Epstein dead...


“If you tell a lie often enough people will believe it” - sounds like a liberal mantra to me

right out of the mouth of YOUR leader!

If You Repeat A Lie Often Enough - It Becomes The Truth ...
If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth… This appears to be the Donald Trump philosophy – at least as it relates to his governance of the country. It’s become normal for the president to just pull a lie out of his ass and sell it to the American people as fact.

Donald Trump Said About Lying: 'You Just Tell Them and ...
Donald Trump Said About Lying: 'You Just Tell Them and They Believe. They Just Do,' Claims Billy Bush. Bush told Real Time host Bill Maher Friday night that Trump has no qualms about misrepresenting the truth, especially when it comes to TV ratings. Bush recalled confronting Trump at one point about his numbers, USA Today reported.
Chickens might be coming 'home' to roost for the Trumpster on the Epstein story. It seems Epstein's associate did some recruiting at Mar-a-Largo for Epstein. Now she's suddenly disappeared ... funny how anyone associated with Trump seem to have unhappy endings.

Sorry @MacNfries Ghislaine Maxwell is alive and well where she was recently seen in LA if this article is correct? So you can't pin any secret assassinations on POTUS Trump.

Sorry @MacNfries Ghislaine Maxwell is alive and well where she was recently seen in LA if this article is correct? So you can't pin any secret assassinations on POTUS Trump.
STIFF, I swear, if I was still in sales I'd pray for customers like you every day. "THINK" a second ... has Ghislaine Maxwell been FOUND? Nooooooo ... someone says they SAW her. Think this one out ... to keep the public believing she's still alive keeps the people from thinking maybe she's been eliminated thus no talk or rumor about Trump having her taken OUT.
This Epstein story is going to dig deep and its going to encompass some very prominent people ... there's a host of people who would want Ghislaine dead.
Do you think Epstein committed suicide OR was he murdered to look like suicide? Why was his body so quickly claimed? Why was Epstein taken off suicide watch? etc etc ....
I don't think it was suicide, and I don't think Ghislaine will ever be found alive again.
STIFF, I swear, if I was still in sales I'd pray for customers like you every day. "THINK" a second ... has Ghislaine Maxwell been FOUND? Nooooooo ... someone says they SAW her. Think this one out ... to keep the public believing she's still alive keeps the people from thinking maybe she's been eliminated thus no talk or rumor about Trump having her taken OUT.
This Epstein story is going to dig deep and its going to encompass some very prominent people ... there's a host of people who would want Ghislaine dead.
Do you think Epstein committed suicide OR was he murdered to look like suicide? Why was his body so quickly claimed? Why was Epstein taken off suicide watch? etc etc ....
I don't think it was suicide, and I don't think Ghislaine will ever be found alive again.

Ironically you act like the democrats have nothing to do with any of this...
STIFF, I swear, if I was still in sales I'd pray for customers like you every day. "THINK" a second ... has Ghislaine Maxwell been FOUND? Nooooooo ... someone says they SAW her. Think this one out ... to keep the public believing she's still alive keeps the people from thinking maybe she's been eliminated thus no talk or rumor about Trump having her taken OUT.
This Epstein story is going to dig deep and its going to encompass some very prominent people ... there's a host of people who would want Ghislaine dead.
Do you think Epstein committed suicide OR was he murdered to look like suicide? Why was his body so quickly claimed? Why was Epstein taken off suicide watch? etc etc ....
I don't think it was suicide, and I don't think Ghislaine will ever be found alive again.
Time will tell @MacNfries but given her close ties with Jeffery Epstein if I were her I would not be eager to publicly reveal myself either provided she is still alive.

Plus for the record Jeffery Epstein died on August 10th, 2019 according to his wiki @MacNfries as seen here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Epstein.

