Steph. Judging by the fun she seemed to be having, he doubted he'd get a chance to that night, either.

He then scanned the room looking for Karen. It took him considerably longer to find her but he did, and she was still dancing with Jason. Since they were farther away from him, however, it was harder to see what was going on. The alcohol didn't help. They were dancing close though, that was for sure. Eric felt a pang of jealousy which almost drove him to walk up to them and take Karen. Almost. Even *******, Eric was intimidated by Jason's size and the fact that he was, after all, a ******* dealer. Besides, unlike Steph, Karen's look on her face appeared much more serious, concentrated even.

When Karen glanced in Eric's direction, her eyes quickly shot up and she moved away from Jason. Eric saw her say something to him and they both walked back to the table. Her face was a bit flushed and her skin shone, showing a hint of perspiration from her exertions on the dancefloor. She approached Eric and gave him a kiss, asking whether he was having fun. Meanwhile, Jason went over to talk to Julius. Karen was definitely tipsy, if not *******, and dragged Eric to the dance floor before he could answer.

As they were dancing, Eric was about to ask Karen how dancing with Jason had been, but was interrupted by her question, "Have you seen, Steph?" Eric mentioned she had been dancing with Shawn, but neither of them could see her around. Karen sent her a text, but there wasn't a response. Eric said she was probably out getting a smoke, she'd surely be back. Eric was so horny from watching his wife and Steph dance that he honestly wasn't so concerned with Steph's absence. He wanted to grind up on his hot wife and then take her home for some much-needed sex. He could tell she was feeling frisky, which Eric assumed was because of all the drinks.

Karen was getting anxious about her friend, though. "Babe, I'm going to go look for her outside. You go see if she's by the bar or the restrooms." she said as she left for the main exit. Eric was left standing alone once again. The night was not going his way. He downed his ******* and went off to look for Steph.

Chapter 7: Karen's View

Karen was actually worried about her missing friend, but another reason for going outside was that she needed some air. 'Yes, I'm *******, but that's no excuse for letting Jason do those things to me!' she scolded herself. A draft of warm summer breeze swept over her refreshingly as she stepped outside. There were some people smoking there, but Steph was nowhere to be found.

Karen's mind quickly went back to the dance floor, however. She remembered how she had kept Jason at bay while dancing, not letting him get too close. He had, nevertheless, continued to get close to her to say things to her ear (since the music was so loud they couldn't hear each other any other way), a few jokes that made her laugh, but then he had kept complementing her, how she looked in that dress, how beautiful her eyes were. Before she knew it, he was pressed up against her while facing each other, making her feel so small as he almost carried her dancing. His smell was intoxicating her almost more than the alcohol. She didn't even realize when he had turned her so her back was to him.

"That ass is so tight! You can drive any man crazy with it!" Jason had almost whispered to her ear as he pressed against her back. Suddenly, she felt a large, heavy object press against her ass. Karen couldn't believe it. That couldn't be his dick. It felt like a nightstick inside his pants! Then she remembered what that pretty young girl had yelled out from Jason's apartment some weeks ago. That, along with the unmistakable feeling pressing relentlessly against her ass, confirmed that it was indeed his huge cock. She was so shocked she barely noticed his large hands caressing the bottom of one of her thighs, right below where the short dress ended. The other large hand was creeping along the side of one of her breasts. She did notice how wet her panties were getting, unable to believe it herself. Was she actually pressing her ass back against? What had gotten into her? She was acting like such a slut!
Just then she had looked up and seen Eric looking at her, and that had snapped her out of it. She had told Jason they had to stop for a bit, and Jason had actually let her go without a scene. 'We should stop for a bit'?? Karen should have told him off, put him in his place! But she hadn't. She felt so ashamed of herself; her drenched panties a harsh reminder of her inappropriate behavior. She decided to go back inside and keep looking for Steph.

Karen passed a secluded hallway on her way back to the main dancefloor but something caught her eye. She turned and was astonished for the second time in the same night. She saw a tall, black, colossal figure, which could only be Shawn, holding up in the air a petite little body and pressing it against the wall. Blonde hair was swinging all over. Looking closely, she could see his lips almost swallowing Steph's. His hands were holding her by her ass and his fingers were roaming all over that area of her body.

Karen ran over calling out her name. The couple turned in surprise as Shawn let her down to the floor and backed away. Steph had drunken panic written all over her face, her dress and hair completely disheveled. "Holy *******! Karen! I'm so sorry! I fucked up so bad!" she cried out.

Karen came over to Steph and hugged her best friend. She told her not to worry, that she was ******* they were going to take her home. Since they were close to the entrance, she told Steph to wait here while she went to get Eric. Steph begged Karen not to tell Eric about what had just happened, saying it was a one-time fuckup and that she didn't want people knowing about it. Karen agreed and told her not to worry as she hurried to get Eric.

She found Eric alone at the VIP table, serving himself another *******. She decided she wouldn't tell him what she had witnessed, mainly because she didn't want him to know that about her best friend, but there might have been another reason she didn't want to worry her husband. A far more selfish, disturbing reason that Karen could not bring herself to even acknowledge. "We need to go. Now!" she urged. Eric put down his ******* and followed her. Karen caught herself wondering where Jason was, and then quickly scolded herself for having such thoughts. Why would she care about where he was? Was she jealous?

Steph wasn't by the entrance, however. She wasn't outside either. Karen looked everywhere but couldn't find her and she wasn't answering her phone. She couldn't find Shawn either, and that made Karen even more worried. They looked once again inside the club but their search was futile. After some time, Karen's gut sense told her what to do.

"Honey, let's just go home. I'm sure she'll be fine." she said to a puzzled Eric.

"What? Just leave her here??"

"Trust me. She probably already took a ******* cab home. She has a spare key after all." Karen took Eric and they hopped into a cab.

The drive home was short and Eric had tried to get frisky with Karen, successfully. Even despite the drama involving her friend, Karen responded aggressively to Eric's groping and kissing, aided greatly by the copious amounts of alcohol they had all consumed that night, but also because of all of the attention her body had received at the hands of someone else.

As they stepped into their apartment, Karen could no longer say she was surprised by the sounds she heard. Eric, on the other hand, was floored.

All the lights were off, except for a dim ray of light coming from the partially closed door to the guest room. The apartment was alive with noise, however. A headboard banging against a wall and bedsprings squeaking repeatedly were no match for Steph's loud moans, "Oh my fucking god! Yeah, take that pussy with your big black cock!"

Instead of rushing to stop her friend's infidelity, a foreign, wicked feeling crept over Karen. She had never felt this way before. It was almost like an out-body-experience and a completely different person had taken over her body. Maybe it was the alcohol or the events from that night, but, whatever it was, she looked at Eric and held her finger to her lips signaling him to be quiet. She took off her heels and began tiptoeing towards the guest room, despite Eric's whispered cry asking her what she was doing. This was so unlike her, to be this brazen, but something inside her drove her to keep going. She peeked inside and the sight was breathtaking.

Steph was splayed out naked on the bed, her long, blonde hair spread all over it. Her full, beautiful tits were bouncing back and forth as Shawn's gigantic body covered her fair-skinned, petite frame. There were pieces of clothes strewn all over, clearly discarded in an urgent hurry. The small room reeked of sex.

Shawn's massive black cock was sawing in and out of Steph, making her yell out each time he bottomed out. It was enormous! It was also fully coated in Steph's juices, providing much-needed lubrication for the skinny blonde. Karen could hardly believe she was taking all of it. Even more surprising was seeing her sexy white legs wrapped around his muscular ass, pressing him into her, as if begging to have her cheating cunt filled beyond what was possible. From up close, Karen could clearly hear the sexy sounds of their adulterous, sweating bodies colliding violently. The stark contrast of size and color was astounding.

Eric approached and began witnessing this incredible spectacle for himself. He was as astounded and entranced as Karen was. The couple stood watching much longer than they needed in order to confirm Steph's infidelity, but clearly, they couldn't peel their eyes away. Nobody could have blamed them, though. Few sights could have been as erotic as witnessing this unlikely but powerful union. Steph's gaze was striking. She was looking intently at her lover, her wide-open eyes communicating the intense pleasure she was receiving. But Karen also recognized something deeper in her stare. It was the look of a woman that was being owned, in the most primal sense of the word.

Karen should have been appalled by what was going on, but instead she felt her pussy getting soaked for the second time that night. It implored urgent attention. She took Eric by the hand and led him quickly to their bedroom, closing the door behind them. That still couldn't drown out the noises from the couple next door, "Oh yeah, I love that sweet tight pussy. You're getting blacked now!" Shawn declared, to which Steph replied by screaming out that she loved it.

Karen and Eric fell on their bed while making out. Karen peeled down the top of her dress, giving Eric access to her small, firm tits, and he eagerly devoured them. She was so horny that she didn't wait for him and began removing her completely drenched panties herself. Eric looked down at her totally shaved, glistening pussy, clearly perplexed as to how she had gotten so wet in such a short period of time (or so he thought). "Fuck me, baby! I need you to fuck me hard right now!" Karen begged, rolling her hips, desperate to feel contact against her burning sex.

Eric rapidly took off his clothes and got on top of her. However, the excessive amounts of alcohol he had ingested, supplied mostly by Jason's lavish purchases at the VIP table, were preventing him from reaching his normal hardness. He was horny for sure, Karen could tell, but his dick was only at half mast, flopping around near her pussy instead of penetrating her like she needed. Karen began to feel frustrated, and the deafening noises coming the adjacent room only taunted the couple. She couldn't take it anymore and grabbed Eric by his hair, pushing his head down towards her pussy. Eric took the cue and began lapping hungrily at her pussy, but Karen didn't let go of his head.

She was feeling unusually aggressive that night, fueled by Steph's yells which carried through the wall, "Oh god, I've never been fucked like this! It's so deep! So deep! Give me that black man dick!" Karen pushed Eric's head more forcefully against her cunt, taking full control of his face. She noticed that he had started jacking off with his free hand. As soon as they heard Shawn roar out and yell that he was filling Steph up with his seed, Eric came all over the bed, disappointing Karen. She wasn't done, however, and kept his face on her pussy, soaking his entire face. After a while, Eric pulled back and said he couldn't go on anymore, complaining about his jaw.

Karen was left to her own devices and began furiously rubbing her pussy. As she closed her eyes, imagines of a dark figure crept into her head uninvited. She tried to push them out but it was useless. She saw a pair of large, familiar, tattooed arms on either side of her head. No, this was so wrong. She was a married woman! Her mind couldn't help it, though, and she pictured an impossibly large, black cock pressing into her. She came harder than she had ever cum in her entire life.

As she looked wearily over to her side she noticed Eric was *******. How long had she been touching herself? Guilt from her behavior of that night built inside her as she slipped on a fresh pair of panties, an old top and slipped into bed. What was going to happen the following day?? Steph had cheated on her fiancée, and she was still going to be here for another three weeks! 'God, I'm *******.' Karen thought and closed her eyes. Right before falling asleep, she heard the bedsprings begin to squeak again from the next room.
The room was spinning. The ray of light coming in through the window and shining on Eric's closed eyes, coupled with the unbearable heat in the room, only made his miserable state an unbearable agony. He couldn't recall the last time he had been this hungover. Simply lifting his head from the pillow was enough to make it ache. He needed a glass of water if he was to survive the morning. He decided to muster his strengths and head for the kitchen.

As he got up he saw Karen was sound asleep in bed. She had clearly gotten warm overnight and had kicked off the comforter, revealing her toned sexy legs and beautiful ass with only a pair of small pink panties to cover it. 'She's absolutely gorgeous' he thought to himself.

After downing a glass of cold water, and then another, Eric suddenly heard a noise behind him. He turned and saw a shape pass some distance away, headed in away from him. Once his bloodshot eyes were able to make out what the shape was, memories of the night before began rapidly flooding into his mind. Images of him and the girls at the club dancing, seeing Karen getting grinded on by Jason, Steph's loud moans coming in through the thin walls, and finally his inability to give Karen a good fucking. Arousal, shock and shame coursed through Eric's hungover body all at the same time.

All these feelings were brought on by what Eric was seeing, or better said, who he was seeing. Shawn had apparently been in the apartment's only bathroom before Eric came out to the kitchen, and he was now walking back towards the guest room. It took Eric less than a microsecond to recognize that tall, hulking figure, so he didn't even have to glance at his face to recognize him. What left Eric dumbfounded was the fact that Shawn was completely naked. His black skin highlighted his musclebound figure, but it was impossible for Eric not to notice his immense cock swinging as he walked. Eric had never felt self-conscious about the size of his dick, as far as he was concerned it was over the average size and women had always seemed pleased. But the image of Shawn's cock shook him. It was flaccid and even so was considerably longer and thicker than Eric when hard. Shawn walked into the guest room and closed the door behind him.

Eric, slightly more alert now, walked quietly but quickly back into the master bedroom and shut the door. He opened the window more than it already was, desperate to get a cool draft into the stuffy room. Karen finally turned and looked at Eric, "What are you doing up already?" she inquired.

