Fateful Decisions

Fateful Decisions

Tim Roberts was a large man.

Though after years of knowing him, Steve didn't pay much mind to his 6'-3", 240 pound frame. He was somewhat hairy, hardened thick, and certainly physically imposing at first glance. It didn't take long for one to realize, however, that his hulking presence was merely a facade. At his core he was a warm, welcoming, and jovial man. He was 45 years of age, making him nearly 10 years older than Steve. He was also a rugged man, but despite some signs of weathering and wrinkling on his face, Tim maintained a youthful glow.

Today, however, Tim's body language was weaker than normal. Steve had to admit it was for good reason. Tim's house had recently burned down. Well, not exactly burned down - but a disastrous fire had destroyed much of it. Having no family in the state, and having no time to really deal with hotel accommodations - Steve kindly invited Tim to stay with he and his wife, Stephanie. Tim had arrived with two large suitcases, but he'd also arrived without much of his usual positivity.

"I really appreciate this Steve." Tim spoke, somewhat solemnly and devoid of his usual jovial tone. He was legitimately depressed over his circumstance - but also genuinely thankful that Steve had stepped up to help him out. Tim's restoration contractors had anticipated a mere three weeks until they'd have his home back in livable condition. It was a very costly, expedited schedule.

"Dude. It's nothing. Steph and I both feel terrible that you're having to deal with this." Steve paused as he spoke, attempting to further assuage Tim's fears of imposing. "Besides, we have the space. Come on in."

While extremely welcoming on the outside, internally, Steve wasn't quite as carefree. There was something inherently awkward about having your boss stay at your home. Especially for the extended time period that Tim would likely be residing for. A night or two was one thing, a few weeks to a month - entirely different. He shook the negative thoughts from his mind, reminding himself that Tim wasn't just his "boss." While technically accurate, Steve would probably first describe Tim as a friend. They had grown very close over their years together at the small construction company.

Tim smiled warmly, walking into the home with the two large suitcases in hand. "I hope you and Steph are ready to keep me in check. I'm a terrible house guest."

Steve's main motivation for allowing Tim the residence was that of basic human compassion. As mentioned, Tim didn't have any family in the area, nor did his homeowners insurance cover displacement. Steve would not soon forget the distraught look on Tim's face when he had received the call from the fire department dispatcher. In addition to the basic moral obligation that Steve felt, there were secondary reasons as well. He knew that if Tim had to pony up the expense for a month at a high end hotel, he'd be hurting even worse financially than he already was. Steve also knew that loss would most likely show up in the form of reduced bonuses or cut hours for himself and the other employees. He was a loyal man, and he felt it was in his best interest to help Tim out in any way he could.

Steve ushered Tim in to the living room, giving him the lay of the land as he spoke. "You'll have the entire downstairs to yourself. The only time we really come down here is to grab something from the kitchen." He paused, correcting myself, "Or maybe when Steph is having one of her midnight cravings. She likes to sneak down here for some chocolate." He smirked, "Usually in a state of undress."

Tim smiled, "She doesn't like to go topless, does she?" he replied, in joking fashion. He immediately regretted the comment. Normally this sort of exchange was customary between the two of them, but he quickly realized it was inappropriate timing considering all Steve was doing to accommodate him. "Ah, *******... I'm sorry Steve." Tim scratched his head nervously, continuing "I should probably cut my ******* for awhile."

In actuality, the joke wasn't out of place. Stephanie's tits were a constant source of teasing among all three of them. Stephanie had spectacular breasts, natural double D's that hung proudly and youthfully, seemingly defying the laws of physics. Steve wasn't at all offended by his boss's comment. It actually made him recall the night years ago, when the elephant in the room (her incredible bust) was first discussed.


"Steve. You know I love you, so what I'm about to say, I say with love." Tim offered, between sips of his Miller Lite. It was true that he had grown close to Steve. He was close with all his employees, but there was an earnestness to Steve that Tim was particularly fond of.

"How in the hell did you land such a smoking hot wife?"

Steve, having had a few himself, could only laugh at the comment. A part of him wondered how Tim had gone so long without a mention of his wife's "talent". Tim, and basically any man who saw Stephanie, couldn't help but gawk at her. Especially at her fantastic chest.

"High school sweethearts, boss." Steve replied, the 'boss' was levied with heavy sarcasm, intending to annoy Tim. In reality, Steve was immensely proud of his wife, and contrary to their early years of dating - lately, for some inexplicable reason, he enjoyed seeing men stumble over her.

"Man, stop calling me boss." Tim replied with a laugh, continuing. "Don't get me wrong. You aren't an ugly guy, it's just - Those tits man!" His face grew flush, suddenly realizing he may have taken the jesting too far with his employee.

Steve took in in stride, or rather, in pride. "I know buddy. I'm a lucky guy." He took his own swig of beer, adding. "You can look all you want, but the touching is for me Timothy." This time he called him Timothy, in another effort to annoy. Happy hour had taken its toll on both men.

Tim laughed again, "Fucking asshole. Don't call me Timothy either."

Steve truly wasn't bothered by Tim's comment. He knew how lucky he was, and how spectacular his wife's tits, and everything else, were. As Tim mentioned, Steve wasn't an unattractive guy, but he wasn't a stud either. He knew he was more or less an ordinary dude, physically. He was a hair over 5'-9", and certainly didn't equal his wife when it came to sexual endowments. He looked forward to teasing Stephanie about the revelation when he returned home later that night. After all - Steve enjoyed getting a rise out of her, and knew the comment from his boss would make her blush.

"Tim thinks you have great tits." Steve clumsily blurted, almost as soon as he walked in the door.

Stephanie had been washing the dishes, and looked up in amused surprise. It was clear her husband was quite tipsy. She sighed, another happy hour with Steve and his boss. She was strangely intrigued by the prospect of being their topic of discussion, though. It wasn't the first time someone had complimented her breasts. However, she quickly found that this instance tickled her in a different way. To Stephanie, Tim was an exceedingly masculine man, and he was also her husbands boss. Naturally, this piqued her interest more than the typical passerby.

She blushed. "You think everyone loves my tits." She tried to downplay the comment - but ultimately wanted to know where it came from.

Steve retold the bar conversation, to his wife's surprising arousal. She loved Steve, and they had a good sex life, but she couldn't help but enjoy the thought of her husbands boss lusting over her. What red blooded woman doesn't appreciate when her body is noticed, especially by such a masculine man? What she didn't immediately realize, was that her husband seemed to get a kick out of it as well. Steve found himself excited by Tim's admission, to his own surprise. Further, he found himself beginning to encourage Stephanie to flaunt her cleavage more and more, especially when Tim was around.

"Just tease the poor bastard." Steve smirked, as Stephanie slipped into a revealing dress weeks later. She was surprised by her husbands recent suggestions, but admitted the game was a fun way of spicing things up for the long married couple.

It was a construction awards event. Tim had asked that Steve and Stephanie attend with him, his own date having coming down with an illness just days prior. Stephanie allowed her bust to hang low most of the evening. As usual, she noticed Tim's open stares. Towards the end of the night, and after several glasses of wine, she brazenly decided to call him on it.

"You know Tim. My eyes are actually up here." She draped her finger across the top of her breasts as she said it, and then pointed upwards to her face.

It was a bold faced call-out. Both Steve and Tim's eyes shot wide open.

To his credit, Tim owned it with poise. Although both husband and wife did notice a hint of redness appear on his face. He threw back a swig of his cocktail, "In my defense, I would argue that it's impossible not to look at those things. They're spellbinding." He glanced at Steve for reassurance, and for confirmation that he wasn't upset by the conversation. "Help me out here, Steve."

Stephanie smiled, and Steve couldn't help but laugh, but all three of them were suddenly feeling a foreign sense of excitement. It was a mild excitement, but it was new for all three of them.

Stephanie looked towards her husband. "Spellbinding huh? Well that's a word I've never heard to describe them."

Tim interjected, "Trust me it's a compliment." And Stephanie replied, sensing his unease.

