Help for refugees.

You can’t be real, everything is wrong with that. The only thing they do is ******* women, has nothing to do with sex.
You are not correct. There are some Muslim males who are young and have never been exposed to any culture other than their own. To them, if a woman shows a lot of her body, her arms, legs etc, she is a whore. Thus ******* her to them is punishment for not being modest. There are many refugees who are more educated about other cultures. The white women recognise their prowess, superior built and bulge. They are turned on and they let them fuck them for the pleasure of their lives. Then, they tell their girlfriends how good it was. That is reality.
vlobs as a typo! It should have read blonds
I don't understand what the confusion is. I have always referred to real blondes as "vlobs". It's quite common. .

According to Wikipedia:
Definition: "Vlob" Pronunciation: "Vlawb"
Archaic: A red headed woman who wishes to be blonde.
Current: A natural blonde woman
Usage: "Wow do you see that hot vlob over there?" and, "That vlob is a slob Rob!" Rob: "She may be a slob, but vlobs have more fun!"
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