"Can you believe that Shawn is still here!?" he whispered loudly, lest he be heard across the wall.

"How do you know?" asked Karen, puzzled.

"Because I went out to get some water and I saw him. He was walking around naked! Who the fuck does this guy think he is??" said Eric in an irritated voice.

"What? Really!?" Karen was truly appalled by such disrespectful attitude. At the same time, though, the thought of such bold behavior and briefly picturing Shawn walking around with his large cock swaying heavily from side to side stirred something much deeper inside her, almost on a subconscious level, which began to arouse her.

"Yeah, guy's out of his fucking mind!" chided Eric as he laid back down on the bed. His head was still pounding, so he rested it on his pillow while talking to Karen, who was lying down facing in that same direction, her back towards him.

"You need to talk to Steph. This situation has gotten out of control in every way imagina-" Eric was suddenly interrupted by peculiar noises coming from the next room. The few, interspersed squeaks from the mattress were louder than the ones he had heard last night, a sign that Shawn had given its springs a proper workout and they were now alerting to even the smallest movement on the bed.

"Ow..." a faint moan was heard over the wall. Eric couldn't believe this. He looked at Karen to see her reaction but he could only see the silky dark hair on the back of her head.

"Is this guy serious?" Eric complained.

"Baby, I can't believe it either. I am as shocked and appalled as your, and I am definitely going to talk to Steph later, but I'm not about to walk in there right now and stop them. You're welcome to if you want." Karen said in a stern voice from her position, not bothering to turn to face Eric. After saying that, the couple stayed silent for a few minutes.

Eric was not about to go knock on that door. How on earth was he to barge in and kick out that behemoth? Especially while he was fucking a stunningly hot girl. That would be next to impossible. Besides, to be honest, the growing sounds of Steph being ravaged by that intimidatingly-large man were turning Eric on. He had always found Steph to be ridiculously hot, by far the hottest of any of Karen's friends. Hearing her in the throes of passion was bound to get Eric horny, but what was strange for him was that it wasn't just hearing her moan while being pleasured. It was picturing her slender frame taking the enormous cock that Eric had just seen. Perhaps it was also the taboo of her pale skin and blonde hair writhing under that black mass of muscle and sinew. Eric had gotten undoubtedly hard.

Just then, he felt Karen's ass brush against his dick. He thought she might have merely been shifting positions in bed, but then he felt her ass again, decidedly pressing back against him. Eric didn't even pause to think what was causing Karen's arousal, and dove in to lick the back of Karen's neck, one of her known weak points. His tongue was going crazy on her skin as Karen pushed her ass back, searching for contact with Eric's cock, and the couple began breathing heavily.

Moaning from the adjacent room had grown into a loud chorus, adding urgency to the movements of Karen and Eric. Eric desperately grabbed hold of Karen's panties and lowered them down to her knees. He did the same with his boxers and pulled Karen's supple ass towards him. This time, his hardness was not an issue and her hot wet entrance welcomed him like a satin glove.

"Yes, baby, god that feels good!" exhaled Karen as she began massaging her tits. Her other hand crept down to her pussy.

"You're so wet! It feels so good!"

Eric was starting to pick up the pace of his lovemaking, determined to give Karen a good fuck. He wanted to show her that the night before had been a fluke. His thoughts were interrupted by a suddenly loud outburst from Shawn in the other room.

"Nah, you know what to call me. Say it!" his voice boomed.

"Yes, Daddy! Fuck, I love your cock, Daddy!" squealed Steph.

Eric was extremely surprised. Steph had always been very decorous, much like Karen, and would have slapped anyone who made the slightest disrespectful remark towards her. He could never have imagined her submitting to such a level.

"Louder, bitch!"

"Own that black man-loving pussy, Daddy! It's all yours! Fuuuck!" Steph's shrieks could probably be heard throughout the apartment complex at this point.

"Oh my god..." Karen was apparently just as astonished as Eric was.

All of this was too much for Eric, who had been doing so well up to that point. A sudden surge of arousal swept over him. He was unable to control himself and came loudly inside Karen.

"What? You came already??" complained Karen.

Eric was even more embarrassed than the night before. "Oh my god, babe, I don't know what came over me! I was fine, ready for a nice long fuck like always but out of nowhere I just came. I'm so sorry!"

Karen's look was not very sympathetic. She had been robbed of a much-needed orgasm and Eric could see the frustration on her face. "Ok, well, I don't know, at least finish me off!" she begged.

"With my mouth?" Eric did not hide his disgust. "But baby, your pussy is full of cum!"

Karen was furious. She pulled up her panties and stormed off to the bathroom. Eric was left alone with the sounds of the rutting couple still going strong.

Chapter 9: Karen's View

The waiter took away their menu's after writing down the brunch order from the two beauties in front of him. He struggled mightily to not be obvious about staring but failed as far as Karen was concerned. It was hot outside but that made the terrace less crowded, and Karen wanted some privacy. They were able to find a table with plenty of shade.

Steph sipped on the glass of ice-cold water in front of her, clearly uncomfortable. Nevertheless, she took a deep breath and started "I know what you're thinking. I must be the worst person on earth. I've completely betrayed every single moral principle I've believed in. And I definitely betrayed Mark, who's done nothing but been the best boyfriend and fiancée a woman could ask for. All for a black guy I've only seen twice." She took another nervous gulp of water then put the glass down with a more determined look on her pretty face, "But I have to tell you, Karen, it was worth it. All of it. Every single betrayal; I would do it all over again if I had the chance. And now that I've experienced THIS, there's no way I'm going back to my life as it was before."

Karen sat there in stunned silence for several, long moments. Her brain wasn't registering the implications of what Steph was saying. Karen had thought this conversation was going to be far less direct, and this had caught her off guard. "Wait, what do you mean? Not going back to what?"

"Mark. My life with him. I guess maybe even sex with white guys in general. I don't know, I just don't want this to end. Ever." Steph sounded somewhat remorseful, but nowhere near how she should be feeling after doing and saying all these horrible things, Karen thought.

"So that's it?! You're really going to end things with Mark, your wedding, all because of a night of sex?!" Karen was wondering what had happened to her best friend and who this person was that had replaced her.

"Yes. I know it sounds hurried and extreme, but I've been thinking about it since last night and all morning, and I don't even have a shred of doubt in my mind." Steph exhaled, as if she had taken a huge weight off her chest, "Now I'm going to wait until he returns from his project. I can't tell him all this over the phone. The least I can do is break it off in person, looking him in the eyes."

Karen knew her friend very well (or at least she thought she did up until today) and if she was this dead set on something, she was not about to change her mind just now. Although she felt bad for Mark, Steph was her best friend and she would try to be as supportive as possible to her. "Listen, Steph, you know I love you with all my heart. I want you to know that I'll always be there for you. If this is your decision then that's fine with me. And obviously Eric and I want you to stay with us as long as you want, and definitely for the remaining three weeks of your vacation." The girls held hands and looked at each other. They had been friends since they were teenagers, a bond much greater than what any moral principle could dictate.

The girls ate brunch and drank their mimosas. Things between them seemed to be back to how they were before the night before. At least they seemed that way. After refilling their mimosas more than once, Steph couldn't help herself, "Oh my god, Karen, if I could only explain to you what it felt like with Shawn. You know I had already slept with my other boyfriends before Mark, but I swear to god it's as if I had never been fucked before! He made me feel things I had never felt...ever!" Steph had this look on her face like she was reminiscing.

"Yeah, you guys got really loud last night...AND this morning." Karen commented, trying to nag her friend. In truth, however, she was envious, even though she didn't realize that was what she was feeling. The only orgasm she had had recently, though a great one, had been the night before thanks to the skills of her own hand, but that memory was tarnished by the illicit thoughts that had crept into her mind while doing it. This morning had been even worse. She had been so horny, the lack of a good fuck from the night before and the enviable cries of pleasure from her friend had gotten her wet. Eric had started fucking her, reminding her that they actually had a good sex life, at least she remembered it that way. It seemed like ages ago in any case. Ever since their first night it had tapered off substantially, and this morning had been an all-time low. Eric had orgasmed way too fast, just when she was getting started, and Karen's attempts to get off in the shower had been fruitless.

Steph laughed, bringing one hand up to her face in slight embarrassment, "Sorry about that! I'm usually not loud at all but I don't know what got over me. I felt like Shawn took complete control of me and was making me do whatever he wanted. And wow! I want him to keep doing it. I'm horny already just from thinking about it." Steph playfully bit her lower lip and shifted in her chair.

"So, I take it you're going to keep seeing Shawn." Karen asked, almost rhetorically at this point.

"Oh yeah, definitely! But don't worry. I don't want to make Eric and you uncomfortable, so I'll probably 'see' him at his place in the apartment complex. It's on the other side of it. But I still want to stay with you and enjoy OUR vacation. What do you say?" Steph held out her hand to her friend.

Karen took her hand happily and the two girls smiled at each other. Steph couldn't help herself and blurted out "God, Karen, if only you would try it too! You'd be a changed woman, I swear! I'm sure Jason would give it to you so good, I've seen how he looks at you. You'd cum like never before. You have no idea how much black guys love fucking white girls like us..." She stopped talking when she realized Karen was not amused.

Karen was indeed bothered by what Steph was saying. She would never cheat on Eric, Steph knew that, regardless of her newfound sexuality. It didn't help that she was flaunting her sexual satisfaction at Karen, who was so frustrated that day. What Karen refused to acknowledge, even to herself, was the reaction her body had to the mention of Jason's name, especially in the context of sex.

"I'm so sorry, Karen. I shouldn't have said that. I know you and Eric are an amazing couple, and you guys probably have an incredible sex life. Forget what I said." Steph apologized and asked a passing waiter for the check.

Karen ****** a smile. She wished they hadn't sat outside. Her pussy was moist, surely from sweating, she told herself.

Chapter 10: Eric's View

Eric was awed by what he was seeing. Once again, he had come home late from work. Karen was already asleep in their room, but Eric had made himself a sandwich in the small kitchen and was looking out the balcony. In the common patio, Jason, Shawn and Julius were sitting around talking to each other, drinking, smoking weed and listening to rap music. With the dark of night as well as of that of the guys' skin, pale blonde Steph should have stood out like a sore thumb, but she looked right at home sitting there on Shawn's lap, confidently talking with the rest of the gang. She looked downright slutty, in a pair of ripped jean shorts that showed the lower part of her ass cheeks and a white top so revealing that it may as well have been a just push-up bra. Shawn's hands roamed wantonly all over her ass and legs while she talked, and she did nothing to slow or stop him.

Only a bit more than a week had passed since Steph first got fucked by Shawn, but her transformation during that time had not gone unnoticed by Eric. She had been spending less and less time at their apartment; the only night she spent with them in it was the night after her first fuck with Shawn. Since then, she had spent every night at his apartment, and half of her things were at his place already. She had basically become Shawn's girlfriend for all intents and purposes.

That wasn't all, though. Everything about her had changed. She had gone from being a prim and proper future housewife, naïve and sweet, always dressed sexy but classy, to dressing and behaving like a true skank. Increasingly over the past week, Eric had seen her sauntering around in anything that would show her ass and tits to the fullest extent without being naked. Undoubtedly, this had to be Shawn's influence, getting her to dress the way he wanted. He would grope her lewdly in public, a reminder to Eric that, even though he actually enjoyed Steph's new trashy, revealing wardrobe, she wasn't revealing herself for his benefit. Steph was also talking differently now, in a very confident manner, even using phrases and slang that she had never used before.

Eric had also noticed that the relationship between Karen and Steph had drastically deteriorated during this time. Eric surmised that it was probably due to Steph's transformation. After all, Karen wasn't into this whole urban "street" culture, and would never dress, talk or act like that. Eric had noted, however, that things had changed between them for the worse much more sharply after Wednesday night of the week before, about five days after Steph had first slept with Shawn. But Eric hadn't had the chance to talk about it with Karen.

As Eric finished his sandwich, he could see Steph leaning back and making out with Shawn, caressing his face and neck as she did so. She paused only to take a puff from the joint that was being passed around. Eric recollected that Karen had told him that Steph had only smoked weed one time, with her, back in high school and that neither of them liked it much. He almost smiled to himself at that thought. Steph certainly seemed to be enjoying it now.

Shawn had apparently had enough talking, drinking and smoking and wanted something else now, as he picked up Steph and carried her over to his side of the apartment complex after saying goodbye to the rest of the gang. Steph waved back to them as well.

Eric was envious. His own sex life had not been that active recently, and Karen had averted his last couple of advances. Normally this meant something was on her mind, given that Karen could rarely be aroused if she was going through a mentally stressful period or something of the sort. He was ashamed of the fact that his past couple of performances had left much to be desired. Still, the images of a hot, slutty Steph lingered in his mind, making him hard. Eric masturbated in the bathroom to those mental images before going to bed.