"Not to worry, Tim. Steve already told me that you liked them." She glanced down at her own bust, squeezing her arms together in playful fashion, making her cleavage pop even further upwards for a moment. She felt a sudden heat between her legs. It was undeniably exciting to draw attention to her bust in the presence of Tim. If Steve hadn't been aware of the proceedings, she would have never acted so provocatively. However since Steve seemed to encourage her teasing, she was feeling a sort of playful excitement from it all. After all, people looked at her tits all the time, what was really the problem with drawing attention to them for once?

From that evening forward the three of them would often tease about Stephanie's breasts. Maybe at a holiday party, or a happy hour gathering, a comment would slip out from Tim, or from even from Stephanie. Sometimes Steve would brag to Tim, showing him pictures of her in swimming suits, or low cut tops. It was an admittedly atypical dynamic between an employee, his wife, and his boss - but it seemed totally harmless to the three of them.


Back in the current moment, in Steve's living room, Steve knew it was still just that - totally harmless.

"Please Tim. At this point I'd think it was weird if you weren't joking about Steph's tits." He paused, smirking. "Unfortunately no, she doesn't like to go topless - although she does walk around the house bra-less pretty frequently." He added, "Though I doubt she'll be doing much of that while you're here."

"We'll have to convince her otherwise." Tim chuckled, relieved that Steve maintained a positive attitude about the ribbing. Tim was obviously not attempting to catch Stephanie in any compromising situations, but he was instinctively intrigued about the thought of her without a bra. Just as he was able to shake the image from his mind, the front door burst open.

Stephanie stumbled in in a rush, grocery bags hanging from her arms, breathing heavily. She had spent the morning preparing the guest bedroom and bath for Tim, and had bolted out the door a couple hours earlier to stock up on essentials. Even in her rushed, disheveled state she looked gorgeous. Her large breasts where concealed but bouncing underneath a gray throw-around tee. Her brunette hair shining healthily despite being entangled in the purse string at her shoulder. Her gorgeous face flush as she struggled to kick the door closed.

When Steve had met Stephanie in grade school, she was somewhat of an ugly duckling, but he loved her carefree and good natured personality. They had been neighbors at the time, and an easy fate seemed to bring them together. At some point in high school her breasts swelled and her feminine features developed beautifully, while Steve more or less developed in average fashion. He was quick to marry her, and for over fifteen years they had been immensely happy together.

Tim and Steve both moved to help her. Tim eased her of the groceries and Steve untangled her hair from her purse. She flinched in mild pain as he unthreaded the knot. Once she gathered herself she moved to give Tim a hug in greeting.

"Oh no. It's the lady who's gonna hate me in a few weeks time." Tim joked as they embraced. He couldn't help but notice her heavy breasts press into his chest.

"I doubt that Tim." Stephanie paused, still flush and breathing heavily, she looked at her husband. "We are happy to have you, especially considering what happened." It was true, at her core she was glad to help Tim, the man who'd been a good boss to her husband, and in general a kind and decent person. It had to have been extremely tough to deal with such a disastrous situation with his home. Beyond that, however, the fringes of Stephanie's psyche were tingling in mild excitement. She was surprised her husband was as willing as he was, to allow his boss to stay at their home. Stephanie was raised conservatively, and there was an unspoken taboo about another man residing with a husband and wife - even temporarily. Further pushing that boundary was the fact that Tim was clearly the more masculine male under the roof for the time being. She loved her husband, and was still very attracted to him to this day - but there was no denying that his boss was the more handsome, the more classically manly, of the two.

She shook those thoughts from her mind, they were merely mild excitements that were obviously not going to manifest in any real way. She would never hurt Steve, or compromise what they had built together. Everyone fantasizes from time to time, and there was no harm in her doing so either. She thought of her pretty friend Tiffany, and knew that Steve had a naughty thought or two about her over the years.

Tim made himself scarce the first few nights of his stay. He left to work before Steve, and was home long after. It wasn't until the first Friday that Tim joined the couple for an evening dinner. It was far from a formal gathering. Steve and Stephanie both sat in gym clothes, while Tim was still in work attire. Chinese food and beer were on the menu which, despite being offensively unhealthy, hit the spot for all three of them.

"Sorry it's take out tonight. I couldn't make it out of the office in time." Stephanie offered, apologetically. She had recently begun working part time at a local insurance agency, and was often required to work late.

"Nonsense. I've actually been craving Chinese." Tim replied, gratefully.

The three of them enjoyed the meal, and the beers. Even Stephanie, who was usually a wine drinker, had a couple brews. As they wrapped up the meal Tim couldn't help but steal glances at Stephanie's cleavage. Her popping tits had begun making an appearance due to her low hanging sports bra. The beer, and the carefree attitude of the Friday evening, yielded an opportunity to continue their game.

"Those things just can't help themselves, can they?" Tim casually pointed his fork at Stephanie's breasts.

Stephanie blushed. She had chosen this particular athletic top because it was revealing in nature. She had recently grown to love showing off her breasts. "They have a mind of there own." She admitted. She clamped her fingers down on the top of the fabric, and jostled the top back up her chest, tits jiggling down into place as she did so. She felt that enjoyable and familiar excitement that crept up when her breasts were the topic at hand.

"Jesus Tim, you new at this?" Steve jokingly added. "Now they've gone into hiding."

Steve couldn't explain it, but he had grown to love when there was an open dialogue about his wife's tits.

Tim joined in on the joke. "Fuck man. You're right." He paused, leaning back in his chair and dropping his fork - finally done with the meal. "You know, I'm actually disappointed." His voice was playful.

"Disappointed?" Stephanie replied, curious.

"I heard rumors about a certain woman who lived here." He glanced at Steve smirking, continuing, "Rumors that this woman didn't wear bras around the house." He was speaking in a sarcastic and exaggerated tone. He stood, taking his dirty dishes towards the sink, and grabbing Steve's in the process. He continued with the joke, "I guess I heard wrong."

Steve laughed, "You can never trust gossip." Deep down he was strangely excited by the prospect of Stephanie going bra-less in front of Tim.

Stephanie was a bit surprised by the joke, but assumed it was just in Tim's assertive nature to be brazen. She was also oddly excited by the realization that her husband had informed Tim of that personal tidbit. She quickly realized she was going to have some fun with her temporary resident, and teased him back. "Tell you what Tim. You do those dishes, and I'll think about skipping the bra next time." She said, jokingly.

Tim glanced at Steve, and Steve at Tim. They were both smiling with juvenile excitement. Tim made another exaggerated gesture, this time squeezing the dish soap into the washcloth, and smacking on the hot water.

The three of them laughed.

The evening seemed to end uneventfully, with Tim lying in the guestroom bed downstairs. He was reviewing an update from the restoration contractors on his phone when he thought he heard a faint moan from above.

Steve and Stephanie were trying their best to be quiet, but they were both horny from the beer and the teasing at the dinner table.

"Fuck me baby." Stephanie whispered. She wrapped her legs around her husbands lower back as he thrust into her. Her pussy was inflamed and drenched in arousal. She needed to get fucked, but she wanted to be considerate to their house guest downstairs. She whimpered into Steve's shoulder as the gentle pleasure cascaded across her body.

Steve was aligned with her arousal, his balls already boiling in heightened passion.

Part of him wanted to remain silent for fear of Tim's ear shot, but another part of him didn't care if his boss heard. He certainly wasn't going to go three weeks without sex.

"Lucky bastard." Tim whispered to himself. He thought back to the last time he himself had gotten laid, a few months prior. Tim had been a notorious ladies man through most of his life, only recently slowing down due to workload and the obvious stress that the house fire had caused.

He could tell they were trying their best to be quiet, but he could still make out the sounds of faint moans and bed squeaking through the ceiling above him. To his surprise, the last moan from Stephanie caused his member to stiffen. He took it in hand, quietly wondering if she might have ever seen one as big as his.

