I would like to tell the stories of some of my wife's experiences

The man was around forty years old,dark,medium height and slightly overweight,but sufficiently muscular so that he didn't appear fat. He held a small duffle bag in one hand,and held his other up,blocking the sun from his eyes while he stood in front of Lisa,looking down at her as she filled the pickup truck with fuel. My view was from across the parking lot,but I could see that his expression was mixed between a smile and confusion.

She wore denim short shorts with a white,semi-sheer tank top covered by a sleeveless chambray shirt that she had left unbuttoned. I knew he could see that she was bra-less,and I was trying to remember if she was wearing the spades necklace,earrings,or both.

Their conversation continued after Lisa placed the pump nozzle back into the holder. I saw nods of agreement between them as they made gestures in the direction of the building. He waited for Lisa to get into the driver's seat,and leaned close to the open window for a moment before turning toward the building and walking inside.

Lisa parked the pickup near where I was parked,then came to tell me that she was going to the trucker's showers with her new friend. She wanted me to wait for a while before going into the restaurant,then to get a table for four,because he was expecting a friend,another trucker to join us. I watched her as she walked toward the building. She turned once to confirm that she knew I was watching,then continued to walk,putting what she calls "a little extra" into her hip movements.

I hadn't been able to get a table,so I had settled for a booth in the back corner of the restaurant. I could see the door,and I spotted Lisa and the trucker when they came in,more than an hour after she had left me in the parking lot. She had her small hand bag with her,and I could see that she had taken time to freshen her make-up. She didn't have her own soap,so she had the smell of men's soap on her. She had tied her hair back before coming out of the shower,and she was indeed wearing spades earrings,but no necklace. She introduced her new friend before sliding into the booth beside me. His name was the same as one of Lisa's favorites at Curt's,a name that isn't common,and when you hear it,you assume it belongs to a black man.

We were getting ready to order when his friend showed up. He was around thirty,tall,and slim,but muscular,not skinny. His sense of humor was over the top,non-stop. Almost everything was a reason for him to laugh,and I could tell that Lisa really liked him. As we talked,it came out that Lisa had gone into the shower with his friend,her first time ever in the trucker's showers. He pretended to be bummed out,saying that some guys have all the luck,and that he just couldn't get a break. I knew that Lisa's heeled sandals were on the floor and that her feet weren't. I figured correctly that her feet and legs were busy under the table as we were talking. When we finished our meal and settled up with the waitress,Lisa announced that she had gotten sweaty from all the hot talk that had gone on,and she needed another shower before continuing our trip.

I waited for almost another for Lisa to come out. Her expression as she approached me told me that the second guy had really made an impression on her. I'd been sitting in the parking lot with the ac on,and Lisa got in with me. The first thing she said was WOW. She said that those showers were very small and not designed for two people,let alone to have sex in,but that it was well worthwhile and that she'll probably do it again.

She discreetly slipped her shorts and panties off,then turned to face me,one leg in the floor and the other on my lap. Her pussy was still gaped and slippery with lube. Lisa carries condoms,black condoms and lube now. She said that both of those guys would've flooded her pussy with their cum,because the condoms were full. She said she'd been tempted to tell both of them that they could take them off if they wanted to,especially the last one. She still takes it bareback at home,but she's used condoms every time on the road so far.
"Do you think I won't?" That was Lisa's question after reading what I wrote about her short shorts,that she "almost" showed some cheek.

She spent considerable time over a few days carefully altering a pair of already short cutoffs before coming out of the bathroom in our motel room wearing them,along with a skimpy tank top,bra-less. She had cut them high toward the back on each side,leaving the crotch intact,but shortening them enough to expose a good inch of the bottom edge of her ass cheeks. She did her familiar spin for me before telling me that she was going to the bar next door,and asking if I thought she would get arrested. I told her that she might,but that she was more likely to be fucked. She answered that maybe I could watch,then smiled over her shoulder as she left.
I waited for a while before following Lisa to the bar and didn't let it be known that she was my wife. She got plenty of attention,and I enjoyed the comments I heard about the hottie in the incredibly short shorts. Unfortunately,there weren't any suitable men there and the night ended in a dry run.

