Hypothetical high rish situations your wife may find herself involved in

Request for replies:
In watching videos, news fantasizing I have often imagined and set up my own back story of how the wife and bull ended up in the location they were having sex and had fun imaging she was tricked by the bull by getting her in a situation where she felt she had little choice but to suck his cock or give up her pussy to get out of it such as being on an island or some other isolated location, dealing with a home intruder or feeling threatened and it being implied the way out of it was to offer her pussy to her black guide or aggresser whether that aggression us real or imagined .

I brought up some situations recently to a girlfriend and got some interesting answers. In every case she said she would willingly have with her aggressor to get out of her situation, though she might feel guilty that she wasn't willing to fight back and really fantasized about being in a threatening situation with an attractive aggressive strange man who demanded sex from her in exchange for freedom and safety. She felt like that was a justifiable situation she could easily explain and justify having sex outside of a relationship and secretly wanted to experience being in that situation but in her fantasy its with someone she would like to have sex with anyways.

Another was ******* and ******. Most women ive dated have a ******* fantasy though not a violent ******* but a pressured uncomffortable or ****** ******* where they aren't harmed .
I dated a girl who was unfortunately raped and she continued to have sex with the guy not only as a way to deal with the situation but because his agression turned her on for whatever reason since he was so different than her boyfriend she was dating.

One last one Ive discussed with my ex-wife was given we were in a cuckold lifestyle would she take a lover who ****** her into sex against her will but she ended up liking him afterwards. She said yes...
I then asked would she tell me about it and she also said probably eventually because it wouldn't matter to her how I felt but it would turn her on that I knew about him and i couldn't do anything about it.
I don't think ******* fantasy is explicit a male thing. Since i started watching porn together with my ex-bf and my husband, but most in the times between my partnerships, i often fantasized about scenes i saw in porn and developed my own sceneries too. ******* fantasies, blackmailing sex, male dominance were the most intense parts of the show inside my head. I wouldn't like to be raped in real, of course! But the pure imagination of being ****** is pure thrill inside my brain. I tried to realize a few self-made stagings under "safe conditions" but imaginations are always better than the reality in which you know of the scripted conditions. But who seriously wants to experience REAL violence?
wife had a boss that made her have sex with him
We (the company I work for) had a similar situation. Both were terminated. Him well his career is gone. She well as head of HR she knew the rules for reporting this and that she would be supported she choose to not follow the correct routes
******* fantasy is not a female thing. It is male imposed imagination. ******* is an act of violence. Period. Anything ****** against your will is violence.
I'll beg to differ, I've had a couple women freak me out by telling me what they're actually into. Back in high-school a chick that was horny for me told me she had that fantasy, told me she liked the idea of being ****** and choked and liked to scratch and draw *******, I told her that was way too much for me lol.
There absolutely is a certain amount of women into that fantasy.
Request for replies:
In watching videos, news fantasizing I have often imagined and set up my own back story of how the wife and bull ended up in the location they were having sex and had fun imaging she was tricked by the bull by getting her in a situation where she felt she had little choice but to suck his cock or give up her pussy to get out of it such as being on an island or some other isolated location, dealing with a home intruder or feeling threatened and it being implied the way out of it was to offer her pussy to her black guide or aggresser whether that aggression us real or imagined .

I brought up some situations recently to a girlfriend and got some interesting answers. In every case she said she would willingly have with her aggressor to get out of her situation, though she might feel guilty that she wasn't willing to fight back and really fantasized about being in a threatening situation with an attractive aggressive strange man who demanded sex from her in exchange for freedom and safety. She felt like that was a justifiable situation she could easily explain and justify having sex outside of a relationship and secretly wanted to experience being in that situation but in her fantasy its with someone she would like to have sex with anyways.

Another was ******* and ******. Most women ive dated have a ******* fantasy though not a violent ******* but a pressured uncomffortable or ****** ******* where they aren't harmed .
I dated a girl who was unfortunately raped and she continued to have sex with the guy not only as a way to deal with the situation but because his agression turned her on for whatever reason since he was so different than her boyfriend she was dating.

One last one Ive discussed with my ex-wife was given we were in a cuckold lifestyle would she take a lover who ****** her into sex against her will but she ended up liking him afterwards. She said yes...
I then asked would she tell me about it and she also said probably eventually because it wouldn't matter to her how I felt but it would turn her on that I knew about him and i couldn't do anything about it.
Please proofread before you post. Pretty sure you meant RISK and not RISH,
I don't think ******* fantasy is explicit a male thing. Since i started watching porn together with my ex-bf and my husband, but most in the times between my partnerships, i often fantasized about scenes i saw in porn and developed my own sceneries too. ******* fantasies, blackmailing sex, male dominance were the most intense parts of the show inside my head. I wouldn't like to be raped in real, of course! But the pure imagination of being ****** is pure thrill inside my brain. I tried to realize a few self-made stagings under "safe conditions" but imaginations are always better than the reality in which you know of the scripted conditions. But who seriously wants to experience REAL violence?
I completely get u. ******* isnt good, but dominance is what i like
******* fantasy is not a female thing. It is male imposed imagination. ******* is an act of violence. Period. Anything ****** against your will is violence.
"Anything forces against your will is violence."
Yea thats not how English works though. That's not what violence means.
It seems that often times fantasy and reality get mixed up with some people. I would never give up and willingly have sex with an aggressive person just to get out of the situation. Nor would I ever start liking someone who pressured/ ****** themselves upon me.
I believe in the freedom to life how you choose and if my husband arranged a situation where I was pressured to have sex ( which I know he never would) we would be over instantly. In any situation where someone is trying to ******* themselves upon another, that person becomes a victim of a violent crime. I would encourage that person to never just give in and take it but rather defend yourself and make them regret their actions.