Ghislaine Maxwell according to the reference that I provided which also is confirmed by the UK's "The Sun" here: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/9733241/jeffrey-epstein-ghislaine-maxwell-spotted-los-angeles/
(original business insider post here: https://www.businessinsider.com/ghislaine-maxwell-seen-at-in-n-out-burger-los-angeles-2019-8)

says that she was seen this week on Monday in LA. For sake of making a reference historically, this week Monday's date was August 12th.

So up until Monday August 12th, 2019 ( after the death of Jeffery Epstein ) Ghislaine Maxwell was still alive and well unless you think it was her ghost or a very close doppelganger. However she did identify herself as Ghislaine Maxwell as well as the article did state that:

"A diner told how Ghislaine, who is accused of procuring girls for Epstein, was reading ‘The Book of Honor: The Secret Lives and Deaths of CIA Operatives’. Once spotted, the ex-socialite - who was sitting alone with a pet pooch - told an onlooker: 'Well, I guess this is the last time I’ll be eating here!' One source told the New York Post that the diner went up and spoke to Ghislaine. They said: 'He went up to her and asked, ‘Are you who I think you are?’ She replied, ‘Yes, I am.’'"
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Ironically you act like the democrats have nothing to do with any of this...
Not this one, they don't. Stlcouple, this Epstein story has been floating around for a very long time, actually, and its never changed. Trump said on TV just last week that he had broken off from Epstein over 20 years ago ... however, one of the girls ******* says she was approached by his associate Maxwell, at Trump's Mar-a-lago ... others will come forward. Expect them to tell similar stories.
I totally expect some big names to be Democrats, but THIS ONE involves our sitting President who lies 8-10 times a day, likes young girls, etc.
Have you not seen the erotic photos of Trump with his pre-teen ******* ... some are so bold that this website would certainly not allow them.
Not this one, they don't. Stlcouple, this Epstein story has been floating around for a very long time, actually, and its never changed. Trump said on TV just last week that he had broken off from Epstein over 20 years ago ... however, one of the girls ******* says she was approached by his associate Maxwell, at Trump's Mar-a-lago ... others will come forward. Expect them to tell similar stories.
I totally expect some big names to be Democrats, but THIS ONE involves our sitting President who lies 8-10 times a day, likes young girls, etc.
Have you not seen the erotic photos of Trump with his pre-teen ******* ... some are so bold that this website would certainly not allow them.
Epstein did have ties to notable Democrats, Trump and several other people @MacNfries but he did have a specific fascination with Bill Clinton because of "Parsing Bill" was hanging on his wall. Maybe you expect that there is also a "Parsing Donald" hanging somewhere in his inner sanctum of his Orgy Island maybe?

Tape shows Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein discussing ...
Jul 17, 2019 · The footage shows two wealthy men laughing and pointing as they appear to discuss young and beautiful women dancing at a party. The November 1992 tape in the NBC archives shows Donald Trump partying with Jeffrey Epstein at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, now a private club, more than a decade before Epstein pleaded guilty to felony ******* charges in Florida.

why is it all these trumpies want to start on the Clintons anytime it shows what an ass trump is?...we all know Clinton is not innocent of a lot of sexual activity......but he is not the president....a leader of the country...someone people used to look up to.....until recently

and Clinton for all his faults is still a very popular president because he brought wealth back to the country

where as trump will NEVER have half the popularity of the Clintons or Obama's

his 39% is slipping daily as more is found out about him
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as for the Clinton portrait…….several articles show that Epstein thought it was funny....I'm sure if Clinton had seen it he would have asked for it to be removed....which means Clinton probably never there...or they were not that good of friends....but a trumpie would never think that way....a little logic should apply.....should but doesn't....do you really think a former president of the US would allow a picture like that to be seen by anyone!

of course the trumpies don't see it that way...….they want to point the finger and take the eye off trump....or in some way make it seem not so bad since others do it also
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Not this one, they don't. Stlcouple, this Epstein story has been floating around for a very long time, actually, and its never changed. Trump said on TV just last week that he had broken off from Epstein over 20 years ago ... however, one of the girls ******* says she was approached by his associate Maxwell, at Trump's Mar-a-lago ... others will come forward. Expect them to tell similar stories.
I totally expect some big names to be Democrats, but THIS ONE involves our sitting President who lies 8-10 times a day, likes young girls, etc.
Have you not seen the erotic photos of Trump with his pre-teen ******* ... some are so bold that this website would certainly not allow them.