Lisa made her point and took the opportunity to tell me,"See? I will,and I'll get a chance to wear them where there are some hot black men to appreciate me. I'm not twenty anymore,but I'm not bad. I still have something to offer,and a lot of men still like looking and....."
We're at home in our retirement bunker for the weekend. Michael's coming at some point this afternoon or evening,and he probably won't come alone. He's much more open to sharing Lisa these days than he used to be,which keeps Lisa in a giddy mood most of the time we're here.
One thing's certain,and it's that the men who come to our home don't come to visit with me. There have only been a few since we got the place finished and moved in,and they've all come with Michael. I have discreet means to observe anything that happens in the main living area and bedroom. I thought when we moved in that I would almost always want to watch Lisa's fun from my hidden perch,but I really haven't done that much. I'm naturally inclined to be a wall flower,and Lisa's bubbly personality and hot looks makes that easy for me to pull off. I found that I prefer to stay close. I serve drinks and sometimes food. Other than that,I'm virtually invisible. Lisa thrives on attention from men and has keeping their attention down to an art. Their eyes follow her every movement,and with good reason.

Lisa's always "charged" before men show up. She sometimes asks for my opinion on clothes,and it's not unusual for her to try on two or more outfits before deciding what to wear. I sometimes shave her and I always paint her toenails. Her excitement is palpable and I know I appreciate sharing her experiences even more because I've been away so much during our marriage.

Lisa is sufficiently independent and capable,but she developed a pattern through the years of getting close to certain men and networking off of them. We discussed that recently,but of course it wasn't the first time. I can be quite analytical and question everything down to the last detail. Lisa,not so much,or at least she won't admit to it. We were talking about Michael in particular at first,before I expanded the conversation by pointing out how she's behaved similarly in the past. Her response went like this:

"I don't analyse everything like you do. I just do what I like and what works for me. If I like a guy,there's a good chance I'll like some of his friends,and sometimes family members too. I've done it over and over because it's kept working for me. It's not complicated. After a while,the subject of sharing always comes up. I mean,men know I'm in it for the fun and I'm not their wife. It's your wife everybody's fucking,and you knew what you were getting into with me. Maybe not the black sex part at first,but it wasn't ruled out. That's good too,because it works for me. That's it. I just keep repeating what works for me. It's really that simple."

I enjoy word games sometimes and Lisa usually plays along with me,but not always to the extent that she'll agree with every point I try to make. I've been trying to get her to admit straight out that she's addicted to black cock,which she obviously is,but she won't give me the satisfaction of hearing her say it. It's always: "It's what I'm used to and it's what I like. Being addicted would be like I do it because I have to,and that's not why I do it. I do it because I want to. I like it. You like your coffee black and I like my sex black. Same thing,see? No? Ha! Close enough.
Something else that's becoming apparent again is Lisa's propensity to gravitate to sex partners where there's a big disparity in their ages. There was a time in her mid/late twenties when she was especially attracted to sex with men who were almost twice her age. Now,in her mid-fifties she's hot for guys who are half her age,and they're going for her!

Michael brought a guy who's twenty-two,and they were all over each other within minutes of him getting there.
I signed on here today intending to follow up on telling the story of Lisa's first encounter with a 22-year-old guy who Michael brought to her. In the course of talking about that experience between the two of us,I became side-tracked by something else. More questions and thoughts. To what extent are we really able to control how our lives evolve? How different is our perception of certain aspects of our lives and events when compared to reality,or the way that an objective observer might see them? Is there really such a thing as destiny?

Lisa describes herself as sexually submissive,but not to the extreme,adding that being female is to be submissive. Really?

