Girls getting Blacked!

You've posted that many? No way!!?

oh hell no...seems like it...but no.....I was wondering how many people get on this thread since I posted...and how many comment on anything...if you look at that number...and compare it to the number of hits right now.....over 2,000 have clicked on this thread...a lot of people!
and it would seem they didn't like what they saw......
just kind of keeping track of how many people have clicked on the thread...that's all...just curiousity...although sometimes that does seem like the number of pics I have posted....but far from it...just watching traffic that's all
586773 hits (views) right now
583790 hits (views)right after I posted on sunday
you people do the math

3,017 hits (views) since I posted last sunday on this thread alone...that's a bunch

BTW I do post about 500 a week for the past few weeks!...and that's not a joke!....well it is on me for being stupid enough to do it!

every now and then I like to keep track of traffic and see how many look...and sometimes I mark pics..a little black dot or something just to see where the pic ends up
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