Ebony women having white babies.

I'm a just stop you right there because people have always been consumed with race. If people weren't then America wouldn't have the horrific past that it does.

I've never understood this attempt at rewriting history as if racism isn't baked into America/North America's DNA. Maybe you weren't cognizant of it but black and minority people were and have been from the minute they stepped out of the womb.
The people claiming America has racism baked into its DNA are the people trying to rewrite history. People across the world have racism baked into their DNA. Claiming it's an American thing is the height of stupidity.

Btw the most racist group in this country is woke whites followed closely by the black community.

Btw every culture/country has partaken in slavery etc. You need to learn world history and turn off CNN.
I'm a just stop you right there because people have always been consumed with race. If people weren't then America wouldn't have the horrific past that it does.

I've never understood this attempt at rewriting history as if racism isn't baked into America/North America's DNA. Maybe you weren't cognizant of it but black and minority people were and have been from the minute they stepped out of the womb.
Racism is baked into the WORLD'S DNA, it's not exclusive to North America.
by the logic then when a black man breeds a white woman then it's a white baby still.
Actually no! Have you ever heard of "The one drop rule"! Its historically famous!🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️

According to scientists the African gene is the most dominant gene among mankind.

If a black woman already has some white genes in her bloodline somewhere having a baby with a white guy could produce a more fare skinned baby but you would still be able to tell that they are biracial. We don't mind biracials claiming solely their white heritage but when they give you what we call "the ni##@ wakeup call" and treat you like they treat the rest of us black folks don't come crying to us because they held you to that 1 drop rule!

Ultimately there are at least 2 million more black women than men in America so just by the math we need some of them taken off our hands or they will die cat ladies!🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️
The people claiming America has racism baked into its DNA are the people trying to rewrite history
Tell me you've never opened a history book without telling me you've never opened a history book. Who built America? What group of people was wiped out in order to bring America and North America to fruition? Please, enlighten me as to how it's an attempt to rewrite history?
People across the world have racism baked into their DNA
Where did I claim otherwise?
Claiming it's an American thing is the height of stupidity.
Where did I say it's only an American thing? Maybe if you improved your reading comprehension as opposed to taking any criticism about America as a personal slight you would have noticed that I was responding to... an American. America exceptionalism really got some of y'all looking stupid out here.
Btw the most racist group in this country is woke whites
Vice Tv Reaction GIF by STICK TO SPORTS

Your white fragility is showing.
followed closely by the black community
sad american horror story GIF

Ah there's that white fragility again.
Btw every culture/country has partaken in slavery etc.
Can you point me towards any examples that come close to resembling the length, the bredth, and depth of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade? Anything that comes close to the amount of time it existed, the amount of capital it built, and the amount of lives it cost? Did Americans start the Civil War for fun or for some other reason?
You need to learn world history and turn off CNN.
Tell me you've never cracked open a history book without telling me you've never cracked open a history book?
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Where did I claim otherwise? This ain't the gotcha moment you think it is. Miss me with whataboutism.

Try to keep up next time and actually follow the conversation that was being had. Or better yet sit this one out as the grown-ups are talking.

I've never understood this attempt at rewriting history as if racism isn't baked into America/North America's DNA.
That's a direct quote you made, you fucking goof! If you want to see the face of racism and atrocity, go look in the mirror because you're it.
Tell me where in the modern world slavery is STILL a common practice? You can't because you're stupid, so I'll give you the answers. One is the Middle East and the second is....*wait for it*..... Africa!!
If your dumbass wants to champion the cause of stopping slavery atrocities that are still occurring fly you cowardly ass out of socialist Canada and make a trip to the motherland and stop the slave trade!
That's a direct quote you made, you fucking goof!
In response to an American talking about racism in America. Like I said, that isn't the gotcha you think it is. Step the reading comprehension up and try to keep up. You're just making yourself look stupid and illiterate. Where in my comment do I say that racism is ONLY an American/NA thing?
If you want to see the face of racism and atrocity, go look in the mirror because you're it.
Black people are responsible for racism in America/North America/the world? Or are you saying that I should look in the mirror to see a picture of what it looks like to overcome the horrors and atrocities committed by white people in the name of racism. You aren't too bright eh?