I see her as aggressive in that she knows what she wants and she's often able to maneuver in a way that achieves the outcome she desires. I agree that she's generally submissive in the actual sex,but she often appears to be all but orchestrating the chain of events that lead to sex. I assert that she fantasized about being an exotic dancer from the time she was in her teens. "Fantasized?",she asks. OK,she's done it. She's danced for men in controlled situations off and on for a long time,and she's also danced in a club on a real stage before. That just reinforces my point. That,and Curt's coaching to do what? I know what. To make men want to fuck her and to manipulate situations in her favor.(She's reading what I'm writing,and that expression ladies and gentlemen,is sheepish.)

It won't surprise anybody who's read about some of Lisa's escapades that we've discussed whether or not she's an exhibitionist. She says,"Not really",and explains like this:"I dress really sexy,edgy,sometimes maybe trashy to get black men's attention. I want them to know I'm a whore and that I'm open and approachable. Maybe I know who's attention I want,or I might just be trolling. I know other people notice too,and that's alright. I think I have some exhibitionist traits,but I don't think of myself as a real exhibitionist. I've liked showing off a bit since I grew these,but after I got started with black men,it's their attention I want. Does that make me a selective exhibitionist? Maybe. That sounds good. I show my ass to those who I want to see me,and it helps me get what I want."

Lisa excites me in ways that are hard to describe,and I've never wanted to stop her from doing anything she wants to do. Still,she finds it necessary to say things like she said just now:"I've done what I've had to do to have a career and a good family life,and I still do to the extent that I judge to be appropriate. However,you knew when we got together that I was a whore,and that I would always be a whore. I told you that up front and you accepted it without conditions,without reserving the option to change anything,ever,for any reason. Of course neither of us knew then that I would go all out for black men,but nothing was ruled out. It just happened that a great opportunity opened up for me when you had to leave me alone in Georgia to go for your training. I got some training too. HA! I got broke in for black men. I got broke in really good. I loved it,and I've built on it. I'm very good at everything I do. Black men tell me that all the time. You just watch me and keep helping out like you do. You should enjoy it,because honestly,you really don't have any other choice. Being a whore for black men is a big part of who I am,and you couldn't change that if you wanted too. Hahahahaha.........."
The more sex Lisa gets,the more she wants. She's gone through periods when she's gotten virtually no sex for months on end. She adjusts to the situation and copes very well,concentrating on what she has to do and avoiding thoughts of sex as much as possible. That was the rule during her last few years as a professional,the exceptions being occasional vacations that included getting away for discreet black sex. Since she left her last full-time job,she's been more active than at any time since the Army years. Some of her play was interrupted by having to go on the road with me,but she's made the most of the situation by looking for,and finding opportunity while traveling,as well as carrying on with what she was doing here. Almost every time we've spent a few days here,she's gone to the park and basketball court. Some faces have changed there,but she's still familiar to a number of black men,mostly young men who're very interested in her. The way she's dressed when she goes there,that's not surprising. She wore skin-tight yoga pants most of the time in the beginning,then more recently started wearing the shortest athletic shorts I've seen her wear in public since her thirties. Her recent success with men has helped her get past obsessing about her waistline being a little bigger than she considers ideal. It's firm and her tits and ass are absolutely fantastic! She knows that too. A lot of twenty and thirty-somethings are totally envious of her and the way she looks in skimpy clothes.

Lisa's kept in touch with Michael almost daily. He seemed reluctant to share her with anybody but his uncle and one cousin who lives up north for a long time,but that's history. Lisa's delighted that Michael's boastfulness has evolved to include her. He obviously loves showing off his married "Babe". Lisa thrives on the attention she's getting from him and his friends. She goes all-out,holding nothing back when they're here,and constantly buttering Michael up for more.
Michael enjoys Lisa's dressing for him and his friends. He's bought several things for her,and he's made requests that require her to go shopping for the right clothes to wear when they're coming. He wanted her to wear something like an office type might wear when he was bringing Sean,the 22-year-old with him for the first time. Sean has a real thing for older women and had revealed some fantasies to Michael. Lisa cheerfully promised to wear something a nine-to-fiver would wear,adding that she had years of experience in doing exactly that,and adding that it was a shame that she'd given all of her office clothes away and would need to go shopping for the occasion. We all knew that what Michael was suggesting,and what Lisa would wear,would be more like something an erotic dancer or porn star might wear than anything that could usually be seen in a real work environment.