Tim Roberts was hung, impressively so. His cock was a girthy ten inches, fat and very solid when aroused. His balls were equally masculine, heavy and large. Nearly every woman he'd bedded throughout his life had become infatuated with his manhood. He began to stroke it perversely, as he listened in on his friends wife not ten feet above him.

Upstairs, Steve was lovingly thrusting his own average length into Stephanie. His smaller testicles quickly ascended as he spurted his release into his wife. She moaned gently as a small orgasm caused her body to shudder. Steve felt a familiar sense of pride as he noted his wife's satisfaction. He always loved when he was able to make her pop.

Stephanie was thankful for the release, breathing heavily as she returned to a baseline resting state. She could always tell when her husband was inspired in the bedroom, and appreciated his efforts in satisfying her. Still, she knew part of her arousal on this night was triggered by the house guest downstairs. She wondered if Tim heard, ultimately not caring if he did. Everyone was an adult in this house, and adults understood adult needs.'
Downstairs, Tim erupted, blasting an immense load across his hairy stomach. His eruption was triggered by the thought of his cock in between Stephanie's tits. It was a common fantasy for him. After cleaning up, he drifted off into the first relaxing ******* he'd had in quite some time.

The following Monday morning, Steve found himself cringing in the work trailer as Tim blasted his recovery crew on the phone.

"What the fuck do you mean, twelve thousand dollars!?" Tim yelled. "That's a pretty large change order for something that should have been apparent, Frank!"

Steve decided it was best to take a step outside, feeling sorry that Tim was getting hit with yet another headache related to his house. He adjusted his hard hat, and pulled out his personal cellphone, noting a text from Stephanie.

'I'm gonna be home early tonight, does pot roast sound good for dinner?'

Steve texted his reply, 'It does babe.'

He added a follow-up, 'Tim's getting nickle and dimed on the recovery, just got hit with another CO. 12 Grand. Sucks.'

Stephanie replied with a sad face emoji, and a comment, 'We should try and cheer him up.'

In a moment of amusement, Steve recalled the conversation from the other night. He smirked as he replied, 'You should skip the bra tonight.' He suddenly realized, to his surprise, that he actually wanted her to. He wasn't aware at the time, but the decision to suggest this to his wife would end up being a fateful one.

When Stephanie read her husbands text she felt a sudden jolt of excitement. She was surprised that Steve would offer up the suggestion, but she had to admit it excited her. She glanced around the office, looking at some of the women working next to her. She couldn't help but cringe as she recalled some of their stories about their own jealous and controlling husbands, their own lackluster sex lives. She was thankful that her high school sweetheart was seemingly much more loving and open to some naughty, albeit harmless, fun. Stephanie was now feeling suddenly energized.

'Wouldn't you be upset?' She replied, trying to attain his level of seriousness. She noticed a subtle moistness developing between her legs, and crossed them, in an attempt to control it.

Steve chuckled to himself as he read her question. 'No, I think it would be hot.' He admitted. He sent another. 'You know I get a kick out of you teasing him.'

Stephanie smiled devilishly at her husbands confirmation, replying. 'Okay. I'll wear one of my white tees.' She added a winking kiss emoji for flair. Her heart was suddenly beating faster.

Steve felt his dick strain against his work jeans, and spent the remainder of the day trying to control his excitement. 'Whats the big deal? It's just a tee shirt.' He thought.

When he finally walked in the door that evening, he felt that strain in his jeans once again. Stephanie looked simultaneously both casual and done-up. Her make-up was sexily applied, but she was wearing nothing but a long white nightie and elastic gym shorts. Her huge tits were bouncing absurdly below the thin fabric, jiggling enticingly at every minor movement of her person. Steve stood at the entry way, eyes wide in a moment of voyeurism. Her breasts swung forward naturally as she finished placing the wine at the dinner table. Steve couldn't believe how excited this was making him. For some reason the thought of Tim seeing her in such a state really amused him.

She looked up at him, blushing, smiling. "Hey." was all she offered. Stephanie was feeling her own sense of ridiculous excitement. 'Will you relax.' She thought, trying to convince herself. 'There's absolutely nothing wrong with dressing this way in my own home.'

Still, when Tim finally arrived her heart nearly jumped out of her chest. Steve and Stephanie were already seated at the table eating dinner. They had both decided not to make a big deal about the meal, Steve unsure of when Tim would actually arrive.

"Grab yourself a plate." Steve offered. "Foods on the stove."

Tim dropped his bag near the front door and removed his work coat. "Thanks." He replied, sighing deeply, seemingly decompressing. "What a fucking day."

"You work that bullshit out?" Steve offered, curious to know, but more curious to see his reaction to Stephanie's attire.

"I guess man, these assholes don't know what they're doing. Hey Steph." Tim greeted Stephanie, completely unaware of the state of her tits. He fixed himself a plate and joined them at the dinner table. Once sat he immediately poured himself a heavy glass of wine.

It was actually disappointing at first. Tim was so distracted from the stress of the day, he didn't even notice Stephanie's situation. It wasn't until later, when she stood to start cleaning up, that Tim saw the first movement beneath her shirt.

He watched as she strode to the kitchen sink, her tits bouncing erotically to each of her steps. Tim blinked, unsure of what he was actually seeing. When she dropped off the first batch of dishes into the sink she returned to the table. Tim was unable to avert his eyes, and Stephanie knew it. She leaned in and scooped up his own plate. Tim was gazing at her swaying breasts as they hung heavily during her lean. When she stood straight, they jostled back in their natural place. Tim, reactive, looked towards Steve. Steve tried his best to conceal a smirk as he sipped on his wine, but Tim finally realized she was without bra support.

Steve spoke, "I told her you had a rough day."

Tim could only laugh, and he let out a deep guffaw in delight and appreciation. He wasn't sure most marriages operated in this fashion, but somehow he thought it was sign of a healthy one. Further, he was having great fun being playfully teased by his friend's wife.

Before anything else was said, Stephanie suddenly screamed in surprise.

As fate would have it, a large serving spoon was underneath one of the baking pans she was cleaning. The water was pouring out of the faucet, and as she leaned down to plug the drain she hit the handle of the spoon, smacking it right underneath the waterfall. To her horror, the water exploded upwards and drenched the upper portion of her shirt.

She screamed, but reacted quickly to shut the water off. Stephanie stood there for a moment, completely at a loss, unable to reconcile the irony of the situation. Her shirt was totally soaked.

"Everything alright?" She heard her husband ask from behind her.

All she could do was laugh, she titled her head back in defeat, chuckling. She soon turned, revealing the accident.

It was an extremely sexy accident.

"Jesus!" Tim said, feasting his eyes on her revealed tits. Her impossibly large breasts hung there, small pale areolas and stiffening nipples as clearly visible as if she was wearing nothing at all.

Steve nearly choked on his Merlot, spitting it back into his glass and reacting, "Holy *******!"

Stephanie shook her head in disbelief, an embarrassed redness showed on her face. 'Fuck it.' She thought. Ten years of teasing, multiple glasses of wine, and a now invisible shirt all combined to create one supremely erotic moment.

"Welp, I guess this top is useless." Stephanie spoke, resigned to her fate. She couldn't believe she was actually going to do it, but she did.

Steve watched in a mixture of excitement and horror as his wife slowly peeled her shirt up and over her head. Both men stared in arousal as her beautiful breasts spilled out from underneath the soaking fabric, glistening in their own wetness. Tim immediately felt his heart beat rise, and his cock begin to swell in his jeans. He was unable to believe his luck. He glanced towards Steve, interested to see how he'd react to the moment.

An explosion of various thoughts and feelings were coursing through Steve's mind and body. It was a revelatory moment for the long time husband. He realized, to his fascination, that he was extremely excited by his wife's exhibitionism. A part of his mind was screaming at him to recoil. His wife was exposing her gorgeous tits to his boss, of all people. Of course that was something to discourage. That voice was ultimately stifled, however, by the intense and true arousal that he was experiencing from deep within him. Steve glanced towards Tim, and nearly laughed at the shocked expression on his boss's face. Steve spoke, "I would say Happy Birthday, but I don't think that's for another couple months."

