How much do you jack off to your wife or gf fucking blacks?

In our situation the only way for this to happen was she would have to be alone with him....she's told me she could never do it in front of me ...she's Asian and a bit shy that way......he's a younger very good-looking well built coworker of hers and he has know idea that I know....I found out this is the most erotic experience for me....she's very cute and hot, so watching her get ready to spend the night with him at his apartment is heart pounding exciting.....then watching the hours pass just knowing they are alone together making love to each other in his bed with no condom is the Mount Everest of this life style
So do you jerk off when she is with her lover? I have waited outside the bedroom a few times and just hearing them is enough to drive me crazy. I know it sounds strange but I have this thing that while she is with another guy I do not allow myself any sexual pleasure. I insisted to my wife that I be in a chastity cage. I also have a large very uncomfortable butt plug. The two keep me focused on her pleasure and not mine.
I think one of the unique habits for a lot of cucks is, even with an endless amount of images online to jerk off to, a lot including myself will still prefer to jerk off to thoughts or images of their own wife naked or in action. I imagine it would be unheard of for vanilla husbands jerking off to naked images of their own wives, but I always have and know many cucks that do as well. My wife loves it as well :)
In our situation the only way for this to happen was she would have to be alone with him....she's told me she could never do it in front of me ...she's Asian and a bit shy that way......he's a younger very good-looking well built coworker of hers and he has know idea that I know....I found out this is the most erotic experience for me....she's very cute and hot, so watching her get ready to spend the night with him at his apartment is heart pounding exciting.....then watching the hours pass just knowing they are alone together making love to each other in his bed with no condom is the Mount Everest of this life style
"........just knowing they are alone together ........making each other.. his bed.........with no condom........"

Fuck DANG that's hot!!!!

I get off divinely too when I know it's happening, with my wife's lover also being younger and very good-looking and well-built.

He is my lover too and we share the marriage bed most nights, often threesoming together, so I'm all too familiar with the beautiful way he moves when he's fucking my wife and how sexily he and she whisper and murmur and moan together and cry out ecstatically and grunt when they finally orgasm all the more uninhibitedly and catacysmically from knowing that I'm far from them in body but not in mind.

Breathing jerkily and fast I would ascend and orgasmically summit solo on my personal Everest when my wife and buddy went on holiday together, and when I was away on night-duty at the hospital and between cases trying to sleep on a hard single bed in my lonely single room in the residents' quarters, or when I chose to sleep apart from them in our spare room which is separated from the master bedroom by only a thin and resonant cavity wall.

I came so athletically and hard and repeatedly on those occasions that my seriously overworked glutes and abs would ache for days afterwards. Even my jaw muscles would be aching from me orgasmically gritting my teeth.

But fuck the climbing and the summitting were so good. In fact the best I can remember.
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