She wore a navy blue,micro mini-skirt,lacy turquoise bra and thong set,and a sheer white blouse,open almost to her navel. Her open heels matched her skirt and her nails matched her bra and thongs. She looked recklessly sexy! She was so pleased with the look that she'd achieved that she told me that it was going to blow Michael's mind. She was coy with him on the phone,telling him that she'd done her best to choose the right combo and hoped he and Sean would like it.

They liked it!

I was standing on the opposite side of the kitchen when Lisa opened the door to greet her men. If I'm introduced,I'm polite,but they're not here to see me. Lisa's always like a coiled spring in that kind of situation,and on that particular night she was even more charged up than usual. First,because she knew they would be impressed with how she looked in her outfit,and secondly,because Sean made a big impression on her.

Sean's tall,pro basketball player tall. He instinctively checks doorways before walking through them,and I understand why. He's broad-shouldered,medium slender,and very dark complected,which is always a plus for Lisa.

I heard Lisa's gasp at her first sight of Sean and I saw his eyes widen as his jaw literally dropped the second he saw Lisa. Michael was surprised and thoroughly impressed too. He accepted her kiss and reciprocated before pushing her to an arm's length away to openly admire her beauty before stepping to one side to formally introduce her to Sean. Sean isn't shy at all,but might have appear to be because he was awestruck with Lisa,who was already lusting for him. I heard her excited "HI" as she looked up at him,anticipating his kiss. After a long moment,he complied,taking her into his arms,her feet dangling a foot from the floor as they kissed in the way that familiar lovers do. I can only imagine how I must have looked as I stood,frozen in place and excited beyond description. That excitement has never waned for me. It's as emotionally shaking as it was in our first years together. It's a done deal at that point. That young black man who neither of us had ever seen before was to be the next to fuck my wife and the time had come for it to happen.
Drinks were served,then left untouched because everything happened so quickly that evening. Lisa and Sean were on our bed and fucking within minutes after the men arrived. Sean's pants were down,and Lisa was still fully dressed,her thongs pushed to one side when Sean's massive cock first entered her pussy.

They eventually stripped Lisa naked and took turns fucking her for several hours. If I wasn't familiar with how long some black men can fuck,I would've been more surprised than I was. I thought they were finished with her several times before they actually were. She was more vocal than usual that time. She greedily accepted the two men's enormous cocks and encouraged them to cum inside her.

That was one,but not the only time recently that I've seen Lisa as hot as she's ever been. She's gotten what she describes as her momentum. Things are going good for her and the more sex she gets,the more she wants.
Hi! Lisa here:)

It's been a while since I tried to write. Momentum's the thing with me,I think. Once I get going,LOOKOUT!
It's momentum that I've been missing in my writing. I took a pause and haven't been able to get myself motivated to start again. I've been reading everything he writes,of course. The reference to my momentum prompted me to at least get on here to thank everybody on here who have been so nice to me. I've enjoyed using this thread as an outlet,and I'll eventually get back to writing on here again.

For now,things are going really good. We're both having to spend more time working than we would like,but that's life. I'm trying to make the most of our travels.;)

We've had some lengthy conversations concerning details of things that happened in the past during the time since he started this thread. That's great for us,because the way we've lived hasn't always afforded us much time to express our feelings about a lot of things to each other. One period that I've been needlessly negative about is our last several years in the Army,after Germany. I'm not sure how much I did or didn't say about it on here,but I've been too negative about it in conversations with my hubby in the years since. I wasn't ready to leave Germany when it was time for us to go. Everything was perfect for me in our last year there. I was looking forward to spending one more year in what had become my Paradise,and I was extremely disappointed when our extension got turned down.