Stephanie was relieved, and a bit aroused, by her husbands reaction. She loved that he was so enthusiastic about her body, so willing to show her off. Still, she couldn't believe she actually had done it, but she felt her nipples stiffening as Tim looked at her with hunger. In a way, she felt that this moment was a long time coming. Somehow she always knew, that eventually, Tim was going to get a look at her naked breasts.

"Those are goddamn incredible." Tim found his voice, staring, jeans bulging beneath the table. He was wondering to himself if they had planned this, if the two of them got some kick out of this sort of thing.

She blushed deeper by his compliment, but soon realized it was time to cover up, speaking. "I better head upstairs."

The two men leered as she bounced by them to head out of the kitchen. At the last moment, Steve reached for her hand. It was his second fateful decision of the day.

"Why don't you just relax on the couch for a minute? I'll bring you a glass of wine. There's no need to go upstairs." He looked a Tim. "We'll clean up in here." He turned back to his wife, looking intensely into her eyes and wondering how she'd react to such a bold and unexpected suggestion.

Stephanie couldn't believe her ears. Did her husband really just say that? She had to make sure, "Wait. You... want me topless?"

Steve wouldn't have suggested it if he thought she was uncomfortable. Nearly two decades with the love of his life had yielded certain tells, sexual and otherwise. He could tell by her body language, her eyes, her breathing - that Stephanie was extremely aroused by her state of undress.

"Of course I do." He looked at Tim, "What do you think Tim? Does she need another shirt?"

Tim suddenly realized how intensely locked into their conversation he was, almost as if he was half in a dream. He also didn't want to come across as a lecherous pervert or some kind of creep. He replied, speaking to both of them, "I absolutely love the view, but I want whatever you guys want. I'm just happy to be here." Deep down he hoped she'd continue with the show, it'd been a long time since Tim had been a part of unexpected, sexually charged fun.

His comment only proved to further assuage the couple of any fears they might have had. Stephanie shrugged with a naughty smile, and passed by the stairs into the living room - completely topless. After a few moments passed, the sounds of the television filled the room.

Now out of ear shot, Tim smacked Steve on the leg under the table, whispering. "What the fuck is going on?" He asked of his friend and employee.

Steve began standing, picking up the remaining glassware from the table as he did, replying, "I don't know, but you're welcome."

Tim followed him to the sink, "You sure you're cool with this?"

Steve laughed, "Yeah man, this is the kind of ******* you do when you've been together for twenty fucking years. You need to keep things interesting somehow." He seemed to realize it for the first time as the words escaped his mouth.

"So you've done this before?" Tim replied, handing him his utensils to toss in the sink.

"Sure haven't."

Tim didn't quite get it, but he wasn't gonna make a big deal out of it. "Look man, I'm not complaining, and I'm obviously cool with it. I just, you know, want to make sure everyone's on the same page." He scratched the back of his head, showing some nerves over the situation. He really didn't want to overstep his boundaries, and this circumstance was certainly loaded.

Steve turned the faucet off, and wiped his hands on the dish towel to dry them. "Enjoy the view, and remember this next time you're wondering who's picking up the tab at the bar." Steve made a conscious effort to separate this naughtiness from their dynamic at work, but he wasn't above playing it as if it was a supreme favor.

Both men were feeling excitement as they made their way out of the kitchen. Steve spoke. "I'm gonna hit the bathroom real quick."

Tim replied with some mild panic, "Well fuck man. Then I'm gonna change or something. Not gonna walk into that living room without you." He muffled an absurd laugh.

Steve smirked at his boss's enthusiasm. He had never seen him in such a state. "Fine."

Out in the living room, Stephanie was breathing heavily. She was thankful that her yoga shorts were black, because she feared the wetness escaping between her lips would have surely dampened the fabric by now. She couldn't believe she was sitting topless with her husbands boss in the house, she couldn't believe her husband had been the one to suggest it, and she definitely couldn't believe how excited it was making her.

In the guest bedroom Tim was desperately trying to escape his work jeans. The size of his manhood always caused discomfort when it was constrained, and he scanned the dresser drawer for a pair of shorts. When he finally slid the jeans off he looked down at his cock, jutting outwards. He wondered if it was the smarter idea to stay put in the bedroom for the evening. He didn't know where the night was headed, and he certainly didn't want anything to happen that anyone would regret. The mental image of Stephanie's unbelievable tits came rushing back, droplets of water cascading down her curvature. "Fuck it." he said to himself, and began to step into his shorts.

In the bathroom, Steve's own arousal was so strong that it was beginning to scare him. 'Where did this come from?' he wondered. It was almost as if over the last week a curtain had been pulled back on his fantasies, exposing them for the first time. His dick stiffened impossibly hard as he perversely imagined Tim taking his wife's tits in his hands. He washed his own in a hurry to rush back to the living room, stopping in the kitchen to grab the bottle of wine. 'We're gonna need more of this.' He thought to himself.

When Steve finally approached Stephanie sitting on the couch, he handed her a full glass of wine. "You're so fucking hot." He whispered, Tim not yet having returned to the room.

Stephanie was very much in love with her husband in that moment. It was like she could sense the pride he had for her beaming from within him. She smiled at him, and whispered, "This is crazy."

"Crazy hot." Steve replied. He looked at the empty spot on the couch next to her, and in another fateful decision, he decided to opt for the single plush chair closer to the television.

Stephanie noticed, and her heart beat rose even higher. She couldn't believe he was being this adventurous. It aroused her to no end to see her husband acting so boldly.

"Is there a cover charge?" Tim joked, walking back into the room. He couldn't believe how good Stephanie's tits looked, and he soon noticed that the only available seat was right next to her on the couch. He wondered if Steve had planned that as well.

Stephanie was quick to accept the joke, as it was able to break some of the tension in the room, replying, "Cover charge is you're doing dishes for two weeks."

"Well damn, that might be the best deal I've ever gotten." Her breasts only seemed to get more and more attractive the closer he got to her. As he sat down on the couch he noticed them bounce to the movement.

Steve pointed to the end table next to Tim, "Full wine glass there for you."

Tim grabbed it, appreciative. He figured it would help him relax and melt into this bizarre but arousing evening. He offered a toast, "To supportive friends." He paused, smiling. "And unsupported tits."

Steve and Stephanie both laughed. The nerves that Stephanie were experiencing caused her to somehow miss her next sip of the Merlot, the wine spilled out her glass and splashed down onto her neck, some strands of it cascaded down her breasts. It was a very erotic sight.

"Damn babe, you're a clumsy mess tonight, huh?" Steve smiled, loving how beautiful she looked. His jeans were tenting with a rock hard erection.

She blushed, flicking away some of wine from her tits, her nipples stiffening as both men gazed at the responsive jiggle. "Not my finest moment, I guess." She added, with a blush.

"I beg to differ." Tim interjected, unable to peel his eyes away from her chest. He continued to stare, appreciative of every unbelievably feminine detail of her breasts. Stephanie looked up at his feasting eyes, and then back down at her own bosom. In instinctive submission, she leaned back into the couch to give him a full view. They sat like that, for a few moments, the eroticism in the air so thick it could be cut with a knife. Tim's dominant sexual tendencies were beginning to boil from within him.

Steve could see the look in their eyes. He knew that they wanted each other. He had known that for years, but it was heightened by this situation, clearly ready to explode. It frightened him, but once again his arousal dominated all of the doubts that were racing through his mind.

Tim's mouth was dry, he desperately wanted to touch her, instead he managed, "They are even nicer than I imagined."

Stephanie smiled, and drew even more attention to her chest by taking each heavy breast in her hands. They spilled over the sides of her small palms, hanging off the tips of her fingers. She jiggled them for effect. "They haven't fit in my hands since highschool. They don't even fit in Steve's." She offered, with a giggle.

"I bet they would fit in mine." Tim was reactive in his response, not thinking of any potential consequences to his words.