Chapter 11: Karen's View

Heat emanated from the pavement as Karen's rhythmic footsteps hit the sidewalk. Karen ran regularly, part of the reason why her body was in such spectacular shape. She was running with much more determination than usual this time, as she sometimes did when she was angry, unhappy or particularly stressed out. She was currently feeling a shifting combination of those emotions.

Karen knew that Steph was going to keep seeing Shawn, she had even told her as much. It didn't even surprise her that much that they had so quickly become a "couple" of sorts, which was the reason why she had seen her friend less and less these last few days. But she had not expected her best friend to become a completely different person. She was dressing and acting like a whore just to please Shawn. He had taken her shopping a couple of days after she started spending the night at his place and bought her outfits that were completely unlike anything Steph would have even found approvable up until now. When Steph had showed them to Karen excitedly, Karen had tried to show some enthusiasm, but instead ended up asking her if she was sure she wanted to be seen wearing such risqué garments.

"Of course! I feel so sexy in them! Beside...all the guys love it!" Steph had responded. Karen didn't even ask who 'the guys' were, with Steph's brazen behavior it could have been Shawn, Jason and their friends or just all guys in general.
A couple of days later, Steph showed up at Karen's apartment sporting a mischievous smile, similar to the ones each of them would have when they misbehaved back in high school. Steph was so giddy, "So I know it's a bit crazy but don't freak out, ok?" She laughed and pulled up her sleeveless top.

Steph's flawless, natural tits bounced down, unrestrained by any bra. Karen immediately noticed the change. Both of her best friend's nipples were pierced, a straight barbell piercing going through each small, pink nub. "Oh my god! Doesn't that hurt??" Karen exclaimed. Steph had never had any other piercings other than the ones in her earlobes before these.

"Yeah! It did for like a second. After that though, it feels fucking amazing! It's like they're being constantly stimulated. Oh, and they make sex so much hotter! Shawn loves them and each time he licks my nipples it's like they're on fire!" Steph licked her lips lustily while thinking about it, then turned back to Karen and smiled, "You should get them too! That way we can match like we always do!"

"Haha! Yeah, maybe next lifetime." Karen laughed. She didn't want to hurt Steph's feelings but it was disturbing seeing such lewd jewelry on her friend. Karen would never even consider doing such a thing. That was without even taking into account the pain involved. At the same time, though, Karen had to admit that the piercings, the clothes and the way Steph flaunted her newfound sex appeal made her exude a raw sexuality that lingered around her. Deep down, Karen was simultaneously intimidated by it and envious of it.

Despite all these changes, Karen was willing to look past them and love her friend all the same. That was until last Wednesday night at least.

Steph had invited Karen to a barbeque hosted by one of Shawn's friends who lived in a house not far from the apartment complex. Since Eric would be working late as usual, Karen decided to go with her friend. A barbeque did sound nice after all.

The two girls arrived together after dark. Karen was wearing a pair of short jean shorts, some nice sandals and a pink tank top. Steph's outfit was far racier and more revealing. When they arrived, Karen noticed it was a pretty massive barbeque party. The large backyard was full of black men along with an assortment of black, Latino and even white women. Several guys eyed the two girls hungrily as they passed, but it didn't take long for Steph to run up to Shawn and jump on him, planting a big wet kiss on his lips. Karen said hi to him as well, having seen him only occasionally over those past few days. Shawn handed the two girls beers as they talked for a bit, and soon Karen began feeling more comfortable in this environment. After a while, she turned and her heart stopped for half a second.

Jason was leaning against a table, talking to a group of people. The girls around him seemed smitten by him. Karen hadn't seen Jason since the night at the club when they danced and seeing him brought back memories of that night. As Karen glanced at him, he looked at her with a smile and winked. He then said something to the people he was talking to and began walking towards her. Her stomach did summersaults as he did, and Karen quickly scolded herself. She was acting like a young schoolgirl in front of her crush! She shouldn't feel or behave that way.

"Hey gorgeous! You're looking stunning as always." Jason greeted Karen, making her blush.

"Hey to you too!" Karen didn't say it, but she liked the way his white V-neck shirt looked on him, highlighting his muscly frame.

"I'm glad you came. This party was getting dull without you." Jason said smoothly.

"I don't know about that. Those girls seemed eager to entertain you." Karen replied before she could even think her sentence through. Had she just said that??

"Is Karen actually jealous?" Jason looked down at her with an incredulous smile. Karen punched his arm playfully in reply.

The two talked for a long time. Every now and then, Jason would put his arm around her in a friendly, non-threatening way, and Karen couldn't deny that she liked the feeling. The fact that she was on her third beer and only choosing to eat a little from the barbeque increased such feelings. Karen was almost disappointed when Jason got a call on his cell that he said would take a while and went inside the house to take. She joined Steph and Shawn in conversation with other people.

Another beer later, Steph asked Karen to accompany her to the bathroom. The two girls were already pretty tipsy as they went inside. "Ugh, I can't wait to get back to the apartment and get some big black cock inside me. Get put to bed right." Steph explicitly stated as she rearranged her makeup in the bathroom. Karen rolled her eyes at Steph but thought to herself how she was in need of a good fucking too. Drinking always put her in the mood, and not having been satisfied in a long while added fuel to that fire. Steph then got a message on her phone from Shawn that made her giggle, but she didn't comment on it out loud.

As they left the bathroom, Steph told Karen she wanted to show her something. She led Karen down a hall in which the lights were off. Karen would have protested but decided to play along. When they came up to a slightly parted door, Karen asked what it was they were looking for. Steph beckoned her to come closer. As she did, Steph pushed Karen into the dimly lit room and closed the door behind her, yelling out "Enjoy!" as she did.

Karen was caught completely off guard as she turned and checked the closed door. She was too ******* to figure out how to open it quickly. As she turned to examine the room, she saw Jason standing by the window, still on his phone. The room was dark except for some light coming from a small lamp next to a twin bed. There was no one else inside the room. A few seconds later, Jason calmly hung up his phone and downed his beer. He turned and was not surprised to see Karen standing there, though he didn't seem to have been expecting her either.

"Sit down." He said confidently, almost dominatingly, but in his smooth, deep voice. Karen found herself sitting down on the edge of the bed, not quite sure why she was obeying him. Jason peeled off his shirt, exposing his chiseled body, and walked up Karen until he was right in front of her. She looked up at him, everything inside her was screaming that she had to stand up right now and leave but an inexplicable ******* was keeping her from moving. Jason took her dainty, manicured hand and pressed it to his well-formed abs. Karen didn't know what was more impressive, the feeling of his six-pack or the striking contrast of skin colors.

Karen was so dumbstruck that she didn't notice as Jason unbuckled his belt and lowered his jeans. Her eyes darted downwards when she spotted a massive dark shape flop in front of her. Her eyes opened wide like saucers. She was staring at the largest, blackest, thickest, most beautiful cock she had ever seen. It was so different from Eric's. This actually looked powerful.

"Touch it." Jason's second command was just as firm as his first. Karen felt like a puppet, unable to control her own movements. Some puppeteer was guiding her hand as it brushed down his abs, down his smooth, shave groin area, and around it down one of his thighs. That same hand came up and her small delicate fingers wrapped around the base of that thick tool and lifted it. Karen immediately noticed how heavy it was, almost like a small dumbbell. It was so warm and firm as well. She noticed that even his low-hanging balls were like a pair of plums. Everything was so big. Karen was mesmerized.

As Karen inspected this huge cock, she suddenly inhaled his manly scent. Karen was instantly intoxicated by it, and she instinctively licked her lips without consciously realizing it. Eric didn't exude this aroma, and she asked herself if perhaps that was why she didn't like giving him head or having her face near his dick for too long. Quite the contrary, she felt very comfortable at that exact moment, her face only inches from Jason's mighty cock.

"Kiss the head." Jason's deep voice was directing her body. Karen wasn't even thinking anymore, just reacting. Her face slowly leaned in, getting closer to the large dark head of his cock. Her lips instinctively pursed.

As her lips were about to make contact with Jason's cock, the door behind him flew open. A ******* white girl was leading a large black man in by the hand, laughing and yelling. Karen snapped awake, torn away from her trance. She instantly realized what she was doing, and what she had been about to do. What had come over her? She was happily married and had never once been seriously tempted to be unfaithful to Eric. Yet here she was, her face less than an inch away from a big black cock. How did she wind up like this!? She noticed her engagement ring and wedding band pressed against the darks skin of Jason's manhood and her eyes instantly welled up with tears. She got to her feet as fast as she could and ran out, crying.

Steph came running up to Karen when she saw her in the main hall and tried to hug her, but Karen immediately pushed her away. "I hate you!! Why did you do that!? How could you betray me like this??" Karen yelled. She blamed Steph for all of this.

"What!? I thought you wanted this!! I've seen how you look at Jason. I just figured you needed a little push for bravery. I know how you'd love it! You'd be a new woman!" Steph tried to explain.

"I don't to be a new woman and I don't want to be like you! I'm not a slut!!" Karen screamed and ran outside, going straight home.

Karen was now running with that same resolve, but in broad daylight and with a pair of tightly-laced running sneakers instead of sandals. As the days had passed her anger had cooled somewhat. She had not spoken to or seen Steph or Jason since that night, though, and fighting with her best friend had kept her constantly on edge. She didn't like feeling so distant to the person she considered basically her sister.

As she approached the apartment complex, she saw Steph waiting, apparently for her, near the main entrance. Karen could tell Steph had been crying. Even though Karen was drenched in sweat, Steph hugged her as she cried. Karen's anger melted and she hugged Steph back, crying a bit herself. The two girls went inside Karen's apartment.

"I'm so sorry, Karen. Really! I know you're happily married to Eric. What I did was so stupid! I guess maybe I wanted to have you be more like me. It was a dumb idea. I promise I won't interfere with your marriage or your relationship with Eric ever again." Steph hugged Karen again, who hugged her back tightly and forgave her.

After some small talk, once both girls were a bit calmer, Steph cleared her throat. "So, remember how we had talked about going to the beach? It's only a couple of hours away by car."

"Yeah, I remember." Karen thought for a second about how awesome it would be to go. It implied renting a cabin or something, and she knew how Eric had been so careful about their finances lately that she hadn't brought it up all summer.

"Well...Jason rented a house over there. He wanted to apologize to you as well. He knows he got carried away with you and went over the line. As a means of an apology, he wanted to invite you and Eric to go over there with all of us for the long weekend coming up. I'm going with Shawn and there's an extra room for you two. We should go!" Steph was beaming with excitement.

Karen wasn't so sure, the memory of the barbeque still fresh in her mind. She didn't know if she could handle looking Jason in the eyes again. Steph looked so excited though, and the thought of a long weekend at the beach with all this heat was very appealing. "I don't know. I'm not sure it's such a good idea." Karen said hesitantly.

"Nonsense! Eric will love it! God knows he works so hard he needs a vacation. Besides, you guys don't have to pay for anything. It's Jason's treat!" Steph said as she took hold of Karen's hands. "A laid-back beach vacation, just like in the old days!"

"Well, I guess I could talk to Eric..."

Chapter 12: Eric's View

Sometimes, the worst weeks are those that start off with the promise of being one of the best. When Karen had asked him about the beach plans, he had genuinely been excited. They really did need a vacation, and Eric was confident that some salty sea breeze and relaxation would bring his mojo back in the bedroom. Eric insisted they should go, despite Karen's hesitance. They would leave early on Thursday morning and would stay at the beach until Sunday night. Eric also liked the fact that the trip would basically be free.

Things would take a turn for the worst on Monday night of that same week. Eric arrived home at a decent hour, parking in a spot down the street he usually used. It had gotten dark recently, but even so Eric was able to see Jason in a back alley nearby. He was talking to a huge bearded white guy who looked like he'd taken too many steroids, wearing military cargo shorts and a black Slayer t-shirt. Eric surmised that this was another ******* deal going down. He wasn't able to confirm his suspicions, however.

Suddenly, the two men started yelling at each other, their body posture immediately shifting to one of confrontation. Eric couldn't make out what they were yelling, but he witnessed the white guy, who looked even larger than Jason, lunge at him. Jason dodged the incoming blow, sidestepping and then blocking the ensuing strikes. Jason was able to land a hard blow in the white guy's gut, knocking the wind out of him. Jason then grabbed his bald head and smashed it into the nearby brick wall, twice. The white man fell to the ground below him, forming a small puddle of *******.

Jason spat on him and walked away, but right as he was leaving, he turned and saw Eric peaking at the scene from inside his car. Eric was visibly startled and pretended not to be looking at the scene, obviously not doing a very good job. He feared for his life. When he looked back up, Jason was still staring back at him in a serious, menacing way. After a couple of dread-filled seconds, Jason walked away. Eric's heart was beating as hard as it had in years and he was sweating profusely. After a few minutes of sitting still, he finally built up the courage to walk inside the apartment complex.