Tell me where in the modern world slavery is STILL a common practice? You can't because you're stupid, so I'll give you the answers. One is the Middle East and the second is....*wait for it*..... Africa!!
And the 13th Ammendment is just a law right? It's interesting how I specifically mentioned and was speaking about America - the country and your response (whataboutism aside) is to reference an entire continent (made up of 54 countries) and an entire region (made up of 18 countries), both of which containing a multitude of different religions, cultures, groups of peoples and laws. But yes...sLaVeRY iS a CoMmoN pRaCtiCE.
If your dumbass wants to champion the cause of stopping slavery atrocities that are still occurring fly you cowardly ass out of socialist Canada and make a tri
you cant do that on television nicksplat GIF

Ya really thought you had something here eh? Illiteracy and the Dunning-Kruger effect all wrapped up in one ain't a pretty sight.

You strike me as one of those white Americans who would fuck the flag if given the opportunity. You know criticism of America does not equal or equate to criticism of you as a person. But seeing as how you can't differentiate that, maybe it's warranted.
In response to an American talking about racism in America. Like I said, that isn't the gotcha you think it is. Step the reading comprehension up and try to keep up. You're just making yourself look stupid and illiterate. Where in my comment do I say that racism is ONLY an American/NA thing?

Black people are responsible for racism in America/North America/the world? Or are you saying that I should look in the mirror to see a picture of what it looks like to overcome the horrors and atrocities committed by white people in the name of racism. You aren't too bright eh?

And the 13th Ammendment is just a law right? It's interesting how I specifically mentioned and was speaking about America - the country and your response (whataboutism aside) is to reference an entire continent (made up of 54 countries) and an entire region (made up of 18 countries), both of which containing a multitude of different religions, cultures, groups of peoples and laws. But yes...sLaVeRY iS a CoMmoN pRaCtiCE.

you cant do that on television nicksplat GIF

Ya really thought you had something here eh? Illiteracy and the Dunning-Kruger effect all wrapped up in one ain't a pretty sight.

You strike me as one of those white Americans who would fuck the flag if given the opportunity. You know criticism of America does not equal or equate to criticism of you as a person. But seeing as how you can't differentiate that, maybe it's warranted.