There were factors in life back in the states that made life challenging for me in ways that I hadn't experienced before,a baby growing quickly and getting harder to keep up with. My hubby going away for weeks and months again,sometimes without notice,and with little or no communication with him while he was gone. My attitude made it seem worse than it was. There were good things going on then too. I had more girlfriends than ever in my life,before or since. I wasn't being ignored by men. My hubby likes to remind me that most of my girlfriends envied me for my sexual freedom. What I didn't have was enough time or comfort. I got sex often,but it was mostly hurried and not very comfortable,bent over in a friend's bathroom or laid on a couch for a quickie if I was lucky. My hubby likes reminiscing about that time. He thinks it was really hot. I've stopped resenting it like I did,and I'm sort of understanding his point of view. It's always been in contrast to how it was in Germany,and I've let myself get hung up on that aspect of it. It really wasn't so bad. I've been lucky with men,including during that time.

Reminiscing's fun,but we can't really go back. Today and tomorrow's more important than anything in the past. Take care my friends. Be good or good at it.;) I'll write more on here sometime. I promise.

Bye for now:)
Lisa here again

My hubby thinks I should get on here and talk about my pussy,so I thought about what I might say. He says I think with my pussy,so it shouldn't be difficult. I'm really very practical about most things,but I'll admit that I'm sexually indulgent to a degree.

I'm learning to accept that I have to do things a bit differently now than in the past. I'm getting used to the idea of using condoms. I'm not claiming that I always use them. Michael and guys I know talk about things and we have an understanding,but I'm looking for opportunities to play when we're on the road,and it doesn't make sense to take that much risk,in spite of the fact that I love the feel of cum inside me more than almost anything.

I have to mention those shorts my hubby wrote about,the cutoffs. It's not often that I can surprise him the way I have with those shorts. He was watching when I was cutting them and I know he was wondering what was taking me so long. Now he knows.:) Now that they've been washed several times,and the edges have unraveled,he can see. Everybody who looks can see a lot more than he thought too. I laughed when I read what he said about me leaving the crotch intact. It's not anymore! I know what I'm doing with shorts. I just don't know where I'll get a chance to wear them yet. The crotch is still there,but men who pay attention will be able to see my panties,if I'm wearing any. If I'm not wearing any panties,they'll see my pussy.

So there.:) I got on here and talked about my pussy. Happy now?
OK Already!

I didn't say how hot,wet,and ready my pussy is. My pussy's always hot and ready for a big,stiff,black cock. My pussy gets wet with just the thought of being touched by dark hands or penetrated by a big,stiff black cock.

Only big black cocks excite me,but if you're good,I might let you play with my pussy after I'm satisfied,as a favor to you,of course.
I keep thinking of more things to say,so maybe I really am getting back into writing here. We're carrying on a lot of silliness here,as I'm sure everybody can tell,but it's fun.

The exhibitionist thing....... I don't think I'm an exhibitionist in the literal sense,but I'm finding that I enjoy dressing like I did when I really was a young tramp. What's making it fun is men's reactions. I don't want to over-do it in family type settings,but wow! It's a huge ego boost to get stares and smiles from men,even really young men when you're in your 50's with your ass and tits out where they can see them. To know men still like looking at them means sooooo much!

I'm thinking I might wear the cutoffs to the basketball court soon. I could wear a semi-sheer crop top with them and wear a long shirt over everything until I'm there,then leave the shirt on my bike while I hang with the young black guys.
Lisa here with a serious thought that I want to share. I know that not everybody will understand this in the way I mean it. It's a thought that's difficult to convey in writing,but I want to try.