Stephanie suddenly felt light headed, and her tummy was fluttering at the thought of him touching her. The room was silent, and she could no longer control herself. Her nipples were on fire and her shorts were soaked through from her arousal. From the moment she peeled her shirt off she wanted nothing more than for this handsome man to take a hold of her breasts with his large hands. She quickly remembered her husband and looked over at him. She nearly fainted when she saw his permissive gaze.

Steve's mind was spiraling out of control, the only anchor point he had to reality was his deep arousal. He looked at Tim, and managed, "I'll take that bet."

Tim wasted no time, he dominantly and tenderly took her in his hands. Before Stephanie could gasp in reaction to her husbands unbelievable approval, she arched her head back in pleasure. Tim couldn't believe how good she felt, how impossibly sexy it was to touch her gorgeous tits for the first time. An avalanche of extreme eroticism hit all three of them at once. There were certain undeniable realities that ran through their minds. Tim was Steve's boss. Stephanie was Steve's wife, and over ten years younger than Tim. Yet here he was, openly groping this younger married woman, right in front of her husband, his employee. Tim suddenly felt and intoxicating swelling of ego.

Stephanie immediately noticed how much larger his hands were than her husbands, his fingers thicker, his skin rough and calloused. It was an experienced touch, and it was absolutely amazing. Stephanie felt the already soaked fabric of her shorts continue to dampen outwards towards her inner thigh. Her womanhood was gushing in arousal, to her shame, and incredible excitement. Tim was both deliberate and gentle as he groped her. He gently squeezed her, picking each breast up and expertly tickling at her excruciatingly aroused nipples. Every time he did she felt a jolt of sexual desire course through her entire body. He would use the inside of his thumb to wipe away the last remnants of the wine, but his main focus was on feeling her. Tim felt his own manhood swelling to full mast within his shorts, and knew it was only a matter of time before she noticed him.
Truth be told, Stephanie had already noticed his size, years ago. She was much more deft when it came to stealing glances than her husband or his boss. She had always enjoyed sneaking stares at the heavy bulge in Tim's jeans. The sight of it would cause her intimate parts to dampen with forbidden desire. In her life she had only been with one man other than Steve, before she had met him, and he had an even smaller penis than her husband. She was instinctively drawn to Tim's manhood, as if she realized his size was something she naturally craved as a woman. She was now eyeing the massive erection in delight, wishing it wasn't concealed by the fabric of his shorts.

Steve didn't notice, at least not at first. He was suffering from the most severe case of tunnel vision imaginable. His focus totally locked in on Tim's hands fondling his wife's tits. He, perversely, loved the sight of it. What had possibly come over him?

His excitement went from overloaded, to otherworldly, upon hearing his wife speak.

"Jesus Tim, what do you have there?" Her voice was sultry as she spoke.

The sparkle of the diamond on Stephanie's wedding ring suddenly caught Steve's attention. Her left hand was rummaging below the scene of the action at her chest. Steve nearly had a heart attack when he saw his wife's delicate hand exploring an absolutely towering bulge in Tim's shorts.

"Oh fuck. Stephanie, what are you doing?" Tim spoke, delirious. He wanted nothing more than for her to continue, but he was terrified of the repercussions. He decided he needed to re-engage Steve, plead with him to put a stop to it.

"Steve! Your wife is out of control!" He didn't know what else to say, his cry was of desperation as if his last sense of social decorum was lashing out in an attempt to revert this situation to normalcy. It was made in vain.

Steve saw it as an opportunity to reassert himself in the situation, he somehow heard himself speak through the haze of aroused confusion, "What? You've never had a woman rub on your junk before?"

"Fuck. You're both crazy." Tim titled his had back against the couch cushion, closing his eyes, hands dropping away from Stephanie's breasts. He gave up, and now began to focus on her touch.

Stephanie was undone by her husbands comment. She couldn't believe he was so calm, so okay with what was happening here. She decided she needed to truly see where his head was at, speaking. "Yeah Tim. You've never had a woman rub on your big junk before?" Her voice was playful.

She pulled back the elastic loop on his shorts. Tim seemed to instinctively react, lifting his ass off the couch, allowing Stephanie to pull his shorts down his legs. The room fell silent as Tim's massive cock sprung into view. Neither Steve nor Stephanie could believe their eyes. Stephanie, despite being prepared for the sight of it, was not prepared for the sight of it. She hadn't seen much pornography in her life, and she was having a hard time understanding how a man could be so large. She had never seen anything so masculine, so completely attractive. She gazed at his cock, soaking in every detail as her pussy gushed more feminine essence into her soaking shorts. Despite having hairy arms and torso, Tim's manhood was noticeably well groomed. She looked at his large, heavy balls, engorged and resting on the couch. Her eyes started the ascent. His girthy shaft was probably twice as thick as her husbands, and it continued upwards for an eternity. His length, again, at least twice as long as Steve's. It was the most arousing thing she had ever seen. She had a sudden need to kiss it, to take it in her mouth. Instead, she fought those urges, and grabbed it with her small, delicate hands.

Steve nearly fainted when he saw his wife begin to pump on Tim's monstrous cock. He noticed that her tiny hands couldn't even encircle his substantial girth. She pumped him with enthusiasm, staring at his manhood with desire. Steve thought he might jump out of his chair and scream for this madness to stop, but instead he looked on with mouth agape, mind blown. The sight of Tim's size caused Steve's jealousy to spike tremendously, but somehow, seeing his wife's arousal caused his excitement to spike in equal measure. It was as if there was a tug-of-war being played out in his mind, between his rational brain and his sexual one. They were deadlocked, and all that his boss's huge cock served to do was increase the tension on the rope. Suddenly Steve found his voice.

"Jesus Tim. Who'd have thought you were packing that kind of heat?"

Tim looked up at his employee. It was a surreal moment, speaking to his long time friend as his cock was being stroked. Adding to that was the obvious fact that the one who was stroking his cock was that friends wife. "Well you know me Steve. I've never been one to brag."

Stephanie had never been so aroused in her entire life. The heat of Tim's member, the weight of it, the unbelievable size of it. It was doing something to her mind. She needed to take him in her mouth, and unspeakably, other places. She fought to take control of her desires, and simply continued to pump the gorgeously fat cock in her hand. She gazed down at his heavy balls, still not believing how much larger, plumper, they were than her husbands. They had to have been at least twice as large as Steve's. She suddenly noticed that she was biting her lip.

Tim now looked at Stephanie, feeling a natural high from what was occurring in this living room. He could tell she was fascinated by his size, which didn't surprise him, but it stroked his ego immensely. He spoke, looking at her incredible bouncing tits as he did, "Dishes for four weeks?" He decided to add some levity to this increasingly nuclear situation.

Stephanie blushed, but continued to fondle him. She was now using both hands, exploring his length in delight, and occasionally caressing his boiling balls. She replied, smiling, "I think we can keep it at two. I'll give you the big cock discount."

Tim absolutely loved hearing her compliment his size, especially right in front of her husband. He instinctively reached out and grabbed a hold of her tits again, remembering how many times he day dreamed about seeing them smothering his member. He realized now was the moment for him to realize that fantasy, speaking, "I don't want to push my luck, but I really want to slap those things with him." He nodded towards his groin as he said it. Stephanie immediately knew what he wanted, and had an instinctual need to submit to his request.

She slid down to her knees, pointing her curvy ass towards her husband as she faced Tim on the couch. Stephanie wasted no time, picking up each heavy breast in her hands, and gently smashing them together. Tim's huge, masculine cock, was now in between them. Tim groaned as he felt her delicious tits smothering his engorged organ, and he immediately knew he would soon be cumming on her. The reality of this moment was so indescribably taboo, and he knew he would savor it.

Stephanie began to rub her tits up and down his shaft. She was delirious at the sight of it. She thought back on the few times Steve and had tried titty fucking her over the years, and how each session would end in their playful laughter as his smaller dick was lost within her bust. This time was much different, Tim's manhood stood proudly, giving Stephanie an equally satisfying sensation as she enjoyed the massage her tits were receiving from his manly appendage. She looked down. Tim's angry cock head was near bursting, and she smelled his orgasm brewing.

