Hi from France


Hi ! I'm Manon ! 24yo French girl, so please forgive me if my english isn't always the best ;-)
I'm not quite sure what I should or should not say so if you have questions, I don't mind answering them.

But I'm a rather shy and quiet girl so I won't share pictures or anything.
I just registered to read about other people's stories and experiences and maybe share mine if people are interested.

If I didn't say enough stuff, please telle me xD
Hello ☺

Of course we would love to hear your experiences. The past and the future ☺😉

Feel free to writhe ☺

Thank you ;-)

So since I got asked I will paste my answer there :

I had a white boyfriend when I was younger, but we never got to the sex part of the relationship xD
It's a long story but I was with them just to 'fit' like I was normal but I wasn't really attracted and my friends always thought and told I was cold and frigid. And at that time I thought I was, actually !

So I had a couple of white boyfriends when I was younger but I never had sex with one of them.
Since then I discovered where my preferences lies and I only had sex with black guys.
Now I see myself as a docile and maybe sometimes easy girl when a guy tries to seduce me.
But I never make the first step. And I'm more the kind to be guided rather than the one who initiate things.
Of course only if I like him physically ;-)