Since he had never mentioned to Karen that he knew about the fact that Jason was a ******* dealer, he elected to keep his mouth shut about what he had seen that night, not wanting to have to explain why he had concealed information from her. He realized later that night that this would make the weekend at the beach extremely uncomfortable, if not outright dangerous, for both of them.

Even more problems piled on Wednesday of that week. A major project Eric was working on in the office hit a crisis, and if the whole team didn't stay to address it, they would risk losing a key client, gravely jeopardizing their budding consulting firm. Eric tried everything to solve or delegate the crisis before the weekend, but since they had barely hired any staff this was not possible. He was going to have to stay in the city for at least a few days of that weekend.

When he had told Karen about this, she had hesitantly asked if he wanted to cancel the trip to the beach. He knew that she was looking forward to going, though. She had even gone shopping for bikinis with Steph, showing Eric that things between the two girls had improved as of late. He told her to go, and that he would take the car over there as soon as he was done and join them for the remaining days.

"Are you sure, baby?" she had asked in her sweet, tender voice, filled with so much doubt.

"Yeah! It will be great for both of us! We could use a vacation like this."

That had been the day before. Now, on Thursday morning, Eric felt substantially more anxious about his decision.

He had decided to go in late to the office that day so that he could help Karen get her stuff together and say a proper goodbye. He felt bad enough as it was for not leaving with her and wanted to take some time to show how much he cared about her. His anxiety level was through the roof though. His phone kept vibrating with text messages and emails from work the entire time, and the reality that his lovely wife was leaving town with her now-slutty best friend and two enormous black guys hit him in the face.

Eric couldn't stop admiring how gorgeous Karen looked. She was walking barefoot around the living/dining room of the small apartment, getting the last of her things packed, wearing some really short shorts and a bikini top, which made sense given that most likely they would hit the beach right away when they got there. Some of her brunette hair draped sexily over her beautiful face as she kept bending to retrieve and pack clothing items, and Eric was almost prepared to quit his job right then and there just to go with her.

Right as he was thinking that, the door to their apartment, which they had left ajar in order to begin moving Karen's stuff down, flew open. In burst Steph, excited and full of energy, wearing something similar to what Karen had on, but her larger breasts and skimpier shorts just made it seem lewder. After greeting Karen and Eric, she proceeded to help take some stuff of Karen's down to the car. Right behind Steph walked in someone who Eric was not quite as prepared to see. Jason's towering frame appeared through the doorframe and Eric was immediately reminded of the fight the other day, especially the part where he was caught snooping. His anxiety levels reached a peak and he grasped his cellphone, seeking to busy himself answering the flood of work-related texts and emails.

"Wow, I would have rented a house on the beach a long time ago if I had known I'd get to see a beautiful woman like you dressed like this." Jason's voice startled Karen, who had not noticed him come in. Although his deep voice could be heard easily throughout the small apartment, the smooth tone which he used almost made it sound like it wasn't an inappropriate thing to say to a married woman in front of her husband. Almost.

"Oh! Hi Jason!" answered Karen, a bit taken aback. "I'm just finishing up packing the last things I need for the beach." Karen seemed a bit fidgety as she got back to the last of her packing.

Jason greeted Eric from afar, showing none of the menacing attitude his stare had displayed just a few days prior. Eric answered the greeting in similar fashion but was still uncomfortable and returned to answering emails from work.

After a few moments in which everyone was relatively silent, except for Karen's movements, she finally announced, in a very satisfied manner, "Aaand there! I think that should be all that I need." Suddenly Eric heard her make a sharp intake of breath, almost like a loud gasp, and he looked up.

Jason had moved partially behind Karen, some distance away from where Eric was walking back and forth typing away at his cellphone. Even from that distance, and even though they were on the other side of the dinner table, which had the suitcase resting on top of it, it became clear as day to Eric that Jason was openly grabbing Karen's ass.

In less than a fraction of a second, Eric looked up to Karen's face. Her eyes showed surprise, shock even, definitely a considerable amount of shame as well, and they were looking straight back at Eric, searching, perhaps even begging, for a reaction or intervention from him. Eric couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe the nerve of the guy! He had always been jealous and protective of Karen and would normally have ignored even the memory of the beatdown that Jason had displayed the other day, all just to put this guy in his place. He had done it more than once before, never the one to be considered a wimp.
However, like a basketball player missing a crucial free-throw in the final seconds, or a wide-receiver dropping a key pass while wide open, Eric inexplicably choked. It may have been the unreasonably high anxiety levels he was experiencing that morning, perhaps it was the feeling that Jason was provoking him as a response to what had happened a few days before, or maybe it was something else entirely, but, whatever the driving factors, Eric tore his gaze away from Karen's down to his cellphone screen and pretended not to have noticed what was going on.

Eric's heart was beating at a ridiculously fast pace now. His mouth was going dry and his face was burning up. After a few seconds that seemed like hours he quickly glanced back at Karen. She was still looking at him, Jason's hand still groping her delicious ass, but her beautiful eyes were now conveying a look of being hurt, of disappointment. Eric couldn't bear it and glanced back down, feeling sick to his stomach.

"Yeah, looks like you're all set. Though I don't think you'll need that much to wear, honestly." Jason's voice broke the icy silence that had gripped the room. Even as Eric appreciated that some words were finally spoken in the room, he cringed at how inappropriate his comment was. Jason quickly added, "I mean, it is the beach after all."

Just then, Steph burst back into the apartment, "What's the hold up? Shawn's waiting in the car and he's getting impatient." Eric had never been happier to see Steph. Jason stepped away from Karen, grabbed her suitcase and took it downstairs. Steph came up to Eric, said goodbye and told him not to worry, that she would take care of Karen for him. He didn't think Steph realized how much he hoped for that to be true. She turned and went for the door.

"Bye, baby. I'll call you when we get there." Karen's voice sounded different from earlier that day. Eric couldn't quite place the difference; maybe softer, or colder? "Try to come out as early as you can, ok?" She came close and gave him a peck on the lips. Eric should have grabbed her arm right there and given her a passionate embrace with a smoldering kiss, but he was still in shock at having choked a few seconds ago and was deeply ashamed of himself. He told her he loved her, gave her another peck on the lips, and accompanied her to the car downstairs to see her off.

Chapter 13: Eric's View

Things had started looking up for Eric. The handling of the crisis situation at work had progressed well these past two days and it seemed like he'd be able to leave for the beach at some time during the following day, which was Saturday. This meant he might be able to spend two days and one night over there with Karen, which was better than nothing. Still, the memory of Thursday morning would not cease haunting him.

Karen and Eric had spoken over the phone and texted each other the day before quite a lot. She had called to tell him that they had arrived safe and that the house was much larger and nicer than she had anticipated and was right in front of the beach. She had also texted him to say that they were heading out to the beach to enjoy some sun. After several hours he got another text from her saying, "Hey babe! Beach was great! Definitely needed some sun. Now we're getting ready to go out to a nearby bar for some drinks. Talk to you later." It ended with a smiley blowing a little kiss.

Eric had been working from home in the hours after that text and eventually dozed off in bed. He woke up early the next morning, realizing he had fallen asleep from exhaustion. He had slept all through the night. He checked his cellphone but he hadn't received any more messages from Karen since the last one sent the night before. He thought that was strange but wrote it off as a result from excessive drinking on her part and tiredness from a day at the beach. He texted her saying good morning.

When his phone rang later that day, at around noon, he could see it was Karen calling.

"Hey baby! I'm so sorry I didn't write to you last night. I drank a bit too much and dozed off when we got home." Her voice was quiet and sounded tired.

"That's fine. How was it?" Eric hesitated for a second before asking the next part, "Did Jason bother you much?" He wasn't sure why he asked that, especially considering how he had not done anything about it the last time Jason had bothered her.

Karen was silent for a few seconds. "Umm, it was fine. We had a really fun time. Just some drinks and a bit of dancing as a group before coming back home. And no, he didn't bother me at all." There was something off about her voice, Eric couldn't quite place it. The answers seemed rushed, annoyed. He decided against pressing her for more information over the phone, seeing as he would most likely be seeing her in person the following day.

"I love you." He told her, feeling it was something he had not been saying enough lately.

"I love you too." Karen answered with that same oddness in her voice.

They had texted a few times after and Eric had informed Karen that it was likely he would be able to go to the beach the following day. Eric was excited about that possibility as he arrived at the apartment complex.

As Eric was walking up to the main entrance, he saw a young young couple that he had never seen before standing near the front entrance. They looked starkly out of place. The girl was very beautiful, and quite skinny, with straight brunette hair. She didn't look a day older than 19. The guy was fit and good-looking, with sandy blonde hair and an all-American look. They were both dressed in clothes that screamed that they were not from this part of town.

Eric was in a friendly mood and approached the young couple, asking if they needed any help. They answered that they were fine, just waiting for someone, but thanked Eric. The girl presented herself as Becca and introduced her boyfriend, Brad. Apparently trying not to be rude and to make conversation, Becca asked Eric if he lived there and both Brad and Becca seemed surprised to hear that he did.

As they were talking, Julius appeared from the front entrance. He was shirtless as always, showing off his impressive physique, and wore only some shorts and a pair of sneakers. He spotted the young couple and called out to the them, "Yo! Jason called and told me to tell you he ain't here but that I can sell you what you're looking to score." The couple blushed at the loud and blatant offer from Julius. Becca looked sideways quickly at Eric, clearly uncomfortable at the idea of other people knowing that they were there to buy *******.

"Umm, okay. Should we go inside?" Becca asked shyly.

"Nah, he can come with me." Julius pointed at Brad. "I don't like dealing with crowds. You can wait out here."

Brad looked nervous and unsure as he glanced at Becca and back at Julius. "I won't leave here out here all alone."

"Brad, just go. I don't want any trouble." Becca scolded Brad. She seemed more desperate to get these ******* than Brad did.

"If you guys want, I can stay out here and keep Becca company. I don't mind." Eric offered.

Becca thanked Eric and urged Brad to go. As Brad and Julius stepped inside, she turned to Eric, "Seriously, thanks for that. I hope you don't think we're junkies or anything. We just have this big party tomorrow and, well, you know..." Eric couldn't help but to think that Becca's voice sounded so familiar. He was sure he had heard it before, but he couldn't remember from where.

"Hey, don't worry! I was young not too long ago so I know what it's all about. I don't judge." Eric could see Becca relax a little. "What I'm curious about is what you two are doing buying from someone like Jason. I've seen his clientele and you guys don't fit the profile, especially coming to a neighborhood like this one."

Becca seemed uneasy about how to answer, hesitating for a bit as she spoke, "Well, I met Jason some time ago and I guess I just really trust him. He's an amazing guy." She had this dreamy look in her eyes as she spoke about him, but Eric didn't quite notice that. "But yeah, Brad hates the idea of coming here and prefers somewhere closer to home, even if it's more expensive."

Eric and Becca spoke about different things for some time, such as how long her and Brad had been together, which was about a year, among other subjects. At one point, Becca started getting anxious as to why they were taking so long. She asked Eric if he could go check if everything was OK. Eric didn't like the idea of going against what Julius had said before, but he could see Becca was worried. He agreed to check quickly.

By this time, Eric had an idea of pretty much where all the people he knew lived in the building, especially Jason and his friends. He walked down the hall that lead to Julius's apartment. As he approached it, he was surprised to see that the door was slightly open. It was odd that someone who was in the process of selling ******* would do that, and Eric decided to peek inside, against his better judgement.

The apartment was slightly larger than Eric's, and he tiptoed down a hallway leading from the entrance of the apartment to what looked like the living room. As he got closer, he expected to hear negotiation or even haggling, but he didn't hear anything. As Eric began to fear for Brad's safety, he heard Julius moan. "Oh yeah. Just like that."

Eric couldn't believe his ears, but the sight he witnessed as he reached the entrance of the living room was what floored him. Julius was standing in the middle of the room, his shorts were on the floor around his feet, so he was essentially naked. Brad was still fully clothed but on his knees in front of Julius, his head bobbing back and forth as he sucked on Julius's visibly large, thick, black cock. One of Julius's large hands rested on Brad's light-colored hair, guiding his cock-sucking movements. It seemed unlikely that Julius was actually ******* Brad, as one of the white boy's hands rested comfortably on one of Julius's prominent, muscled thighs, while the other was stroking the base of his cock in sync with the movement of Brad's lips. Eric could hear the sounds of Brad slurping and gagging on that massive phallus, clearly putting effort into what he was doing.

Eric had never seen gay porn before, so witnessing this was completely foreign to him. Becca was a beautiful girl, why would Brad do such a thing? And with a guy! A huge black guy! The whole scene was revolting. Still, Eric was frozen in place.

"Suck that fucking cock, whiteboi." Julius groaned, getting more aggressive in his handling of Brad's head. "I bet you suck cock better than that skinny white bitch of yours. Maybe we should ask Jason and find out." There was a sudden pause in Brad's movements. "Yeah, that little slut has been over here quite often, giving that ass up to black man dick. Jason's tapped that so much it's a wonder she hasn't tattooed his name on her ass. But why are you so surprised? You've been sucking this black cock since the first time she sent you over to score some blow and ran into me." Of course! That was where Eric recognized Becca's voice from. She had been moaning uncontrollably from Jason's apartment a few weeks before. After the brief pause, Brad resumed his sucking movements without saying anything.

