How to pick up BBC?

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Hi Inwould like to hear testimonies from hotwives how do they approach BBC in bars , pubs, shopping centres public places. Do you flash your pussy, bend over for him to peak, dress skimpy to arouse his BBC. Tell us your tricks.
I’ve read this several times and crack up every time. I’m sure the flashers are out there. I can’t imagine going to the mall and flashing. I’m not necessarily shy, I just can’t imagine having to resort to that to get attention. I might smile and say hello. It’s not likely I’ll approach someone but I’ll speak if they are next to me. The response tells me all I need to know. I’m grown. I don’t chase lol
The same way you would pick up any other man. Encounters in a public setting begin with conversation. Where it goes from there is up to the participants. If I am having a conversation with a woman that has piqued my interest I will generally tell her I am leaving and I would like to continue the conversation at my hotel/cabin/ cabana. Of course she is free to make the invitation first.
Hi Inwould like to hear testimonies from hotwives how do they approach BBC in bars , pubs, shopping centres public places. Do you flash your pussy, bend over for him to peak, dress skimpy to arouse his BBC. Tell us your tricks.
I have never seen any walking cocks, it would be fun to see one:LOL:
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