Holy Black Pussy

Africa is the birthplace of humankind, of all modern humans. Long time all whites looking down on a black people, forgetting that all of them came out of a black pussy! Now is the time to mend a long-standing injustice and worship Black Pussy as a true deity who gave life to all of us!!!
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Call of Deity

Of the human population living today, people with the Khoisan (San and Hottentot) phenotype are the closest anthropologically to early modern humans.Black ladies can (also) be beautiful, but the truth is that compared to Khoisan people, representatives of the "black" (congoid, negroid) phenotype are considered mutants, as are Caucasians and Asian people.The name of the continent was given by the Latins living on the Appennine peninsula in southern Europe.

The mini video shows a beautiful beautiful and very seductive black pussy, but these are the facts!!