How popular is interracial cuckolding?

I’m a Mexican guy and I’m going to be honest this isn’t very popular among us but I’ve noticed this is very common among white people and those who come from India. The Indians don’t emphasize the guy being black as much as the white people do however.
I suspect most women who have a cuckold husband fuck other men and race is not an issue. I would think that there are women who prefer bbc or some that look for big cocks. Most people will keep things quiet and there does not seem to be much interest in researching cuckold relationships except by hucksters. My wife fucked younger , older, bigger smaller and any race but she did have a lot of bbc
Without a definitive academic study of this topic, it's almost impossible to put an accurate number on this. Still, my instincts tell me that while the percentage of couples who do this sort of thing is probably very low (likely <1%), those that do practice this lifestyle are highly motivated to share their adventures with like-minded people. That's why sites like this one are so active.
Yes, the trend is growing exponentially. When my gf and I resided in Atlanta we found numerous couples in the lifestyle who preferred IR cucking over any other form of lifestyle activity. We are now in the Chicago area and beginning our immersion until Covid came along. We've turned to IR cuckold porn as a substitute. It is NOT a substitute, unfortunately.
I love it, and been doing it all my married life, how popular it is, nobody knows, there are couples with their bulls that would never openly talk about it. You could say some couples do it, many, many others don’t, all depends on the husband, he is usually the driving ******* in the Cuckold mindset, mine certainly was.
It’s become quite popular in our neighborhood of retirees largely thanks to one middle-aged black guy who has serviced a number of our wives. Since a number of us are impotent (including me), we’re delighted that our wifeys still can get a hard cock deep inside them.
I've been into this lifestyle (not experienced) for a lot of years. From the very start, the internet allowed people to come together and share their experiences and interests in this lifestyle. It was especially nice for people who aren't from big cities as you sometimes felt you might have been only a handful of people in the World with this kink. However, the internet can make things seem much bigger than they are. It's like you have blinders on and get sucked into a rabbit hole. I think a lot have a fantasy, but much fewer want to act on it like most here.
I agree. As much as I encouraged my wife to cuck me I didn’t want to be present to watch her bull have his way with her. Nor did she want me there. She said it would have inhibited her.
I think its more common. I travel a lot and its more common for a couple to approach me at a hotel bar and offer me a *******, for example. In many cases this leads to more. 10 years ago I don't think I recall a couple buying me drinks.
The number I would imagine is higher than most would think. As was said by others, it's a very private arrangement. No one, besides our ******* knows about of playtime. He came out as Gay recently and felt really awkward about it, so my husband explained our lifestyle to him and he thanked us for being honest, and not ashamed.