The sight of her perfect tits running up and down his cock was too much, and he grunted, erupting in pleasure. The first thick rope hit her square in the chin, causing her to flinch in surprise. His cum exploded strand after strand, shooting upwards and then returning, splattering erotically across the smooth skin of her beautiful neck and breasts. She couldn't believe how much he was cumming, and she jiggled her tits up an down his pulsating organ to encourage more of his release, to give him more pleasure.

Once the dust settled, and her tits sat glazed in Tim's cum, Stephanie seemed to snap out of her trance. She felt suddenly panicked, and stood abruptly, turning to face her husband. She expected to witness him furious, or perhaps even absent from the room. She was relieved to instead see him awestruck, his jeans tented in arousal.

Steve couldn't believe his eyes. There were no words to describe how erotic his wife looked. When Stephanie turned, her big tits swayed from her movement. They were coated in an obscene amount of cum, so much so it looked as if several men had unloaded on her bust. Before he could say a word, she took two strides over to him, and grabbed him by the hand.

"I need you upstairs."

She pulled Steve up and out of the chair, and dragged him quickly out of the room.

Tim sat there, awestruck, with a deflating cock and a smile on his face. He leaned his head back into the couch, closing his eyes.

Stephanie peeled her shorts off as soon as she hit the bed, tossing them into the master bath. The fabric was so wet it made a smacking sound as it hit the tile of the bathroom floor. Steve, seeing red, ripped his shirt off, and nearly burst out of his jeans, exposing himself to his wife for the first time that evening.

As much as she hated to admit it, it was the first time Stephanie had ever felt a sense of disappointment by the sight of her husbands dick. She loved this crazy man with all her heart, she would die for him, she would do absolutely anything for him. But in that moment, she shamefully wished she could have traded him for his boss. Just for the night. There was a newfound longing in her loins, a longing to experience something large, her pussy was aching with a need to be filled deep. She shook that upsetting thought from her mind, and opened her legs to her husband with a loving smile.

Steve was as aroused as he could ever remember being. He gazed at his wife's sex, noting how inflamed her lips looked, how absolutely damp her inner thighs were. It was then he realized her tits were still glazed in another mans cum. He looked at her intoxicating bust with unbelieving eyes.

Stephanie blushed, noticing his stare. "Do you want me to clean up?"

"No." Steve paused, dick jutting outwards in hardness. "There's no time for that."

He was inside her a moment later, and it was the wettest his wife had ever felt. He started thrusting immediately, leaning down to kiss her, absurdly smelling the musk from his Tim's cum caked to her chest and neck. Stephanie reached her legs up and wrapped them around Steve's back, encouraging him deeper. There was an unfamiliar need in her loins, as if her pussy was craving to be stretched. Unfortunately, it was a sensation that her husband couldn't provide. Still, Steve felt good, and it wasn't long before she came.

"Mmm-mm - Oh! Fuck! Yesss." She hissed as she grabbed his shoulders, the mild pleasure warming her body.

Once her orgasm subsided she looked into her husbands eyes. God, she loved this man. She noticed him gazing at her bouncing breasts, undoubtedly blown away by the site of another man's nut splattered all over them. She saw the excitement in his eyes, and decided to use it to spur him further.

"He came a lot huh?" She was using that voice he loved, when they were locked together in passion. It was sultry, and sexual, and it always made him pop.

"Fuck Steph." Steve looked up into her eyes, there was an unrecognizable spark deep within them, and he somehow knew that, after tonight, their sex life would never be quite the same.

She began tickling his back with the nails on her fingers, and using her legs to pull him as deeply into her as she could, continuing "He has a really big cock." She bit her lip as she said it, staring into her husbands eyes somehow apologetically, somehow consolatory. Steve knew in that moment, to his complete horror and equal arousal, that she wanted Tim to fuck her.

"Oh fuck!" Steve's small balls gave way, and her spurted into his loving wife. She pulled him down into her, kissing him passionately. When his orgasm finally ended, he rolled off to the side of her, grabbing her hand in affection, their fingers intertwined - and soon they were fast asleep.

Her embarrassment hit her with the morning sun. Stephanie's face became flush when she heard Steve walking down the stairs. She was sober now, but hungover, and disheveled in her silken bathrobe. She clung to her cup of coffee like it was a lifesaver in a sea of worry. She stood next to the window, for warmth and reassurance.

Steve looked around when he hit the final step, "Tim?"

"He left for work before I woke up." She replied, genuinely thankful that was the case.

Steve was so in love with her. He walked right over to her, grabbing her and kissing her deeply. "Good morning, naughty wife."

For some reason, a flash of anger suddenly hit Stephanie. She snapped, "How can you be so okay with what happened last night? You watched another man grope me!" She turned around, feeling real shame, "You watched me grope - another man."

Steve grabbed her coffee cup from behind her, placing it on the kitchen counter, turning her gently to face him. He smiled, and kissed her again.

"Baby. We have been together for twenty years."

Stephanie stood still, looking into his eyes, listening to his words. Mild shame still coursing through her body.

"I love you, more than anything. I think you're the sexiest woman on the planet." Steve now picked up her coffee, taking a sip for his own reassurance, "We just had a little crazy fun last night, with someone we know. It was so hot to watch you act so naughty."

Stephanie did know that her husband loved her, even despite his newly discovered voyeuristic tendencies. She shook her head in wonder, "Aren't you worried? Aren't you, embarrassed?"

Steve took another sip of his coffee. "A little, but none of those feelings come close to how exciting it was to watch." He kissed her deeply. "I'm not a moron Steph. I know you've always found Tim attractive."


"Stop. Do you honestly think I believe I'm the only man you find sexy? How many times have you given me ******* for staring at Tiffany?"

Now her anger spiked even higher, "Oh, so this is all just an excuse to let you have some fun with fucking Tiffa-."

"No! God damn it that's not what I meant. I have zero interest in Tiffany, other than the occasional glance." He paused, weighing his words, "Twenty years ago I would have killed a man for looking at you the wrong way. I guess after all this time together our trust, and our relationship is at a point where, internally, I feel completely secure. I love seeing you revved up, even when it's not me doing the revving."

Her husbands words were honest, and somehow refreshing. Her anger and her shame both began to subside. "Well you certainly got me revved up last night." Stephanie smiled.

"I'm pretty sure it was Tim's monster that got you revved up." He kissed her again.

Now she blushed, badly, covering her face. She eventually spoke, "What now? Do we just pretend it never happened?"

Steve felt an incredible excitement as he spoke his next fateful words, "Well. We can forget it ever happened."

He paused, looking into her eyes,

"But I think the more natural course of action is to let you two take it all the way."

The color left his wife's face, and her eyes went wide, but Steve could see that naughty spark, deep within them.

The ache between Stephanie's legs suddenly returned, and it seemed to pulse, keeping pace with her now pounding heart beat.

"Sorry I'm late." Steve offered, as he walked through the front door of the construction trailer.

Tim looked up from several pay applications he was filling out, and smiled. "Wild night, no problem."

It was an awkward moment for both men.

Tim continued, "Look man, I think I'm gonna look for a hotel."

Steve cringed, angry that Tim was allowing the fun they had last night to already impact the dynamic of their relationship. His boss was already running scared to a hotel.

"Don't be fucking ridiculous man. Jesus." Steve didn't understand why both Stephanie and Tim were seemingly struggling with separating the bedroom play from real life. I guess there was some fear there, some guilt. He continued nonetheless, "Never would have thought I'd see the day where a naked woman would make you run for the hills."

"That naked woman is your fucking wife, jackass!" His voice was hushed, to make sure it didn't carry beyond the walls of the trailer.

"I know, you being single and all- I know you're probably having a hard time understanding what happened last night." Steve paused, realizing he too, was speaking from a place of inexperience. Stephanie and him had never done anything remotely of the sort before. His words were confident despite it, "Look. I'm cool with it, she's certainly cool with it. How are you not cool with it?"

