How Small Are You?

5" It seems to be about the average for us white boys, I'm sure I used to be slightly bigger though before I started wearing the cage lol
Is there any realistic way of making us smaller?
I know a cage feels like it does it, but it's just a myth.
Realistic! No ******* or anything like that.
That's awesome but a shame that no one wanks your little peepee with 2 fingers
True, but I just love it more when real men just totally ignore it as if it didn't even excist. I'm pussyfree for over 4 years and 7 months and is has been over 5, maybe even 6 years since someone (my ex) made me cum. (the last period of the relationship I just always had to make myself cum, she only slapped my balls while trying or just ignored me and was on her phone).