Girlfriend Texts about BBC

Hey girlfriend claims to not be into BBC, but we joke and talk about BBCs A LOT.
Neither has admitted to having a preference, but we each sorta push the limits when texting while we're apart for long periods of time, and pretend it's a "joke."

An example:
Context: I was driving cross-country and stopped in TX, and texted her:
Me: "Oh my god, saw a white couple at dinner with a black guy last night and the woman had a tattoo of a black rooster on her chest with "BBC" writen under it in cursive lol"
Her: "Oh my god hahaha that's so crazy that's probably common."
Me: "I know! Like the fact that she just had a tat of it out in the open"

More context for this next part:
We went to a nude beach a few months prior, and there saw a white couple with a black man.

Her: "Like that couple on the beach with the tiny penis and the giant dude"
Me: "Yeah, must be insanely common"
Her: "HAHA yeah it was absurd. I swear I saw him come out of the water in SLO-MO. It was like slapping his legs lol"
Me: "More like dragging in the sand"
Her: "HAHAHA Tru. Funny there were so many black people on the nude beach. Like of course. Maybe there's a nude beach [inset where we're moving]"

What do you guys think?
What should my next move be?