"Yeah, that's right. You can't blame her. A girl that fine was born to take a real dick. Does yours even work after the last time I fucked that ass of yours?" Julius took his cock out and slapped it against Brad's face before putting it back his mouth. "I wonder if that bitch knows she's dating a faggot."

"I'm not a faggot. I told you not to call me that." Brad said, momentarily taking the cock out of his mouth, a string of saliva stretched between his lips and the black snake in front of him. He wouldn't look up at Julius though. As revolted as Eric was at hearing all this, he realized his cock was rock hard, but couldn't possibly understand why. There was no way he could be turned by this scene; he had never even found a guy attractive before. But he was definitely turned on, more than he had been in a long time.

"Haha, yeah keep telling yourself that. It's too bad there's not enough time today. I made that tight ass mine last time though, don't forget that. Now to get that nut!" Julius started fucking Brad's face very hard, holding on to his head with both hands. To Eric's surprise, Brad was taking it down his throat like a pro. Before long, Julius was blasting endless thick ropes of cum across Brad's face. There was so much cum, completely covering Brad's face and even parts of his short hair. When Brad shamefully got up to wash his face, Eric started slowly backing away towards the door. As he did, Julius looked up at Eric and winked, showing no surprise as if he knew he'd been there watching all along. Eric panicked and quickly left.

Eric tried to calm himself as he approached Becca, telling her that her boyfriend was finishing up the sale when he got there. Brad appeared not long after, showing Becca the thumbs up and giving her a kiss on the lips. 'If only she knew' Eric thought to himself.

Later that night, after packing his bag for the beach and getting in bed, Eric's thoughts drifted unwillingly back to what had transpired at Julius's apartment. He began furiously masturbating to the images and sounds that he had seen earlier that day. Very few minutes into flailing himself, Eric came faster and harder than he had in years. He immediately felt weird and guilty, telling himself he had only masturbated because he hadn't had proper sex in a long time.

Chapter 14: Eric's View

The drive to the beach was uneventful, which was a good thing, and the salty sea breeze rushing in through the open windows did a great deal to improve Eric's mood and relax him. He had talked to Karen earlier that day saying he would be driving over there after leaving the office in the afternoon. However, on his way to the office, one of his partners called to tell him they had fixed the problem. Eric was free to go to the beach straight away, so he decided to do just that and had pulled a U-turn, happy to be able to surprise Karen.

It was a little after 1:00 pm when he pulled up to a ******* store on the beach town to buy some champagne to give to Karen, one of her favorite drinks. He was in the back selecting a bottle when he heard an alarmingly familiar voice. He turned and saw Steph walk in through the entrance, but she hadn't seen Eric and so she walked to a different section of the store.

Steph looked absolutely amazing in a hot bikini top that showed off her amazing tits, and a see-through mesh sarong showing her now-tanned shapely legs and ass. Her formerly pale skin had taken on a sexy tan these past few days, making her look radiant, and her blonde hair looked wet and shiny from the sun and seawater. Eric was not surprised to see Shawn walk inside behind Steph, wearing only his bathing suit shorts and displaying his ripped body. Steph was laughing while talking to Shawn and for some reason her tone made Eric's curiosity grow and led him to want to eavesdrop on them, so he approached unseen.

"Haha, you're so bad! Don't say those things! She's my friend!" Steph's voice could barely be heard over the store's music, but Eric was definitely curious now. She seemed to be talking about Karen. Eric had been suspicious of Karen's behavior over the phone and text messages, not being as communicative as usual. He had attributed it to her being in beach mode, but he was now in a position to learn if something else was up. He decided to try to continue listening but could only catch bits of pieces of what they were saying without risking getting too close. It was especially hard making out what Shawn was mumbling in his deep voice, so Eric mostly heard Steph speak.

" excited... Eric's coming... nothing but pure romance... he's her husband..." Steph was barely audible from where Eric stood but those interspersed bits and pieces made Eric feel foolish. Karen was probably just as excited to see him as he was. He felt guilty for spying like a creep and waited shamefully behind an aisle as Steph and Shawn approached the register to pay.

"I mean, she's barely left the room these past two days. It's a miracle she's gotten such a nice tan." Steph commented as her and Shawn walked out the front door. Eric's stomach sank and his heart started racing upon hearing those words. What did Steph mean? Had Karen really stayed inside these days? Was she sick? She had never mentioned being sick in the few chats they'd had these days. The real reason that concerned Eric was quite different, and far more sinister. Eric would not even consciously acknowledge that possibility; Karen would never do something like that.

Eric was on autopilot as he drove to the beach house, mindlessly following his phone's directions. After about 10 minutes of driving, he pulled up to the place. The large house looked amazing, with modern architecture, and was right on the waterfront. Even from his vantage point, Eric could tell the terrace had an amazing view of the water, and he could see the steps leading down to the sand. 'Amazing what ******* money can pay for.' Eric thought to himself. He took the champagne bottle, his bag and walked towards the house.

Eric knocked on the front door and waited a few minutes but got no answer. He figured that Shawn and Steph were still walking back from the ******* store and that Karen and Jason must be down at the beach, so he decided to walk around to the side entrance to the terrace he had seen when he parked. The small gate was unlocked and he walked into the terrace.

As Eric was walking towards the sliding glass doors he saw Karen emerge from inside. Eric had to do a quick breath intake; she looked stunning. In the microseconds before she could notice him, Eric's eyes took in all of her beauty. She was walking barefoot, wearing a new bikini that accentuated her toned legs, shapely ass, flat stomach and small but firm and proportional tits. Her skin had taken on a very nice tan, highlighting her muscles and curves as well as giving her a sexy glow. Karen looked absolutely radiant. Eric also noticed that she was wearing an ankle chain on one of her legs, something she had rarely worn before. He didn't even know she owned one, but it went very well with her new bikini and tan, making her look even sexier.

Karen saw him and was startled, clearly not expecting to see him. Eric expected as much, since the last she knew was that he'd arrive much later in the day. Seeing his radiant goddess clad in only a small bikini made Eric forget all about what he had heard in the ******* store; he felt completely elated to see her.

"Hey baby!!" Eric said as he approached her.

"Eric! Hi! I thought you were getting in later today." Karen's voice was full of excitement and nervousness. Her eyes betrayed her bewilderment, but before Eric could really process her initial reaction Karen's beaming smile and warm hug enveloped him. Her skin was hot to the touch.

"I know, but the crisis as work got fixed faster than expected and I wanted to surprise you." Eric explained as he handed her the bottle containing her favorite champagne. He was beginning to get turned on by the sexy aroma of salt, sunblock and a hint of sweat on her skin. "I'm going to go change into my bathing suit so we can go down to the beach, I'm dying to get some sun."

"Ok, our room is the down the hall to the left. I'll see you down there." she replied as she grabbed a nearby beach towel and began walking sexily down the terrace steps.

Eric walked inside where the temperature was a bit cooler due to some good fans. The kitchen and lounge areas were nicely decorated and quite spacious. As he was heading down the hall, he bumped into Jason who was coming out of his room.
Sup, Eric." Jason greeted him, shaking Eric's hand and displaying his large tattooed arm. His dark muscles looked even more defined than Eric remembered. He was wearing nothing but a small, brightly-colored bathing suit that contrasted against his skin color. His muscles were shining with what must have been sunscreen.

"Hey, how's it going?" Eric was in no mood for small talk and just wanted to go down to the beach with Karen as soon as possible.

"It's been crazy, dog. Sun, drinking, partying. Let me tell you, your wife is really something, man."

Eric didn't know how to take that comment. "Umm thanks, man." He answered awkwardly. He went to his room and changed to his beach attire.

The sun was beating down on them as Eric read his book while lying on his towel. Karen was sunbathing on her own towel next to him, while Jason was on the other side of Karen. Throughout the afternoon, Eric couldn't help but to feel a certain sense of alienation. Though Karen paid plenty of attention to him, he couldn't help to feel a sense of being a third wheel at some level. It was small things that happened like Karen and Jason laughing at harmless inside jokes, the way the two of them talked to Shawn and Steph when they joined them in the sand, even the passing looks seemed to bother Eric. When Karen declared she wanted to go swimming, Jason stood up and went with her without saying a word. Eric was busy reading but he would have at least liked for her to ask him if he would join her. His jealousy got even worse when Jason asked Karen if she could spread some sunscreen on his back. Seeing her small, delicate white hands rubbing cream across his dark muscular back was deeply disturbing to Eric, but the contrast also arose other feelings in him. He experienced the same feelings when Jason reciprocated, rubbing his large black hands all over Karen's smooth, tanned skin. She looked so small in comparison.

These feelings and growing jealousy made Eric want to get closer to Karen, to be more in contact with her. At one point, while she was laying back, he moved his body perpendicular to hers and laid his head on her lower stomach, looking down towards the water, which also meant his face was in proximity to her bikini-covered pussy. They had been in this position countless times while watching TV on a couch or bed. This time though, Karen tensed and pushed his head away. When she saw Eric's questioning look she just asked him to lay next to her, saying she was feeling bloated and didn't want him to lay there. Eric found her behavior to be odd.

Once back in the house, they all went to shower and change in their rooms before going out to dinner and then drinks back at the house. They had stocked up well so there would be plenty of drinking going on. Eric and Karen had their own room, Shawn and Steph, now basically a consolidated couple, were in another room, and Jason had what seemed like the largest bedroom, with the best view, of course, all to himself. Karen showered but Eric noticed that instead of changing in the room in front of him, she was changing in the bathroom. When she emerged, Eric couldn't help but stare at her in amazement. She was wearing a short white summer dress which really accentuated her toned legs, shapely ass and tanned skin. It wasn't slutty, but it was definitely more daring than usual. She was also wearing a nice pair of heels and Eric noticed she was wearing the same new anklet as before.

"You look amazing! I'd never seen that anklet before. When did you get it?" Eric asked.

"Oh," said Karen looking down as if she had forgotten about it, "yeah, got it here in a small shop in the town. Jason gave it to me."

"What? What do you mean Jason gave it to you?" Eric was not pleased.

"Eric calm down and lower your voice! It was just a gesture, him being a gentleman, that's all. Don't make a fuss about it." She said dismissively. She was clearly annoyed and upset given that she never called Eric by his name unless she was scolding him or engaging in serious talk. Her words did not make him feel better at all, but he did calm down.

"So, you and Jason are getting along very well." Eric said in a more moderate tone, but the underlying question was evident.

"Yes, we have. He's been nice to me and has accompanied me these past few days, seeing as I would have otherwise been alone since Steph is with Shawn all the time. And whose fault is that?" Karen said it in a way meant to upset Eric, then looking back at the mirror she was using to apply her makeup. Eric realized she was partly right and tried to smooth things out.

"Look, I don't want to fight. I think it looks great on you. Very sexy." He tried to kiss her neck, but she shrugged him off.

Things remained much the same in the restaurant, a laidback place with a nice outside section and good food. The others were all talking and laughing about things that had transpired during the weekend so Eric was not able to take part in most of their conversations. At least Karen didn't seem upset with Eric anymore, but that was mainly because he felt barely present at all.

Back at the house, Jason got to mixing drinks for everyone. All of them had already had a few drinks at the restaurant, so they were pretty lively when they got back. The girls put some music on and were pretty soon dancing among themselves. The two girls looked spectacular and seeing them together was even more enticing than the last time Eric had witnessed the duo dance back at the nightclub a few weeks ago. The two girls were sporting very nice tans, were wearing more revealing clothing because of the beach and Eric could tell that some of Steph's newfound attitude had rubbed off on Karen.

Drinks continued to flow. The guys all sat around talking and drinking over the music while the girls would join in and every now and then before dancing again. Both Jason and Shawn were making no attempt to hide how much they were eyeing both girls, but the girls didn't seem to mind. Eric had a sudden feeling that he should stand up, take his wife by the hand, and lead her to their bedroom. He wanted her badly and it was about time he showed her his performance was back to normal.

Before Eric could work up the courage though, Jason called out and asked if he wanted another refill.

"Umm, hold on just a sec, ok?" Eric answered as he stood and approached Karen, interrupting her dance with Steph. "Hey babe, feel like calling it a night?" The delivery was all wrong, far from the romantic ideal he had in his mind of confidently taking her away to the bedroom.

"Not yet! We're having fun! Why don't you have another *******? Here, I'll go get you one." Karen seemed eager to continue partying, despite the fact she was already more than tipsy. She disappeared towards the kitchen.

Eric decided he could stay for one more *******. He didn't want to get Karen more upset by ruining her fun and took a seat near Shawn and Steph, joining their conversation.

