Girls getting Blacked!

tell you what JaniceK I already have about 800 pics pulled to post here....some hardcore for Fri...and some hardcore for Sun...and some bedroom kissing pics for the end of the week.....and some party pics for??????/.........but just for you since we go back a ways....I will put 150 or so together of your favorite kissing pics and post on Wed.!
you owe me!
well that's a little over 400 pics in 2 days.......probably just get a few hits...and the whole thread end up om page 3 by the middle of the afternoon with so many posting pics....although there seem to be a couple just moving the same pics from thread to thread and half of them are not even their own pics
crazy site....but a lot of posters
Who is the brunette in the 3rd photo down with Sean Michaels? Post #5561

oh *******...I have no idea...just found the pic....really thought it was amt....didn't notice sean michaels...but just thought the pics was hot

yes that is sean michaels....didn't pay any attention....just thought a good looking gal holding a BBC