As easy as it is to photoshop stuff anymore no I don’t trust it...
as for the Clinton portrait…….several articles show that Epstein thought it was funny....I'm sure if Clinton had seen it he would have asked for it to be removed....which means Clinton probably never there...or they were not that good of friends....but a trumpie would never think that way....a little logic should apply.....should but doesn't....do you really think a former president of the US would allow a picture like that to be seen by anyone!

of course the trumpies don't see it that way...….they want to point the finger and take the eye off trump....or in some way make it seem not so bad since others do it also
Very simple @subhub174014 if this is baseball you left 3rd base and you are a few steps from the home plate without any opposition. All you need do is to contact the media and various law enforcement divisions with your evidence and turn Donald Trump into an international embarrassment like Jeffery Epstein. And he will lose the election in 2020, you can laugh in the face of all Trump supporters like myself, and you can be the hero of the Democrats that kicked out Trump. Why not follow through @subhub174014 ? By keeping your evidence restricted to a porn website it is as if you wish to remain an unlikely accomplice as for whatever reason all of the media and the law enforcement divisions around the world with all their resources at their disposal missed these damning facts against Trump that you brilliantly uncovered. Just say you sent these emails and I will believe you. Then we will await to see what the media and the law enforcement divisions decide to do with it.
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Very simple @subhub174014 if this is baseball you left 3rd base and you are a few steps from the home plate without any opposition. All you need do is to contact the media and various law enforcement divisions with your evidence and turn Donald Trump into an international embarrassment like Jeffery Epstein. And he will lose the election in 2020, you can laugh in the face of all Trump supporters like myself, and you can be the hero of the Democrats that kicked out Trump? Why not follow through @subhub174014 ? By keeping your evidence restricted to a porn website it is as if you wish to remain an unlikely accomplice as for whatever reason all of the media and the law enforcement divisions around the world with all their resources at their disposal missed these damning facts against Trump that you brilliantly uncovered.

The sheep following the wolf ?
Tape shows Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein discussing ...
Jul 17, 2019 · The footage shows two wealthy men laughing and pointing as they appear to discuss young and beautiful women dancing at a party. The November 1992 tape in the NBC archives shows Donald Trump partying with Jeffrey Epstein at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, now a private club, more than a decade before Epstein pleaded guilty to felony ******* charges in Florida.

why is it all these trumpies want to start on the Clintons anytime it shows what an ass trump is?...we all know Clinton is not innocent of a lot of sexual activity......but he is not the president....a leader of the country...someone people used to look up to.....until recently

and Clinton for all his faults is still a very popular president because he brought wealth back to the country

where as trump will NEVER have half the popularity of the Clintons or Obama's

his 39% is slipping daily as more is found out about him
This site is not known for it's political threads and people do not join it because of it's political discussions, but 74.2% of those polled supported President Trump on this very site @subhub174014 ...
Trump knows his supporters are stupid! Trump supporters are the craziest people in the country. He could literally take off his shoe mid-speech, hold it up to his ear, say he is getting a call from Batman and they would be quiet until he hung up his shoe.”
Trump knows his supporters are stupid! Trump supporters are the craziest people in the country. He could literally take off his shoe mid-speech, hold it up to his ear, say he is getting a call from Batman and they would be quiet until he hung up his shoe.”

AND YOUR PUSHING THE LIBERAL PROGRESSIVE NON-SENSE “who is the more foolish one the fool or the fool that follows.” BTW it’s a rhetorical question we already know which one you are.