Few people who've read about me would guess how naive I was about the popularity of the lifestyle before I was introduced to this site. I was of the mind that I was more unusual than I really am. A series of events shaped my preferences. It simply happened by chance at first. I was rescued from what was going to be a lonely and boring existence by the black men in the apartment next door. Once the reality of what was possible sunk in,my tendency toward excess came into play. I was excited by what was the novelty of IR sex at the time,and soon black sex naturally became my niche,my lifestyle.

There are too many exaggerated tales out there already,so I don't want to throw numbers around and end up sounding cliche. Much of what's considered to be common knowledge simply isn't true. One thing that is true is that black men's cocks on average are bigger than men of all other races. Of course all black men's cocks aren't huge,but a significant percentage of them are. My friend who we've been calling Michael is hugely hung. Early in our relationship,I rightfully complimented him on his size and his skills. One would have to know Michael's personality to appreciate how strongly he responded to what I said. I anticipated that,but saw no reason to hold back sincere and well-deserved flattery for fear of further inflating Michael's ego. He's fantastic in bed and he's very good to me. That compliment lead to a conversation in which I admitted to being a size queen. It wasn't just because I knew that's what Michael wanted to hear. I really am. I like them big. No. I love them big,and black! That's not to say that I'm not interested,or can't be satisfied with anything that's less than double digits,but Michael took it that way. He has brought two relatives and two friends to me,and they're all huge. He's really gotten into sharing me lately,and I'm guessing that he won't introduce me to anybody who he thinks won't measure up. I've thought about telling him that I can settle for a little less and still be happy,but he's doing so good for me that I'm reluctant to say anything. My time here has been very limited anyway. In fact,we have to leave again tomorrow for another week or more.

All of that wasn't necessary to get to what I wanted to say when I started. I'm just starting to enjoy writing on here again,and I've been stalling,because I know that what I'm going to say won't be understood or appreciated by everybody who reads it. My own hubby had a hard time accepting it. He didn't mind seeing it until it got to the point that HE thought it was excessive,and we clashed over what was enough verses too much,positive verses negative,and so on.

To each his/her own,and I'm speaking strictly for myself.

If I don't feel totally spent,knocked off balance....conquered might be too strong,but only because I have no desire to be abused,then it's not as good as it can be.

I'm not a kid. I'm told that I take it good,and I should be able to,but really huge cocks always bottom out. The sensation's not always the same. It's more often than not,a feeling like it's going too far in,past a limit. There's always some pain involved in being fucked by hugely hung men. It can hurt so bad that it takes the pleasure out of it if he really wants it to hurt or he's just clumsy. That's not how it usually happens for me. Most of the time,it hurts really good! I'm as weak as a kitten after I'm fucked really good. Even if I have some nausea,it's alright. If there's more than one,or if they're coming around often enough to make me really sore,all the better.

That's how it is when it's as good as it can be!:blackgreedy:

Most of our days on the road are boring. At least this one's been beautiful weather-wise and relatively short as our work days go. I sat in a vehicle for most of the day as usual.

I'm going out after dinner. It's not that big of a thing because choices of places where I can go are limited here. I just thought that some people who've shown interest in my trashin' around might be interested in what I'm doing tonight,and it only takes me a few minutes to share. I'm going to the same club where I wore the cutoffs the first time. It's a blue collar place with a mixed clientele. I can see it from our motel,and I've seen some black guys going in and out of there that looked good. Just because I didn't meet anybody who I really clicked with the last time doesn't mean it can't happen. Besides,there aren't a lot of choices close to here.

Those cutoffs are a touch more radical than before they unraveled. I'm not wearing them tonight,but I'm sure I'll wear them in there again. I'm not in a mood for shorts tonight,and as far as the question of whether I'm an exhibitionist goes,maybe I am sometimes. I'm going to wear a denim mini-skirt tonight. I'm wearing short skirts often lately. My hubby says some of them are micro-mini's. Maybe. I seriously feel like a young lately. I'm not delusional. I'm aware that I'm a mature woman,and I like when men use the word milf. But,I don't feel much different than I did when I was a young or much younger woman. I'm still the same person inside.

