Hot Latina Girlfriend

bunch of idiots who think they know everything and assume and ruin posts! This is why no one uses these sites because they are always questioned! Why would someone make up stuff like that and get a kick out of it makes no sense. We were happy to share what we got just not with you anymore. Bunch of sad lonely single cunts.
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These are nice pics and all, but can the gf speak for herself? We're seeing many cucks post pics of their ladies without them even knowing about it or just making it all up in the first place.

I'm going to keep posting this same message for every post that's like yours, from now on.

in this situation I just keep it simple, unless varified, this is jsut some dude with a bunch of pics he found on the net.

if I showed you guys my kik conversations you will see tons of guys show me pics of there "gf" but never have video content. I think my favorit part is when i ask them to provide time stamps they bail out with out a moments notice. everytime with out fail.