Tim buried his face in his hands, exasperated. He groaned, finally leaning back in his chair. "I am, cool, with it Steve. It's just- I don't want anyone to have any regrets. You're telling me you two have never done anything like that before?"


"So why now?"

"How should I know? Clearly the broad fancies you and that-" Steve paused, laughing. "That's another fucking thing! How did you keep that monster a secret for all these years?"

"What kind of asshole goes around bragging about the size of his cock? Also, I'm a big guy in general, in case you haven't noticed. You should have put two and two together." Tim took a swig of water, exhausted from this ridiculous conversation.

Steve continued wading through the explanation, "I guess after so many years with somebody, you realize neither of you are going anywhere. Maybe you also start to realize some extramarital fun could be a nice way of spicing things up. All I know is that I got a kick out of watching her."

Tim was blown away, but at the same time, deep down, he sort of understood. "I could tell. It surprised me though." He took another sip of water, cursing the dryness in his mouth. He never would have thought Steve would be the type of man to let his wife fool around, he seemed too proud. He replied, "Hell, I've seen you kick the ******* out of a man for insulting Greg about his limp, and yet you're okay with me having a go with your old lady?"

Steve shrugged, "I like seeing her revved up, and I guess after twenty years it takes something wild to really get that to happen." He paused, smiling "Also who said anything about having a go with her?" He laughed, and it caused Tim, in all his gruff manliness - to blush. Steve continued, "Give the guy and inch and he wants to take a mile."

Tim did want to fuck her, there was no doubt about that. He knew, by the way Stephanie was gazing at his size last night, that she wanted to take him for a ride as well. Suddenly, his phone rang. He looked down and saw the restoration contractors were calling to annoy him for the third time this morning. That frustration combined with the absurd conversation he was in caused his ******* to boil, and he snapped for no reason in particular.

"Look. Don't blame me if I end up in bed with your wife, I warned you I was willing to find a hotel! Now get back to work!"

Steve was amused by Tim's exasperation, and he laughed. He began to leave the trailer, but before he closed to the door, he shouted back at his boss. "Just so you know. You have my permission if you want to."

The look on Tim's face was priceless.

It was approaching two in the afternoon and Tim was done with this ******* show of a day. Between the restoration contractors and the hassle he was dealing with at one of their jobs that just wouldn't end, he needed a break. Strangely, he had found himself to be extremely horny for most of the morning. Maybe that unresolved tension was adding to his stress. He shook his head, chuckling to himself as he remembered Steve's admission, and the bizarre prospect he found himself in. Tim had decided he was going to fuck Stephanie. She had too much of what he wanted, and he had a free pass from her husband.
Boldly, Tim decided to text her.

"Hey Stephanie. Are you home?"

Stephanie felt a flutter of nerves the second she saw the text from him. Tim had only texted her a handful of times over the years, mostly to inquire on Steve's whereabouts. This timing was too obvious.

'Actually I am.' She replied, face flush.

'I was thinking of heading home early, but I didn't want to bother you.' Tim replied, probing.

Her heartbeat increased. She wondered what he meant by that exactly - but replied, 'You wouldn't be a bother. I'm actually just watching some terrible afternoon TV.'

Tim smirked, and continued, 'I had to send Steve to the Robinson job, he probably won't be home until later.'

Stephanie's face grew even more flush, and the reality of the situation started to dawn on her. She replied, 'Always putting my husband to work.' It was meant as a joke, but she suddenly realized that it came across as teasing. She then felt the heat between her legs.

Tim's smirk turned smile, and he knew he had her. His cock was swelling in his jeans, and he suddenly couldn't wait to get back to the house. He sent her another text, this one was monumentally bold, but that was sometimes in Tim's nature.

'I'm the man of the house this afternoon. I want you to get naked, and wait for me on my bed.'

Stephanie stood up out of the sofa as the words registered in her brain. She was suddenly in a panic, and began to pace around the living room, unable to believe that he actually sent it. For a moment she wondered if Steve had taken his phone in another one of his encouraging games. She decided to find out, and let her husband know just what his boss had planned for her. She took a screen shot of her chat, and sent it to Steve.

Tim had already done the same, although he merely texted his employee. 'I need you to wait for the inspectors at the Robinson job, we need sign offs on both plumbing and electrical.'

'I know asshole.' Was Steve's immediate reply.

'I know you know, but I'm telling you because you may be tempted to leave early.'

'Why's that?'

Tim smirked, and turned on the ignition to his truck. He finished his reply. 'Because, I've had a shitty day, and I'm actually on my way back to your house. I'm also feeling particularly ramped up, and might need to take my energy out on a certain big titted woman.'

Steve nearly fainted as he read Tim's words, but before he could reply images arrived from his wife's phone number. Text also accompanied them, 'I hope this is what you wanted!!!'

Steve was now frozen in disbelief. A sudden jolt of fear ran through him, but again, there was that monumentally indescribable arousal as well. He took a deep breath, attempting to get control of his emotions, and simply replied to both of them at once in a group text, 'Have fun.' He immediately picked up the City contacts docket, and began calling the inspectors in an attempt to get them to the site early.

Stephanie thought she might hyperventilate she was breathing so erratically. The phone fell out of her hand and onto the couch cushion below her. Tim would be home in a few minutes, and she knew they would soon make love. She was a married woman, yet here she was, running upstairs to her bedroom to freshen up. She peeled off her shirt, and unsnapped her bra. Her beautiful breasts spilled into view. She grabbed them, speaking to them in her closet mirror. "This is all your fault."

She smiled wide in absurdity, and kicked off her shoes, peeling down her jeans and panties in one motion. She looked at her self again in the mirror, completely nude for her husband's boss, and she realized she had never been more horny in her entire life.

She was laying on Tim's guestroom bed when he finally opened the front door. Her breathing was rapid, and heavy, and she couldn't believe any of this was actually happening. Her juices were already flowing out from her sex. She couldn't wait for this stud of a man to walk through the door. She couldn't wait for her husbands boss to mount this bed, and then her. She bit her lip, and began rummaging around her inflamed lips and clit with her delicate fingers. She was delirious, not herself.

When the bedroom door finally opened the reality hit the both of them. They were actually going to fuck each other.

"Hi." Tim said, closing the door behind him.

"Hi." Stephanie replied, biting her lip.

"You look lovely." Tim continued.

"Thank you." Stephanie smiled, blushing deep as she realized how naked she was for this man who wasn't her husband.

Tim unbuttoned his shirt, and then tossed it to the side. Stephanie immediately noticed how muscular his large frame was, how hairy his chest and arms were. He looked like a lumberjack, and she loved it.

Her eyes grew wide as he clanked his belt loose, and then unzipped his jeans. He deftly stepped out of the denim, his massive cock flopping upright, completely erect, and completely dominant in it's size. She had never wanted anything so badly in her entire life.

"No underwear?" Stephanie smiled.

"I never wear it, it's too constrictive for this guy." He replied, grabbing the member.

She bit her lip again, "I can believe it."

Tim then walked over to the side of the bed, cock bouncing as he strode. Stephanie instinctively shuffled towards the side, looking up at him with naughty eyes. She couldn't believe how badly she wanted to please him, to submit to him. It was a foreign sexual role for the long time wife.

"I've been thinking about this monster all day." She spoke, as she reached up to touch him.

"It's been thinking about you as well." Tim replied, smiling. He couldn't believe how fast his cock had tamed her. His ego soared as she stroked it with desire. Suddenly, she shifted up onto her knees, and began planting passionate kisses along his length. Stephanie couldn't believe how much more of a man Tim was than her husband, physically. He was so large, both in stature and in manhood. She had never felt like more of a woman than she did in that moment, while she planted passionate kisses along the heavy shaft of another man.

