I'm a black woman but LOVE white men... is this the right forum?

Wow... thank you for the quick judgement and completely unsolicited opinion. Just curious, why the chip on your shoulder? I bet you're always the life of the party, huh? "The whole ******* thing" but yet you're lurking on a website berating women you don't even know about things you know nothing about. I made one post asking a question and you jumped to conclusions. Oh... and sorry if my watermarking my picture upsets you so much. I just have this thing about my image being stolen and used without my permission.

People like you are all over the internet. It's sad. You're so angry and nothing really. You walk around a web forum like cock of the walk like you're someone important who's opinion should matter to me. It doesn't. So, go ahead... keep begging for people to accept you... but you and I both know what you really are. It's ok... just embrace it. That's the first step towards being happy.
You will probably have a lot of that. Pay it no attention, we love you. Welcome!?
Yes. You are probably in the wrong place. This site caters to ladies and couples interested in black men. I'm sure there are going to be people that disagree...but just look at the threads. That being said, it's a free country...you of course are allowed to be here. But the fact that you needed to ask such a question should be kind of a clue as to the nature of this fourm.

Good Luck.
There are a couple of threads here that are about black women and white men but they are few and far between. This site was designed for black on white. Maybe a sister site would do as well. White men on black females in IR is gaining popularity.
By all means! I'll echo what most everyone has already said - this is a perfect site for you! ! !

You are most welcome! Sincerely looking forward to hearing more from you!

Take care, best of luck and definitely, most welcome!