Some time went by and Eric realized Karen still hadn't shown up with his *******. Come to think of it, he hadn't seen Jason either. The same knot in his stomach he had felt all day drove him to stand and walk towards the kitchen, all while telling himself she was probably just taking her time mixing the drinks. As he approached the doorway to the kitchen he had a partial vantage view of Karen. She was leaning forward on the kitchen counter where several drinks had been prepared, her delectable ass shown prominently in that dress and her toned, tan legs below that. To Eric's horror, that delectable ass and toned legs were being groped from behind by a pair of large black hands. Before Eric could look up to see whether Karen was assenting to such treatment he accidentally knocked over a bag full of sunscreen and lotion bottles that was lying on the floor.

Alarmed by the noise, Karen hurriedly straightened herself up and Jason backed away. When Eric finally walked into the kitchen and looked up he could see Jason casually holding his ******* and looking at him confidently. "Sup, Eric. Here's your *******. Having a good time?" Jason asked casually. Karen, on the other hand, had guilt written all over her face and didn't make eye contact with Eric. She was not-so-casually rubbing one of her cheeks with the back of her hand while looking away and Eric noticed that her lipstick was smeared.

Eric was momentarily at a loss for words, several thoughts and feelings racing through his mind. Before he could say anything, Jason, who had grabbed a second ******* from the counter, handed him another *******, "Come help me take these out to the other guys. Karen was just catching her breath in between rounds." Jason basically pushed Eric back through the doorway he had just come from and the two of them took the drinks to Shawn and Steph, leaving Karen alone in the kitchen.

"Eric, I'm glad you were finally able to come out and join us. Isn't this great? Beach, salty air, good drinks and hot girls." Jason said as the two of them approached Shawn and Steph. At this point, Steph was sitting on Shawn's lap, subtly grinding her ass against him while the two of them made out. They stopped when they were handed their drinks, Steph letting out a drunken chuckle and flashing a naughty grin.

"Yeah, it's definitely good to get away from the city. The drive over kind of tired me out though, so I think Karen and I might call it a night soon." Eric told Jason, who smiled, or more precisely smirked, in response.

A few seconds later, Karen walked into the living room, drinking heavily from her glass as if to build up courage. She stood next to Eric but didn't say anything as she listened to the conversations around her and kept drinking.

"Babe, I'm really tired from the drive and everything. You think we could call it a night?" Eric spoke softly to Karen, away from the others so they wouldn't interfere.

"What? Really? The party's just getting started babe." Karen complained, but Eric pleaded insistently, saying he hadn't really seen her these past couple of days. Karen looked at him and nodded. "Ok, let's go." She said.

The couple excused themselves from the rest, who kept trying to egg them on to stay, and retired to their bedroom. Eric put on his pajama shorts and t-shirt, thinking of what to say to Karen, until he just said it, "Karen, I know you've grown close to Jason lately, but I want to warn you that he's not really your friend. He's not who he says he is and he's been lying to you. I know that he's a ******* dealer and that he paid for all of this with ******* money. He's dangerous!"

Karen looked at him in disbelief, "I can't believe you'd make up something like that, Eric! Jason is NOT a ******* dealer! Are you really that racist that you'd just assume all black guys who live in a neighborhood like ours do that kind of stuff? If you must know, he got a lot of money in a wrongful termination lawsuit a long time ago. He's a good guy and likes to share what he has with his friends."

"Wrongful termination suit? And you believe that?" Eric yelled out. He realized by Karen's angry look that he was not achieving anything by fighting with Karen, and he was more likely to alienate her this way, especially since he didn't have any concrete proof other than what he saw and never told her about. He lowered his tone, "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that, any of that. I'm just tired; it was a long week at work. I also think that part of me is jealous that I haven't been here with you these last few days." Eric was sincere, and his words broke down Karen's aggressive stance. He approached her and took her hands.

Eric couldn't help but notice her sexy attire. While arguing, Karen had removed her dress and was now clad only in a sexy white bra with a matching white thong. The smell of her sweet perfume penetrated his senses. He leaned forward and kissed her, with Karen receiving the first kiss tentatively and then slowly responding in turn. Eric's kisses grew heavier, more passionate and filled with need. The thoughts that had pervaded his mind all day had disappeared and making Karen his was all that mattered.

The couple fell on the bed, urgently removing the few garments they had on. Eric began working his way to Karen's neck, always a favorite of hers, then on to her tender nipples, before finally making his way down to her wet pussy. He had missed her sweet, tangy taste and his tongue's exertions were able to make Karen moan the way he wanted to. He was going to prove to her that their sex life was back to the way it was before the problems started. His cock was rock hard and he wanted nothing more than to fuck his beautiful, radiant wife.

Eric raised himself and began prodding her pussy with his dick. Karen was so wet that he entered her immediately. He relished this feeling, having missed the sensation of being inside her, and this time he was going to make it last. He began fucking her hard, using all the movements and techniques that Karen had always squirmed with. He was in heaven. But something was off. Karen was not squirming and rolling her eyes back as usual. She was definitely fucking him back, and her look was engaging with eyes that showed Eric that she loved him, but he wasn't getting the wild, toe-curling response he always got. Even her moans were different. He was determined, though, and this time he was not going to blow his load early, so he redoubled his efforts, really giving it to her.

That's when he noticed it. Her pussy. The friction and grip that usually enticed his load from the first moment of penetration wasn't there. Eric thought he may be imagining things, after all he was fucking her fast, but he could have sworn her pussy was not as tight as it used to be. But that was impossible, he was just being paranoid, pussies don't just loosen up. He switched to spooning, her favorite position, and proceeded to give her the best fucking he could. She closed her eyes, licked three of her fingers and lowered them to her cunt as she began to rub herself. Soon both Eric and Karen were emitting nice long moans. She even reached back to kiss him lovingly every now and then.

They had been fucking for much longer than usual, even more than on their hot passionate nights, and Eric couldn't last much more. He didn't know how close Karen was to cumming as she still had her eyes closed and was rubbing herself constantly. She looked so sexy, lying on her side in front of him as he fucked her. He saw how she raised and spread one of her legs, the one with the silver ankle chain glimmering in the dark, and then slowly brought it back down, using her toes to rub across Eric's leg and thigh. He couldn't take it anymore and he burst, orgasming very hard inside Karen.

As soon as he finished cumming, she grabbed his face and kissed him many times. "Did you cum too, baby?" Eric asked hopefully.

"Yes, baby. I love you!" said Karen, unconvincingly, but in a very loving manner. She kissed Eric again. He laid his head on her bosom as he caught his breath. He felt so relaxed and satisfied, it took only a couple of minutes before he dozed off.

Eric awoke a few hours later and noticed he was in bed alone. The music was no longer blaring from the lounge, so he figured everyone had gone to bed. He assumed Karen was getting water from the kitchen or was in the bathroom. The drinks and sex had made him thirsty, so he decided to go to the kitchen and get something. He put on his pajama shorts and started for the dark hallway.

As soon as Eric stepped into the hallway, he was greeted by the sounds of moaning. 'Steph must be getting a good reaming by Shawn's amazing cock.' he thought to himself. Had he really just thought of the word amazing to describe it? 'I must still be half-asleep.' he thought to himself as he shook his head and kept walking. The sounds grew louder, but the female moans were muffled, as if she was biting into a pillow. 'Damn, she's really getting it!' he thought to himself and his dick began tenting his pajama shorts. As he passed closer to Shawn's room, however, his stomach sank as if though being dragged down by a falling iron anchor. The noises were not coming from that room, but from Jason's. His hands became sweaty and his breathing quickened.

'Wait,' he thought to himself, 'maybe it's Steph in Jason's room. God knows that girl has gotten slutty enough to go for any big black cock, regardless of who's it is. Shawn could also be in there banging her too for all I know.' He tried to see if he could push Shawn's door open to check but it was closed, and he wasn't about to turn that doorknob. He looked down the hall and could see that Jason's door was slightly ajar. He'd be able to peek inside and confirm if it was Steph getting fucked on Jason's bed. But with every step Jason took his heart beat faster; the knots in his stomach, the feelings of jealousy and insecurity which he had been having all day, were spreading like an epidemic inside him. He was almost at the door but his feet were dragging him down, almost unwilling to move.

"Fuuuck! It's so deep! Pushing my guts!" the female's muffled screamed was unrecognizable, the voice distorted by what must have been a pillow against her mouth, but Eric was close enough to make out what she was saying. The male's moans were constant, rhythmic grunts; whoever he was, he was clearly enjoying himself. Eric was so close he could hear the sound of wet, slapping flesh. He couldn't take it anymore. He had to know!! He had to know if it was his wife that was moaning like a whore while getting fucked by a big black thug! Eric's trembling hand slowly pushed the bedroom door open and he turned his head to look inside.

Chapter 15: Karen's View

Thursday afternoon. Three days earlier.

As Karen lay on her beach towel, with the soft warm sand below her and the sea breeze caressing her face, she was finally able to reflect on the day's crazy events. It had been so hectic that she had not had time to really process everything. Her thoughts finally drifted to the occurrences of earlier that day.

Karen had gone pale when she had seen Jason walk in through the door of their apartment earlier that morning. She had avoided him at all costs since the night of the barbeque. As soon as she saw him, the memories of that night, the sight of his huge black cock, its weight, texture, scent, all flooded back into her mind, conflicting feelings washing over her. It was difficult for her to look him in the eye. But nothing could have prepared her for what was going to happen next.

As she had finished packing, she had felt Jason close in behind her. She was about to push him away gently (without Eric noticing) when she suddenly felt one of his large strong hands grip her ass. She had gasped and started to panic. Eric looked up and saw her; Karen could tell he knew what was going on. Eric had always been possessive and jealous, so there was no way he would stand for this. The conflicting emotions inside Karen were massive: on the one hand, she could not deny her attraction to Jason, and feeling him grope her like that was making her pussy wet; on the other hand, she loved Eric, and for once he was finally in the room. He would be able to put a stop to this and protect her. Karen just hoped this didn't lead to a fight, since she didn't want to see Eric get hurt. Still, through her looks she was begging him to intercede.

Karen never expected what Eric did next. He simply looked down and pretended not to have noticed. Karen couldn't believe it! This was her husband, her protector! Instead, he busied himself, allowing Jason to continue to massage her ass unchecked. She felt so betrayed! Abandoned! How could he not care about what Jason was doing to his wife? Anger and disappointment began boiling inside Karen towards Eric. Karen didn't realize it, but on a primal, instinctual level, her subconscious experienced a fundamental shift, and Eric was being displaced by Jason as her perceived alpha male protector.
The ride over had helped overcome the morning's initial shock. Shawn had driven and Steph had been in charge of the music, playing their favorite tunes and some of the guys'. Jason was a perfect gentleman during the ride, playfully hitting on her but not much else. All except Shawn had a couple of cold beers in the car as they headed for the beach. Once there, the girls had been amazed by the beach house.

"You girls like it?" Jason asked.

"It's fucking sick!" Steph had answered.

They quickly dropped off their things in their rooms and went down to the beach, wanting to take full advantage of the day.

Bringing her thoughts back to the present, Karen took a sip of her beer as she looked at the two guys playing catch with the football. She decided to put the memories of the morning behind her, determined to enjoy herself this weekend. Her and Eric could talk things out when he got there.

Thursday Night.

Karen felt pleasurably *******. It had been a long time since she had been drinking for such a prolonged period of time. Granted, the drinks they had while hanging out at the beach had not been very strong, and besides, sunbathing and throwing the football around had made her sweat most of it out throughout the day, but she still felt their effect on her as she slipped on her thong.

******* wasn't all Karen was feeling. She also felt pleasurably naughty. It may have been in part because she had paid so much attention to Jason at the beach. But that wasn't her fault, was it? Steph and Shawn had been inseparable, splashing each other in the waves, sunbathing all over each other, even making bullshit excuses to get away to the house and fuck (Karen was not that naïve). It was evident that Jason would have been the one to keep her company. She did not expect his hands to feel that good on her, though, when she had asked him to help put sunscreen on her back as she lay on her stomach. When Jason had asked for the same favor in return, she spent much more time on his muscular back than she ever had with Eric or with any ex-boyfriend, really massaging it in. She liked the contrast of her small white hands on his dark muscles.

'It's just a little harmless fun' she thought to herself as she applied her makeup. She told herself this was just friendly flirting, nothing more. She took a sip from the champagne glass that Steph had brought her. The guys had really pampered them, buying some extremely expensive champagne, which happened to be her favorite *******. The ******* and the shower had helped to refresh her and now she was looking forward to going out with the group for dinner and drinks.

"Hey girl! How are you coming along?" asked Steph as she bounced into the bathroom, as intoxicated as Karen was.

"Almost done." replied Karen.

"Oh, come on, you always wear that! We're in the beach, let loose and let's have some fun!" Steph was referring to Karen's short jean shorts and white tank top. It looked sexy on her, especially with her slightly tanned skin from that day, but Steph held up her choice alternative. It was a yellow miniskirt, very short, and a black crop top that showed off her well-formed abs as well as her bare shoulders. "This is more like it!"