Thank all you men who let me and others like me know you like looking and appreciate us showing our stuff. I'll be wearing a low cut,white blouse tonight that's has some lace embroidery on it. It's semi-sheer,so it'll be obvious that I'm bra-less,and if the light and your angle's right,you'll see my nips clearly. I haven't decided whether or not I'll wear panties. If I do,they'll be pretty and interesting.

If you see me and like what you see,let me know. Smile,and be yourself. I can't resist a genuinely good black man,so I don't even try. We'll play a little if it seems appropriate,but I'm easy.
Good Morning everybody,

Lisa here. There are some fine black men in there sometimes. I've been in there for the past two nights getting acquainted with several of them. They know what I'm about,and that I'm not a pool shark. Ha! A couple of them already called me a hot wife in conversation.

My hubby's been there part of the time. He's been keeping some distance,but I think they know who he is. It doesn't matter. They've noticed how friendly I am,and they're comfortable enough with me that I've had hands under my skirt already.:)

There are three or four that I would gladly spread my legs for. I'm almost sure that at least two of them will follow through,and it's possible that more will.

I'm going back again tonight.
Lisa here. Wow! Life can move really fast sometimes. It seems like it's been more than just a few days since I last wrote here. A lot has happened since then. I'll use a term my hubby likes to use,and say mission accomplished in regard to what I was trying to do in the bar. I had the most wonderful weekend that I've had in some time,and it's kinda still going. Four men from the bar fucked me over the weekend,and two have kept fucking me and fucking me.

I'm working today,so I don't have much time. I had to come back to the room to get something I forgot this morning. I'll share some of what's happening when I get time to write. I've managed to get kinda popular in this little corner of town,and it feels fantastic!
OK,where to start?

Those guys knew what I was up to,and they knew my hubby was watching me. After I was there for three nights in a row hanging around the pool tables,dressed like a young tramp and flirting like one too,how could they not have known?

We got familiar and the conversation naturally went to sex,then more specifically to the subject of hot wives. They expressed their opinions in language that went straight to the point. Some of what they said was really flattering. I have to say that I was more than a little surprised how favorable they talked about wives in general. The short version of their collective opinions is that they appreciate hot wives not playing the same games as diggers. According to them,wives are out for sex,period. We're used to getting it regularly,and we're not hesitant to admit it's what we're after. OK. Regularly's good,and sure,it's what I'm after.:blackgreedy:

Two of the men like me more than the rest,or they're just more free to do what they want with their time. There were married men involved. I won't spend time on details that I don't know about. I don't live here.

Four men walked over here with us Friday night. It's a short distance. Only a car dealer and a restaurant sit between this motel and the bar. I got a rush of sexual excitement while we were walking together. Four black men walking with us brought back memories of how I felt when I was an Army wife,good memories for sure.:)

Every which way but loose..........yeah. That would be an accurate take on it. Bent over,spread wide,book-ended and gagged with stiff cocks,.......rinse and repeat. Really hard at times,and,.... for a long time,into the night.

Nobody slept here Friday night,but two of the men came back Saturday. They spent most of the weekend with us,and came back last night and tonight too. I'm so sore that I can't sit or take a step without being reminded how I've been fucked. That's as perfect as it gets for me.

I think I was always going to be a whore,at least in my heart,if not in practice. There's no doubt that my hubby's attitude about it and the way he's encouraged me to go for it has had an influence on me. Getting involved with black men has been huge too. I appreciate times like this more than ever. I've had more times of opportunity than most women ever get a chance to experience. It's an intoxicating feeling to be open while being a total whore. I know the opposite side all too well,and it's nothing I want to write about on here. I like the thread about IR vacations because that's the best opportunity many wives can get.