How many ex Military out there?

Marine 2005-2015 oorah
10 years? You got half way done...and you just gave up?

Hope you don't mind me's just a curiosity thing for me. I put in 6 years and got out. But one of my roommates stayed in for 18 and a half years. Then got out. That's just stupefying to me and I couldn't understand it. 10 years is nowhere near as bad as that but I've always considered any beyond 10 the home stretch.
Thank you so much for your service and I know from experience, being hurt in Afghanistan that your job is essential in so many ways! I owe a lot of my current health to Army medics, do you like it? Are you male or female? This is Christy? Or Jeff?
And you love BBC! Jeff is a lucky man to have you as his better half. You are in many ways a dream woman to me! Did you have a lot of BBC when you were active? You look like you were pursued by many!