First Time Cuck needs help!!


Hi all, today I come to you with a question. To give background, me and my girlfriend are a young couple who have been together for three years. Before me she slept with one black man and still dreams about it. She used to confess to me and deeply apologize, I never thought much of it and told her not to worry. Outside of sex I am a very confident and take charge kind of guy, I do everything for her and our love is incredibly strong. In sex I am confident and dominant too but the fact of the matter is my cock just does not please her as much as his big black cock did. She has never asked to cuck me but I have thought about the idea of her receiving huge amounts of pleasure and it makes me happy. To clarify, I am not a cuck because I am a submissive man in my nature (nothing wrong with that, that’s just not me) I am a cuck because I know other men can fuck her much better and me watching and cleaning would pleasure her even more, and her pleasure makes me happy and gets me off. The reason I say all this is because we have been talking about this for months, setting rules and we have finally decided we are ready and comfortable enough to pursue this type of sex. My question is mostly to hot wives, after you fucked your first bull, did your love for your husband Alter? I realize this will change our sex life forever in a good way, I just don’t want to risk losing some of our actual love in our relationship. Will she think of me differently, or love me differently? I know it’s all relative to the person which is why I’m asking for hot wives to tell me how their love for their husbands changed after their first BBC bull.
I love my hubby very much, but we both separate love and sex. The only answer to your question that has value is her's. I would say that since she already experienced a black man, imho the risk is less.
This is coming from someone in a similar situation to yours. The only difference being my wife had only been with me prior to entering the lifestyle. In the beginning she felt conflicted because it was something she wasn’t use to. After she played a few times and saw just how much it excited me she didn’t feel the guilt. She enjoys the extra attention, it knows she’ll always have my attention no matter what. As you said your girlfriend had been with a black guy in the past. If you have any reservations about the risks before entering this lifestyle then maybe you need to have an honest heart to heart with her first. Make sure you’re both on the same page otherwise it could be cause for doubt and resentment. As you said it’s more on your particular situation. Than the advice you can get here. And as @BethLuvsBBConly said it’s your girlfriend’s opinion that is going to have the most impact on how to proceed.
Hello there!
I also consider myself a young cuckoldress (I’m 29) and I can relate a lot to your girlfriend. The fears you are experiencing about your girlfriends desires are very understandable. It’s good of you to have “done your homework” so to speak and researched the lifestyle. My cuckold is very dominant is his vanilla life, as you are, and even though we are much further along the road than you are he still struggles with taking a submissive role from time to time. He, like you, knows that I am more of a sexual being than he is, and that I require more than he can give me sexually. In our relationship we have also incorporated elements of chasitity, feminization, and humiliation. He asked me the same question before we embarked on any of this: “will this change the way you see me?” I assured him then, and it is still true now, none of the elements of his cuckold fetish, or the fact that I sleep with other men, has ever changed the love and admiration I have for him. Our bond is simply stronger than superficial sexual play.

My best advice to you, friend, is to trust in your girlfriend when you seek validation from her. But more importantly: examine yourself. Are you mature enough to handle the feelings of jealousy or angst that you may experience in this lifestyle? Are you secure enough in yourself? Are there any pieces of baggage you have that may come out in this lifestyle? It all begins with you. You have the opportunity to give your girlfriend the amazing gift of sexual satisfaction, but first you have to be in a healthy place with yourself.
This is coming from someone in a similar situation to yours. The only difference being my wife had only been with me prior to entering the lifestyle. In the beginning she felt conflicted because it was something she wasn’t use to. After she played a few times and saw just how much it excited me she didn’t feel the guilt. She enjoys the extra attention, it knows she’ll always have my attention no matter what. As you said your girlfriend had been with a black guy in the past. If you have any reservations about the risks before entering this lifestyle then maybe you need to have an honest heart to heart with her first. Make sure you’re both on the same page otherwise it could be cause for doubt and resentment. As you said it’s more on your particular situation. Than the advice you can get here. And as @BethLuvsBBConly said it’s your girlfriend’s opinion that is going to have the most impact on how to proceed.
This is great advice, couldn't have written it better myself, and covers our relationship, her hesitation at the beginning and how my wife loves the attention as much as the sex. The very first time she fucked a guy in front of me, she was concerned, i'd be jealous/ hurt etc. once he entered her she glanced my way, saw my rocked hard and pulling myself furiously, she smiled back, knew all was good between us, and showed the gent and myself what a slut she can be when given the blessing and opportunity :)
Hello there!
I also consider myself a young cuckoldress (I’m 29) and I can relate a lot to your girlfriend. The fears you are experiencing about your girlfriends desires are very understandable. It’s good of you to have “done your homework” so to speak and researched the lifestyle. My cuckold is very dominant is his vanilla life, as you are, and even though we are much further along the road than you are he still struggles with taking a submissive role from time to time. He, like you, knows that I am more of a sexual being than he is, and that I require more than he can give me sexually. In our relationship we have also incorporated elements of chasitity, feminization, and humiliation. He asked me the same question before we embarked on any of this: “will this change the way you see me?” I assured him then, and it is still true now, none of the elements of his cuckold fetish, or the fact that I sleep with other men, has ever changed the love and admiration I have for him. Our bond is simply stronger than superficial sexual play.

My best advice to you, friend, is to trust in your girlfriend when you seek validation from her. But more importantly: examine yourself. Are you mature enough to handle the feelings of jealousy or angst that you may experience in this lifestyle? Are you secure enough in yourself? Are there any pieces of baggage you have that may come out in this lifestyle? It all begins with you. You have the opportunity to give your girlfriend the amazing gift of sexual satisfaction, but first you have to be in a healthy place with yourself.
Agree, when I explained at the start of our relationship I was a cuckold, who also had been sissified, wanted to be humiliated, loved sucking cock etc. I showed her a few pics of me in action from my previous relationships. I also asked her would she see me differently once we went down that road... her response was, I would see you differently if I can't see the real you. If we are going to have an honest relationship, you need to go to your hidden box of gilie outfits/ toys, put them on for me and enjoy masturbating on front of me, while I giggle at mock you, like you want and need.

That was 13 years ago, and with that behind us, we've never kept a secret from each other. Her ex husband lied and cheated on her constantly, so she embraced having a partner who wanted/ need to be and live an honest life together.