How many wives like to go out in public with their Bull?

It depends where I go , if it’s somewhere out of the area i live I’ll happily hold hands and kiss in public,

If I was spending time with a guy I’d generally arrange to meet somewhere where I probably wouldn’t be recognised,

Thank you so much for the compliment, I’m 64 this month so every compliment is greatly received 😊😘
Very sexy my Couple wife is 61 a goddess
It was tricky with my Bull. In business attire it was no sweat. We were partners so we often had to be together. Romance was difficult in the same town. We had a secret loft we partied in. It was more fun going to other cities where I could be the woman I wanted to be for him.
First time I had sex with a black man was a total disaster. I was very nervous and apprehensive and although he entered me a couple of times I froze and had to stop. Two nights later we went out together for a ******* and a meal. He was 16 years older than me and being dressed sexy with an older black man people stared but that made me feel good. We had incredible sex later that night.
I would encourage my ladies to go out alone with their black lovers on dates. I would wait at home.
They enjoyed going to different places, getting to know their lovers better and it helped make them both more comfortable and explore if there was any potential for long term relationships.
It also gave the bulls a chance to woo her and charm her without me there so she could feel more at ease to reciprocate and them casually develop chemistry and them both touch and flirt with each other without me around as a third wheel giving them freedom to talk about each other and give them the opportunity to downplay me and promote themselves to naturally make it easier for the bull to start developing alpha status with just her instead of working us both at the same time all the time. He needs to work her separatly at times and flirt with her so that it helps make him dominating and being an alpha over me when we are both around easier and more appealing to her since they have their own thing and she is starting to know him better.
Wife and husband like to go with me to dinner and to local wine bar. She enjoys the fear and excitement of it all. There is a local swing club we go to sometimes on rare occasions
I'd love to hear more details about this. Does she make it obvious that she is with both of you? I'm curious to hear if people understand that you are cuckolding her husband and what their reactions might be and it is something that you and the husband enjoy?
It depends where I go , if it’s somewhere out of the area i live I’ll happily hold hands and kiss in public,

If I was spending time with a guy I’d generally arrange to meet somewhere where I probably wouldn’t be recognised,

Thank you so much for the compliment, I’m 64 this month so every compliment is greatly received 😊😘
You're the same age as my wife and I would love for her to be a hotwife like you. When did you and your husband start on this journey?
It’s not an issue at all, we do everything from driving out, eating out, movies, I even bought him a regular annual gym membership when he’s here with me, but generally we’re home birds, most of the time.