help me please!!

I get so turned on cuckolding my husband with black bulls.I get off on making him kiss me after I suck a black mans cock and love nothing more than to sit on his face after they shot their cum into my pussy. I do love my husband and we are happy together apart from he can't satisfy me sexually. He really wants me to be happy. He knows how much it turns me on, is it wrong to make him do this?


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I get so turned on cuckolding my husband with black bulls.I get off on making him kiss me after I suck a black mans cock and love nothing more than to sit on his face after they shot their cum into my pussy. I do love my husband and we are happy together apart from he can't satisfy me sexually. He really wants me to be happy. He knows how much it turns me on, is it wrong to make him do this?
Sounds like it's very much what you and hubby both want and need to complete yourselves as human beings. That is so beautiful to me. You should have your marriage your way and those that love you both will always be supportive. It is not wrong for you to make him do that, as both of you would fighting the very real urges your souls scream at you to live out and set you both free. I really admire both of you for taking the journey...hey, what makes it so hot and right, is the taboo of it being so wrong! Delicious.
I get so turned on cuckolding my husband with black bulls.I get off on making him kiss me after I suck a black mans cock and love nothing more than to sit on his face after they shot their cum into my pussy. I do love my husband and we are happy together apart from he can't satisfy me sexually. He really wants me to be happy. He knows how much it turns me on, is it wrong to make him do this?
Mmmmmm sexy there is absolutely Nothing wrong with that! You go girl... and come suck my dick and kiss him. 😘
I get so turned on cuckolding my husband with black bulls.I get off on making him kiss me after I suck a black mans cock and love nothing more than to sit on his face after they shot their cum into my pussy. I do love my husband and we are happy together apart from he can't satisfy me sexually. He really wants me to be happy. He knows how much it turns me on, is it wrong to make him do this?
I think that the answer is very simple.
If he likes that stuff, than it is okay.
If he doesn't like it, then it is wrong.
Making someone do things they do not want to do is per definition wrong, no matter who is doing it.
I get so turned on cuckolding my husband with black bulls.I get off on making him kiss me after I suck a black mans cock and love nothing more than to sit on his face after they shot their cum into my pussy. I do love my husband and we are happy together apart from he can't satisfy me sexually. He really wants me to be happy. He knows how much it turns me on, is it wrong to make him do this?
where are you from?