Suddenly, Tim grabbed her shoulders forcefully, and placed her back on the bed. He mounted her, and shuffled between her legs, and then he placed the weight of his organ atop her inflamed womanhood. He then leaned down and kissed her for the first time.

It was an explosion for both of them. A naughty, taboo, explosion. His lips engulfed hers, soft and delicate, yet powerful. Their tongues met, and Stephanie's entire body was suddenly electrically charged. She instinctively raised her pelvis, rubbing her soaking clit against the underside of his shaft. She didn't care about anything else in the world at that moment.

"I need you inside me." The words escaped her lips between kisses. "Please fuck me Tim."

The rush of confidence and ego was hard to describe for Tim. He looked down as he began to slowly stuff his cock into his employee's willing wife. He had never felt so dominant, so powerful, he was intoxicated by the moment. He loved Steve, and he respected his manhood outside of the bedroom. However he knew he was moments away from conquering the man's wife. He knew he was about to take her to a place that her husband could never hope to reach.

"Ohhh!" "Oh god!" Stephanie couldn't believe the sensation she was experiencing as his fat head breached her sex. She was nearly delirious as she spread her legs for this man. She was a married woman, yet here she was gazing downward as her husband's boss stuffed his huge cock into her. It aroused her to no end to see his thickness push into her, causing an explosion of pleasure with every thrust. He was stretching her so wide it almost hurt, but the pain was a facade, as it ultimately the discomfort gave away to a deep satisfaction.

"Timmm! You're so fucking biggg!" She couldn't help but scream as she clutched into his hairy arms. Her nails clawing into his big biceps as he continued to slowly claim her married pussy.

"God you look fucking hot Stephanie. Just relax and take it. Take it baby." Tim grunted as he continued to work himself into her. Before long he had stuffed his entire cock into her pussy, and he immediately sensed that she was on the verge of losing control. He looked down at her incredible tits, not believing that he was the one fucking her, that he was the one causing them to bounce. Her face was contorting, she looked like a sexual goddess as she stared into his eyes.

Stephanie was experiencing something profound. The edges of her vision were fading away as her focus locked in on the rugged handsomeness of the man that was giving her this feeling. She never knew she could feel this way. She never knew sex could feel so absolutely divine. Her pussy was stretched to an incomprehensible limit, perhaps three times as full as it had ever been with her husband. Tim was causing pleasure to explode outwards from previously uncharted nerve endings deep inside of her. Those firing synapses were brewing to form something life altering for her. She felt it growing, with each stroke of his manhood, with each stuffing of his cock into her, the rumblings of an incomprehensible orgasm were starting to coalesce. Suddenly her mouth opened in shock, and her nails clawed into Tim's arms so deeply that she almost drew *******.

Tim felt no pain, he was too enraptured by the sight of her. His ego exploded as she did, and Tim watched his employee's wife cum hard on his cock. He knew immediately that she had never had an orgasm even close to as powerful as the one that he was giving her.

At first the sound out of her gaping mouth was silence, her eyes open in disbelief, and then the pleasure crashed over her. Her eyes slammed shut, eyes rolling to the back of her head beneath her shut lids, her legs flailed in spasm, and then locked against Tim's muscular back.

"Oh- Ohh- Ohhh! Oh god- Oh god- Oh god! I'm cumminggg!!! Tim! You're making me cummm!!!"

Tim could only smile in delight as he watched this beautiful woman convulse beneath him. He continued to thrust in and out of her in an attempt to extract every possible ounce of pleasure out of her eruption. He looked down at their colliding sexes, her lips clinging to his shaft as he pulled out, and greedily pulling him back inside of her as he thrust inwards. His cock was coated in an unbelievable amount of her womanly cream. He was certain it was the most he had ever seen a woman yield.

She finally regained control of her limbs, panting deeply, the intense waves of pleasure finally beginning to subside after seemingly an eternity in powerful orgasm. She opened her eyes again, and saw Tim smiling at her.

"Are you okay?" He offered.

She could only nod, and then again, blinking her vision back into focus. "I've never been more okay."

She kissed him deeply.

"Are you ready for more?" Tim replied, kissing her back, and then sucking at her beautiful nipples.

"Yes please." She smiled with submissive enthusiasm.

Tim slowly began pumping into her again, this time their was even more passion between them. They kissed deeply, tongues swirling in lust. Stephanie now understood what this man could do to her, and Tim now understood how much she loved what he could do to her. They kissed again, wild extramarital sex occurring beneath the roof of the home she shared with her husband.

As her body was experiencing unfathomable pleasure her mind was experiencing a bombardment of emotions. She felt fear, an intense fear that she wouldn't get to experience this again, and then that fear turned anger. She thought of Steve. She loved her husband, but she had married a man that had no hope of giving her this kind of sexual pleasure. As his boss's beautiful cock ravaged her, causing her to squeal in delight, causing her to submit to his masculinity, she became angry. She looked up at Tim, and noted his hairy and muscled body, his masculine features. She looked down at his manly cock, powerfully pumping in and out of her, making her pussy stretch and cream in pleasure. He deserved to know how manly he was, he deserved the ego stroke, the arousal, of hearing her praise him. He deserved to know how much better a lover he was than Steve, it was only natural, only right.

She bit her lip, and looked up at Tim, grabbing his arms. Her voice was sultry.

"You're so much bigger than my husband." It was a cruel thing to say, she knew. But it was also completely honest, and it served to deeply arouse both of them. In that moment Tim learned that there was nothing hotter than hearing a married woman tell you you were bigger than her husband. The eroticism was increased exponentially by the taboo fact that he was also her husbands boss.

He felt like a conqueror, and he thrust into her with fury, admitting, "I love the man. But he's an idiot. I'm never gonna get enough of this pussy." He grit his teeth as he picked up pace. He felt his large balls begin to slap against the rear of her ass. That perverse slapping noise began to fill the room along with Stephanie's moans.

"Ohhh! Oh god Tim! You're so good!" She wrapped her arms around his large frame and submitted to his dominating thrusts. She never wanted him to stop. Ever.

Tim was getting close. He had enjoyed some great sex over the course of his life, but this bout with his employee's wife might have been the best he'd ever had. She was beautiful, and active, and impossibly naughty. He looked down into her eyes as his orgasm began to brew.

She was heightened, moaning from his bombardment. Stephanie loved the feeling of his heavy balls slapping against her rear, loved the explosion of pleasure emanating out from her pussy as he made her his. "Oh fuck! Oh! Ohh! Ohhh! Tim! Yes! Yes! Yes!" She looked up into his eyes, submitting to him. She could feel his shaft begin to grow even wider, and she wanted him to cum inside of her, to claim her as he deserved. "You- You fuck- Oh! You fuck me so- Oh God Timm! You fuck me so much better than my husbanddd!!!" Stephanie nearly blacked out from the orgasm that exploded though her body.

Tim roared as he felt his balls erupt, his shaft engorging as he unloaded rope after rope. His cum blasted deep into her married womb, and he knew she craved every drop of him. It was one of the best feelings of Tim's entire life, and it satisfied the man on a primal level.

Stephanie's mind was trying to process the incomprehensible sensation of another mans seed exploding in her belly. It felt like a fire hose was blasting deep within her loins, and it only served to enhance her massive orgasm. She clawed into his back as she screamed, creaming all over Tim's supreme cock yet again.

Finally, it was quiet. After the delirious glow of their first mating subsided, they laid together in Tim's bed, kissing each other. Stephanie gently caressed his length, speaking softly.

"So you bossed my husband around at work, and then you came home and bossed my pussy around." She looked up at him with a teasing eye. "I bet you feel awfully satisfied."

He smirked, patting her ass, "Well, I am the boss."

She kissed him again, and then rolled on top of him, his now stiffening cock resting between the crack of her plump ass. "I want you again." She whispered.

They fucked for another two hours, and Stephanie lost track of how many times she experienced powerful orgasm. The two of them soon realized that this wouldn't be the last time they had each other.

What they didn't realize, was that the door had been cracked open nearly their entire time together, and Steve's voyeuristic eye had witnessed it all.