Girls getting Blacked!

So as I'm playing Sims 4, being a loving God of The Sims universe & all. Didn't realize I've paired up Millie Bobby Brown the actress who plays 11 from Stranger Things with original black man Sims character that I've created who is the adopted grandson of my main Sims character, basically I gave this actress Sims character a black boyfriend without realizing it until after doing the research.
After I get this 🔥 artwork of Joy "Stacy Adams" Mulligan done by a artist I know on Instagram, one of y'all can put in your artwork commission through a active PayPal account a artwork of Janet Mason. His asking price is $250 for a fully colored detailed artwork $95 for a simple rough sketch, the price goes up depending on your order.
Also when y'all make your order give him instructions on how you want the artwork to be executed in full color detail, his price goes up the more you add to one single artwork so keep that in mind.