Karen just laughed, took a long sip from her glass, and took the garments from Steph's hand so she could change into them.

The music at the club was loud. Karen hadn't known they were going to end up dancing, but the drinks at dinner made them eager to keep the party going and they went to a nearby place. It was nice, with plenty of good-looking people and a dark ambience that contrasted well against the club's party lights. The four of them were dancing together, enjoying the music.

Karen couldn't help but notice the natural glow and happiness radiating from Steph as she placed her arms around Shawn while dancing close to him, eventually leaning in and making out on the dance floor. She couldn't deny that they made a very sexy couple. She was distracted by this sight when she felt Jason get closer to her from behind and place his hand on her abs, sending a pleasurable sensation across her skin. This time, Karen made no move to remove his hand and kept dancing with Jason.

After some time, Steph came up to Karen, "We're gonna go outside for a smoke, ok?" Karen just smiled and nodded back to her. Steph looked at Karen dancing with Jason and gave her a knowing grin before stepping outside with Shawn.

"How about another *******?" Jason said as he took her by the hand and led her to the bar. He ordered for both of them and then turned to respond to some text messages while Karen waited for the drinks to be prepared. He told her it was something important and that it would take two minutes, but to tell the bartender to put the drinks in his tab.

"Here you go. Should I put it on your boyfriend's tab?" the bartender asked Karen. She was surprised by the question; he had clearly not noticed her wedding ring. But instead of correcting him, she found it quite easy to tell him yes, to put it on her boyfriend's tab. A rush of endorphins flooded over her, probably brought on by the naughty thought of how many people must simply assume her and Jason were a couple based on how they looked and acted around each other that night.

Jason reappeared behind her, thanking her while taking his *******. He led her back out to the dance floor. The song that was playing was very rhythmic and bass-driven, very sexy. Karen was feeling very euphoric from the music, the alcohol and the endorphins, and before she knew it, she found herself grinding back against Jason. Just like the last time they had danced together, she immediately felt the stiffness of his enormous cock. Now that she had seen it with her own eyes, it was easy to visualize it under his jeans. Unlike last time, though, she realized she was wantonly grinding back against it, massaging it with her tight, miniskirt-clad ass.

Jason turned Karen so that they were now dancing while facing each other, except that because his height she could now feel his hardness against her stomach. She felt so sexy, desired. They danced close to each other, swaying to the music. Her braless nipples rubbed across his muscly chest, sending fireworks across her body and into her brain. Before Karen could realize what was happening, Jason lowered his face close to hers and pressed his lips against her own.

Karen was shocked, her eyes darting open. She was married! It was one thing to flirt and dance, even letting him touch some skin, but this was wrong. Karen wished she could say that she slapped Jason across the face and stormed out, but instead her resistance crumbled away almost instantly. She opened her lips and welcomed his darting tongue into her mouth, switching only so she could occasionally nibble and suck on his thick brown lips. Her hand went around his head and held onto his neck, pulling him close. The kiss was passionate, almost desperate, the foreplay of weeks building to this moment. Her pussy was on fire, wetting her even down to her upper thighs.

Karen was mortified when she heard Shawn clearing his throat. She immediately backed away from Jason, trying to play it off as if nothing had happened and surely failing miserably. She could not bear to glance at either Shawn or Steph. "Yo, Jason. We heading back to the house and wanted the keys." Shawn asked.

"I think we'll all go with you. What do you say, Karen?" Jason turned to her. Karen just nodded. She was now so flooded with guilt that she didn't want to look at anyone. She did want to go home now, but just to go to her, fall sleep and try to put this horrible betrayal out of sight and mind.

Once at the house, Steph and Shawn were all over each, drunkenly groping and laughing, quickly disappearing into their bedroom. This left Karen alone with Jason in the lounge area. Jason started walking down the hall and Karen followed. She realized then that she was actually quite *******. When they reached his room his body language indicated she should go inside.

"Jason, I think what we did was a huge mistake. I'm obviously attracted to you, but I'm married. I just want to go to sleep." Karen whispered in the dark hall.

"It's OK. I'm giving you this room to sleep in tonight. The bed is a lot more comfortable and you deserve it." Jason responded.

"Oh, umm thanks!" Karen smiled shyly and walked inside. She didn't bother turning on the lights. She just took off her skirt and top, getting in bed with nothing but the thong she had on underneath. As soon as she was in the bed, she felt it shift with the weight of Jason getting in the other side. "What are you doing?!" she almost yelled out.

"I never said I wasn't sleeping in this bed too. Don't worry though, I'm just gonna crash." Jason reassured her.

In her drunken state of mind, it seemed wrong to kick Jason out of his own bed. She couldn't well leave either or he'd see her topless. Even trying to put on more clothes would alert him to how undressed she was. She decided she would just fall asleep and sneak out at dawn. As she relaxed, lying on her side away from Jason, her pussy throbbed, reminding her how horny she had been at the club while making out. Her arousal was growing too, probably because of the idea of being nearly naked in a bed with Jason inches away. The feelings of vulnerability and exposure transferred directly into her current state of horniness. She was dying to touch herself to relieve the ache but knew she couldn't.

As she was fighting her urges and trying to fall asleep, she felt movement in the bed next to her but before she could turn to see she felt a pair of thick lips sucking and licking on the back of her neck and shoulder area. Jason had pressed up behind her before she could react and she could immediately tell he was completely nude, his mammoth cock bumping against her ass cheeks. Sparks flew inside Karen, her body needed this, but her mind was yelling as loud as it could. Her conscience, her values, her upbringing, all telling her that this was wrong, that she couldn't do this to Eric.

"Jason! No! Stop, please!! We can't do this! I'm married!" Karen squirmed and tried to get away, but Jason was quick. He already had one hand cupping one of her tits while the other had worked its way down to her hot, soaking-wet sex. Karen's pushing and kicking attempts were fruitless, he had her and was infinitely stronger. "Please...don't!"

"We both want this, baby. Don't pretend you don't. We were made for each other." Jason whispered loudly into her ear as his hands roamed unchecked over her body. Karen kept struggling, but the feeling of his huge cock between her ass cheeks was getting her so wet. Despite what her mind dictated, her body did not want to fight this, and her resistance weakened. She was still pushing him away, but her body was not putting as much ******* into those pushes.

"Ah! No!" Karen felt one of his large strong hands work its way into her thong, getting his fingers wet as he rubbed her clit. Wow, he was good. His skilled touch, combined with his mouth's overwhelming assault on her flesh, had heightened her arousal to the point where her hips began rocking back and forth. Her breathing became very ragged, accompanying the sounds of Jason sucking on her white skin.

As her rocking movements increased, Karen felt Jason shift his body around as well. She realized her ass was no longer pressed against his thick cock. She almost missed the feeling, and shamefully realizing her ass was gyrating in search of the feeling of it against her. Then she felt it. She was sliding across its awe-inspiring length as she moves back and forth, meaning his monster cock was now wedged between her thighs, rubbing its girth against her soaked thong. Each time it brushed past her pussy it sent shockwaves up her spine. It was so big.

Karen was so distracted by the feeling of that cock and Jason's other hand rubbing her tits and pinching her nipples that she didn't notice him pulling her thong to the side. Her mind did not bother to question why her pussy was now on fire, the sensations of his bare flesh against hers shooting sparks inside her. She was so wet that it took just a few seconds for Jason's pole to get coated in her juices. Karen did not process the danger her marital fidelity was in at that moment, she was in a pleasure trance. All she could do was sigh, moaning softly every now and then, and continue to rock her hips, trying to scratch the itch that burned deep within her.

"That pussy is so wet for me, baby. You're gonna love this." Jason moaned as the tip of his manhood lined up with her opening. He pushed in.

"Aaaaah! Nooo! Stop! Take it out! I can't do this, Jason! I'm married!" Karen's resistance revived, and she genuinely tried pushing Jason away but it was clear that he was not about to stop. Alarms had gone off in her head; she couldn't do this to Eric! He was a great husband to her and she had always been such a good, faithful wife. "Please! Don't!" Karen's words were more labored now, she was being stretched more than she ever had in her entire life. She did not know that it was just Jason's cockhead.

Jason had moved his hands so they were both holding on to Karen's tits. He had waited for Karen's pussy to adjust to his head, and now he slowly pressed inch after inch of dark meat inside the skinny white brunette.

"Uggghhh, god! Fuck!" Karen yelled out. She was gripping the sheets tightly, holding on for dear life. She was in pain but had never felt so much pleasure. Jason had already passed the deepest point that Eric, or any of her two former boyfriends for that matter, had ever reached and was still feeding her more of his python.

"Damn, this pussy is tight! It's OK, it will be a lot looser now that it's getting blacked." Jason continued pressing into her. After a few more inches he finally bottomed out inside her.

"Ooooh, *******! Fuck, it's so big! So big!" Karen moaned.

"Yeah, feel good, don't it?" Jason started pulling his dick out and pushing it back in, slowly savoring this tight white married pussy.

"Mmmhhmm" Karen moaned in the affirmative. She was not moving, letting Jason do all the slow thrusting, as if somehow not moving made her infidelity less grievous.

"Nah, I wanna hear you say it. I want you to tell me how much you want this big black cock." Jason paused his thrusting.

Karen was torn. To say it would be to give in, to betray her loving husband, betray her marriage vows. She did not want to admit to herself (or to Jason) that she was enjoying any of this. But she was. By god she was. They were just getting started and she had never felt so full in her life. She could feel so much dick inside of her. Her pussy was experiencing something completely new and amazing. She bit her bottom lip hard, until she couldn't take it anymore.

"Yes! It feels fucking amazing! I've never been filled like this before."

"So, you want me to keep fucking you? Or you wanna stop right now?"

"No, please, give it to me!"

"Beg for my black man dick!"

"Please give me that black man dick!" Karen felt like such a slut as Jason began pounding her hard. "Oh god yes! Fuck me with that big black man dick!" She probably sounded like the little brunette teen that she and Eric heard that one time at their apartment, but she didn't care. She was reveling in the feeling, uncovering a side of her personality that she did not know existed.

Jason picked her up and placed her on all fours. Karen normally did not like getting fucked doggystyle, but the way Jason was taking charge and manhandling her turned her on. There was no way she would have said no. Karen let out a load man as he put his large cock back into her and began fucking her mercilessly. He was just so big! She could feel her pussy getting resized, changing to adapt to this monster. She even let out a joyful squeal as he spanked her ass. He was fucking her so good, she started feeling an extremely powerful orgasm building inside of her, "Oh my god, I'm gonna fast! You're gonna make me cum so fast!"

"Yeah, cum all over my black dick, bitch!" Jason roared as he spanked her again.

Karen would never have stood for anyone calling her a 'bitch' and never tolerated any type of disrespect. But in this moment, it turned her on immensely. She felt truly owned; his bitch to take as he pleased. When had she become such a slut? With a loud yell, she came all over his cock.

Jason was not done yet, however. He flipped her over and started fucking her missionary, railing her intensely. Karen instinctively wrapped her arms and legs around his muscular back, pulling him into her. She did not notice or control the words she said next until she heard them herself, "God yes, take that white pussy!"

Jason smiled as he looked into her eyes, "Who owns this white pussy? Tell me, baby."

"You do. It's yours. FUCK!" She came again. Hard. Karen could not believe what she was saying but it felt so natural, so right. She bucked her hips into him as he kept on fucking her. It sounded so loud, the clap of flesh on flesh, augmented by the mixed sweat of their rutting bodies.

They had been going for what seemed like a blissful eternity when Jason redoubled his pace and began moaning, declaring he was going to cum. "Yeah baby, cum in my little white pussy! Fill it up!" Karen begged, her smooth, tanned legs were flailing in the air. With a load roar, Jason began shooting his immense load inside her. Karen had never felt so much hot cum in her pussy, the sensation bringing about yet another orgasm for her. She was so filled with cum that it rapidly started leaking out of her, down her ass and onto the bed. Jason leaned in and the couple began making out yet again, with less urgency this time than in the club. Karen was in *******. After a few minutes, Jason laid beside her. Karen rested her eyes and soon fell into peaceful sleep.

Friday Morning.

"Haha, sounded like someone had fun last night...AND this morning." Steph said to Karen as they sat alone in the kitchen table having breakfast, teasing her the same way that Karen had teased Steph when she had first fucked Shawn. Karen guiltily sipped on her coffee, then flashed a mischievous grin. She thought back to when she had woken up that morning, how guilty and remorseful she had felt, how she had told Jason that the night before had been great but that it was wrong and could never happen again, how Jason had ignored her, kissing her skin, her lips, placing her hand on his already erect monster, how she had looked at it, lust written all over her face, how she had voluntarily moved closer to his cock, kissing it gently and passionately, taking it in her mouth (or as much as she could at least), giving him a passionate blowjob, determined to please him, how she had succeeded in doing just that. He had eventually brought her up to kiss her, which she took advantage of by placing the head of his huge dick at the entrance of her pussy, rubbing it all over and getting it wet until she finally began impaling herself on it. Unlike the night before, the fucking started sensually, less urgent, but just as passionate.

