Hotel Antics?

Most definitely, a hotel just puts the mind in a very exciting mood.
Specially if you're there with a specific sexy intent!
And good for you!! Also thank you! There always someone thinking "what sexy stuff am I maybe going to see here"'re the answer!! Lol!
Gets old after a while. Gotta spice it up
Does anyone else get turned on by just being in a hotel? Preferably away from home where it doesn't matter what you do?

I love it. I have for years. I love to show off, engage in exhibitionism, "get caught" being bad, wear lingerie to the ice machine. I've even gone to the Front Desk for extra towels in the wee hours of the night without any clothes. It is sexy getting caught and reprimanded.
Hotels are a ton of fun yes. Get wild and crazy and a bit messy as well as live the high life in some of the fancier ones. I have also gone out in lingerie or even a dip in the pool.
I cannot tell you how many times I have rented a hotel room at 1am or 2 am while my wife and some guy we met in a bar stand behind me having an imitate luggage, local address on my driver's license...SO obvious what is going on. Paying for a room so I can watch some guy we just met fuck my wife for a couple of hours...priceless.
Nothing much better than when you KNOW that other guests in the hotel hear both wives screaming in pleasure and begging for cock & cum all night long, and secretly wish they had been invited! :giggle:

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