has your wife or girlfriend gone black with out your knowledge then had to have a pussy tuck operation as result of size

absolutley my wife had a pussy tuck operation to reduce size it cost 5000 dollars .Even though she had three natural baby births it did return to normal size after birth .But she is only 5 feet tall petite an she did have operation on her own accord chosing I could never understand maybe the cost bothered me more than anything else. I was just curious as to if anyone else had similar experience? 18 years later I am still mystified about this action on her part but never questioned it but Just dont get the rational.
has your wife cheated or with your knowledge gotten blacked then not long after had to have a pussy tuck operation to reduce size as result of black cock opening it up to much?
This may be the stupidest question I have seen here. Obviously youre out in left field on some kind of anatmoy misnomer about women. Have you asked your wife this question if there even is a wife? And if so what was the result because for me this a shake my head in disbelif moment that I actually read this. I doubt there is a wife because if there was you might have had sex at least once and understand how it works- maybe. I want this 33 seconds back. :confused:😵