"I knew I'd be owning this pussy since the first time I laid eyes on that fine little white ass. I knew you being all stuck up was just a front. Ain't that right? You've wanted this big black cock since you moved in." Jason had said while licking and sucking her tits as she rode him.

"Mmm, yesss. I was too dumb to realize that I thought I despised you because deep down I was so attracted to you. I guess I didn't want to admit it to myself."

The conversation had spurred both of them on, and soon the wet sounds of their fucking, along with their moans and screams, could be heard all over the house. The recent memory of this gave Karen goosebumps.
"Yeah, it was amazing." Karen answered Steph. "Like, wow!" Both girls laughed.

"I told you! I tried showing you what you were missing out on! But I'm glad you finally experienced it. Besties doing 'similar things' once again, hehe! And you look so radiant! So sexy!"

Karen beamed a smile and took another sip of her coffee. She then noticed what time it was. Fuck! It was almost noon and she hadn't called or texted Eric since the night before. He had not even entered her mind all this time. She pulled out her phone and cleared her throat, bracing for the call she was about to make. She had to sound as "normal" as possible.

Saturday Night.

After Eric fell asleep in the bed next to her, Karen could finally gather her thoughts. Too much had happened in the last couple of days.

On Friday, she had felt like she was in an actual honeymoon, even sexier than her own had been. Jason had fucked her brains out most of the day, and the couple barely left the room. They did eventually take a break to go to the beach and get some sun. After laying in the beach for a while, Jason had taken her to walk around the town for a bit, strolling through the merchant shops set up on pedestrian streets, walking hand in hand. She had felt butterflies in her stomach the entire time, and she couldn't help but notice the envious glances that both guys and girls gave them. She realized now that they made a very sexy couple, especially since they were walking around in nothing but their bathing suits and sandals. She would cling around his muscled arm as they looked at the different shops, until Jason had bought her a very sexy, silver ankle chain.

"You can think of me when you wear this. Something special to always remind you that you're mine, more special than that ring on your finger." Jason's words had made Karen feel a little guilty, but very naughty and turned on. It felt so appealing to think that she belonged to an alpha male like Jason, who all the girls were clearly eyeing as they walked past. The rest of the day and night had been spent fucking in Jason's room.

Saturday had been a much more abrupt day. All four of them had gone to the beach early that morning, at least until Karen had whispered to Jason that she was horny and he took her back to the room to give her proper fuck. After about an hour of intense screwing, having cum several times and taking Jason's load once again, she had decided they should go back down to the beach. As she had been walking out to the back terrace, she ran into Eric and her heart had almost stopped.

During the entire trip, Eric had been nothing more a distant thought, except for the sporadic texts and calls, both of which had reduced considerably since she started having sex with Jason. But seeing Eric in person brought all of her troubled thoughts back, her guilt, her love for him, her marriage vows. It all came flooding back. Could he tell? Did he know what she had just done minutes before? It seemed that he hadn't, but it was so obvious! Then in the beach he had laid his head right next to her pussy and Karen freaked, he'd be able to smell the scent of their sex and Jason's cum for sure! She had pushed his head away, hopefully before he noticed. He even commented on how he liked her anklet! God, she felt so wrong.

The worst part was that she thought he had walked in on her and Jason making out. How could she be so stupid? Sure, she had been *******, but that was no excuse. Eric hadn't said anything but Karen was sure that he knew something was going on. She had been very cold to him, which led to fights that night, but the reason for her being cold and in such a mood was the turmoil going on in her head. Her loving marriage versus her blooming affair. Having these conflicts had put her on edge.

Then Eric did what she least expected. He had kissed her. A kiss like the ones they had when they had started dating. It was like he was forgiving her despite his suspicions and despite what a bitch she had been to him that day. She melted with love. This was her husband, and she loved him no matter what.

Now that he had fallen asleep after having such passionate, loving sex (though never quite as fulfilling as with Jason, she omitted to note) she knew what she had to do. She was going to end things with Jason. It had been fun, and maybe she could secretly get a dildo to quench her thirst for bigger cock from now on, but this affair couldn't continue. She knew she couldn't tell Jason during the day for fear that Eric could hear, so she tiptoed to Jason's room.

"We can't do this anymore! I don't want keep hurting Eric." Karen said after waking up Jason.

"Baby, he won't get hurt if he doesn't' know. And even if he does, what do you need him for? I can give you everything you need."

"I'll know I'm hurting him, that's enough. We can still be friends around the apartment, but nothing more. I just came here to let you know."

"Yeah? You sure you're not gonna miss this?" Jason uncovered his monster cock, which was hard and pointing straight at Karen. Karen looked at it and her pussy instantly became wet. What the hell was wrong with her? "Yeah, I know that look. You've been without it for almost a day and you can't stand it. Did your pussy husband try to fuck you? Did you finally realize how he'll never make you cum? You want this, admit it." He was waving it at her, taunting her.

"Shut up! It's not that. Look, we'll do this. I'll give you one last blowjob and then you won't bother Eric or try things when he's around, got it? And this blowjob will the last thing we do together, after that it's over." Karen was already grabbing his cock, pumping it, biting her bottom lip as she did.

"Whatever you say, gorgeous."

Karen brushed her hair back, leaned in and gave the hungriest, sloppiest blowjob she ever given. The hunger inside her was like she was having her last supper. Before long she was even taking it down her throat, which she had learned to do that weekend thanks to Jason.

It should not have surprised her that she was soon on all fours on the bed, with Jason's big black cock punching into her, rearranging her internal organs. She was addicted to his cock, and probably never stood a chance of denying him her pussy. The pleasure he made her feel were unimaginable. The way he was spanking her, grabbing her; she felt so owned. It was amazing. Her pussy felt delightfully stretched and it reciprocated by getting wetter than she ever had with anyone else.

She had tried being quiet, knowing full well that Eric was only down the hall. But she couldn't help it. The bed was rocking, the headboard was banging against the wall, and soon her shouts of ******* joined those noises, screaming out how good it felt. She had never considered herself a very sexual person before this trip, but she realized that was because she had never had proper good sex. This was what she had been missing, what she now craved. She was pushing back onto Jason's abs as hard as she could, taking all of him inside her, feeling his balls slap against her clit as he pushed just as hard into her. She was about to cum.

Just as her orgasm was peaking, however, she heard the door creak open. Her heart leapt up to throat as she turned her head towards the door, horrified.
"Yeah, it was amazing." Karen answered Steph. "Like, wow!" Both girls laughed.

"I told you! I tried showing you what you were missing out on! But I'm glad you finally experienced it. Besties doing 'similar things' once again, hehe! And you look so radiant! So sexy!"

Karen beamed a smile and took another sip of her coffee. She then noticed what time it was. Fuck! It was almost noon and she hadn't called or texted Eric since the night before. He had not even entered her mind all this time. She pulled out her phone and cleared her throat, bracing for the call she was about to make. She had to sound as "normal" as possible.

Saturday Night.

After Eric fell asleep in the bed next to her, Karen could finally gather her thoughts. Too much had happened in the last couple of days.

On Friday, she had felt like she was in an actual honeymoon, even sexier than her own had been. Jason had fucked her brains out most of the day, and the couple barely left the room. They did eventually take a break to go to the beach and get some sun. After laying in the beach for a while, Jason had taken her to walk around the town for a bit, strolling through the merchant shops set up on pedestrian streets, walking hand in hand. She had felt butterflies in her stomach the entire time, and she couldn't help but notice the envious glances that both guys and girls gave them. She realized now that they made a very sexy couple, especially since they were walking around in nothing but their bathing suits and sandals. She would cling around his muscled arm as they looked at the different shops, until Jason had bought her a very sexy, silver ankle chain.

"You can think of me when you wear this. Something special to always remind you that you're mine, more special than that ring on your finger." Jason's words had made Karen feel a little guilty, but very naughty and turned on. It felt so appealing to think that she belonged to an alpha male like Jason, who all the girls were clearly eyeing as they walked past. The rest of the day and night had been spent fucking in Jason's room.

Saturday had been a much more abrupt day. All four of them had gone to the beach early that morning, at least until Karen had whispered to Jason that she was horny and he took her back to the room to give her proper fuck. After about an hour of intense screwing, having cum several times and taking Jason's load once again, she had decided they should go back down to the beach. As she had been walking out to the back terrace, she ran into Eric and her heart had almost stopped.

During the entire trip, Eric had been nothing more a distant thought, except for the sporadic texts and calls, both of which had reduced considerably since she started having sex with Jason. But seeing Eric in person brought all of her troubled thoughts back, her guilt, her love for him, her marriage vows. It all came flooding back. Could he tell? Did he know what she had just done minutes before? It seemed that he hadn't, but it was so obvious! Then in the beach he had laid his head right next to her pussy and Karen freaked, he'd be able to smell the scent of their sex and Jason's cum for sure! She had pushed his head away, hopefully before he noticed. He even commented on how he liked her anklet! God, she felt so wrong.

The worst part was that she thought he had walked in on her and Jason making out. How could she be so stupid? Sure, she had been *******, but that was no excuse. Eric hadn't said anything but Karen was sure that he knew something was going on. She had been very cold to him, which led to fights that night, but the reason for her being cold and in such a mood was the turmoil going on in her head. Her loving marriage versus her blooming affair. Having these conflicts had put her on edge.

Then Eric did what she least expected. He had kissed her. A kiss like the ones they had when they had started dating. It was like he was forgiving her despite his suspicions and despite what a bitch she had been to him that day. She melted with love. This was her husband, and she loved him no matter what.

Now that he had fallen asleep after having such passionate, loving sex (though never quite as fulfilling as with Jason, she omitted to note) she knew what she had to do. She was going to end things with Jason. It had been fun, and maybe she could secretly get a dildo to quench her thirst for bigger cock from now on, but this affair couldn't continue. She knew she couldn't tell Jason during the day for fear that Eric could hear, so she tiptoed to Jason's room.

"We can't do this anymore! I don't want keep hurting Eric." Karen said after waking up Jason.

"Baby, he won't get hurt if he doesn't' know. And even if he does, what do you need him for? I can give you everything you need."

"I'll know I'm hurting him, that's enough. We can still be friends around the apartment, but nothing more. I just came here to let you know."

"Yeah? You sure you're not gonna miss this?" Jason uncovered his monster cock, which was hard and pointing straight at Karen. Karen looked at it and her pussy instantly became wet. What the hell was wrong with her? "Yeah, I know that look. You've been without it for almost a day and you can't stand it. Did your pussy husband try to fuck you? Did you finally realize how he'll never make you cum? You want this, admit it." He was waving it at her, taunting her.

"Shut up! It's not that. Look, we'll do this. I'll give you one last blowjob and then you won't bother Eric or try things when he's around, got it? And this blowjob will the last thing we do together, after that it's over." Karen was already grabbing his cock, pumping it, biting her bottom lip as she did.

"Whatever you say, gorgeous."

Karen brushed her hair back, leaned in and gave the hungriest, sloppiest blowjob she ever given. The hunger inside her was like she was having her last supper. Before long she was even taking it down her throat, which she had learned to do that weekend thanks to Jason.

It should not have surprised her that she was soon on all fours on the bed, with Jason's big black cock punching into her, rearranging her internal organs. She was addicted to his cock, and probably never stood a chance of denying him her pussy. The pleasure he made her feel were unimaginable. The way he was spanking her, grabbing her; she felt so owned. It was amazing. Her pussy felt delightfully stretched and it reciprocated by getting wetter than she ever had with anyone else.

She had tried being quiet, knowing full well that Eric was only down the hall. But she couldn't help it. The bed was rocking, the headboard was banging against the wall, and soon her shouts of ******* joined those noises, screaming out how good it felt. She had never considered herself a very sexual person before this trip, but she realized that was because she had never had proper good sex. This was what she had been missing, what she now craved. She was pushing back onto Jason's abs as hard as she could, taking all of him inside her, feeling his balls slap against her clit as he pushed just as hard into her. She was about to cum.

Just as her orgasm was peaking, however, she heard the door creak open. Her heart leapt up to throat as she turned her head towards the door, horrified.
Hot story keep it up!
This is one good cuckold story. This one is memorable because it's so well written and tells of Karen's long journey to eventually going black. She struggled with her feelings of being a faithful and proper wife, and resisted the temptations till she could resist no more.
Now that she has gone black it will be interesting to see how Eric reacts to his wife having a black lover.
This is one good cuckold story. This one is memorable because it's so well written and tells of Karen's long journey to eventually going black. She struggled with her feelings of being a faithful and proper wife, and resisted the temptations till she could resist no more.
Now that she has gone black it will be interesting to see how Eric reacts to his wife having a black lover.
You have to much time on your hands to write a novel.👎🏾