Your hyperbole is so weak it's not even comical. This isn't Nazi Germany and you're not Joseph Goebbels where you repeat a lie often enough is becomes the truth.
Slavery was made illegal in the United States in 1865, yet is still in use in Africa. Since you chose to try and deflect by not addressing the point abs trying to give a geography lesson here's a breakdown of the countries and their number of victims since you're either too lazy or too ignorant to look up. Estimated prevalence (victims per 1,000 population) Estimated absolute number of victims Population
1 Eritrea 93.0 451,000 4,847,000
2 Burundi 40.0 408,000 10,199,000
3 Central African Republic 22.3 101,000 4,546,000
4 Mauritania 21.4 90,000 4,182,000
5 South Sudan 20.5 243,000 11,882,000
6 Somalia 15.5 216,000 13,908,000
7 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 13.7 1,045,000 76,197,000
8 Sudan 12.0 465,000 38,648,000
9 Chad 12.0 168,000 14,009,000
10 Rwanda 11.6 134,000 11,630,000
11 Swaziland 8.8 12,000 1,319,000
12 Congo 8.0 40,000 4,996,000
13 Guinea 7.8 94,000 12,092,000
14 Libya 7.7 48,000 6,235,000
15 Nigeria 7.7 1,386,000 181,182,000
16 Uganda 7.6 304,000 40,145,000
17 Madagascar 7.5 182,000 24,234,000
18 Malawi 7.5 131,000 17,574,000
19 Guinea-Bissau 7.5 13,000 1,771,000
20 Liberia 7.4 33,000 4,500,000
21 Angola 7.2 199,000 27,859,000
22 Djibouti 7.1 7,000 927,000
23 Kenya 6.9 328,000 47,236,000
24 Cameroon 6.9 157,000 22,835,000
25 Togo 6.8 50,000 7,417,000
26 black 6.7 133,000 19,897,000
27 Zimbabwe 6.7 105,000 15,777,000
28 Equatorial Guinea 6.4 7,000 1,175,000
29 Tanzania, United Republic of 6.2 336,000 53,880,000
30 Ethiopia 6.1 614,000 99,873,000
31 Côte d’Ivoire 5.9 137,000 23,108,000
32 Gambia 5.8 11,000 1,978,000
33 Zambia 5.7 92,000 16,101,000
34 Egypt 5.5 518,000 93,778,000
35 Benin 5.5 58,000 10,576,000
36 Mozambique 5.4 152,000 28,011,000
37 Sierra Leone 5.0 36,000 7,237,000
38 Ghana 4.8 133,000 27,583,000
39 Gabon 4.8 9,000 1,930,000
40 Burkina Faso 4.5 82,000 18,111,000
41 Lesotho 4.2 9,000 2,175,000
42 Cape Verde 4.1 2,000 533,000
43 Mali 3.6 62,000 17,468,000
44 Botswana 3.4 8,000 2,209,000
45 Namibia 3.3 8,000 2,426,000
46 Senegal 2.9 43,000 14,977,000
47 South Africa 2.8 155,000 55,291,000
48 Algeria 2.7 106,000 39,872,000
49 Morocco 2.4 85,000 34,803,000
50 Tunisia 2.2 25,000 11,274,000
51 Mauritius 1.0 1,000 1,259,000

You were the one that chose to be an asshole and chime in on a thread about white guys fucking black women by determining that it wasn't an interesting subject, yet it was. So, maybe, just maybe you should be the one to brush up on your reading comprehension.
It's interesting that you keep mentioning a got you moment. You obviously know that you jumped the shark by running off at the mouth about racism on a site such as this, but yes keep entertaining everyone by making a fool out of yourself with stupid, asanine statements! 🤣
It is amazing how some people search the internet for information, then put that information on sites like this one. Yes slavery came to an end in the 1860s, but to say that THAT type of slavery still exists in the world is farcical. The united nations would have picked up on this if it were true. However, modern day slavery and its various definitions do exist and is a WORLD wide problem, whether in Africa, Asia, Europe, South America, Central America, and yes North America. In answer to the original question, ebony goddesses having babies with white males? Yes, it did happen for over four hundred years during slavery in the western world, when white slave owners abused and raped black slave women, then cast them aside when the slave women became pregnant and had mixed race babies. Does that answer the question?

Look at this thread!!! Many of you will figure out that soon it will be at least 67-70% of black women becoming White baby breeders from BWC pounding them and white cum breeding them. 💞🤓🔥😈🎢💯😍🚣👨‍👩‍👧🤰
It is amazing how some people search the internet for information, then put that information on sites like this one. Yes slavery came to an end in the 1860s, but to say that THAT type of slavery still exists in the world is farcical. The united nations would have picked up on this if it were true. However, modern day slavery and its various definitions do exist and is a WORLD wide problem, whether in Africa, Asia, Europe, South America, Central America, and yes North America. In answer to the original question, ebony goddesses having babies with white males? Yes, it did happen for over four hundred years during slavery in the western world, when white slave owners abused and raped black slave women, then cast them aside when the slave women became pregnant and had mixed race babies. Does that answer the question?
You are speaking some truth in your post!!
In response to an American talking about racism in America. Like I said, that isn't the gotcha you think it is. Step the reading comprehension up and try to keep up. You're just making yourself look stupid and illiterate. Where in my comment do I say that racism is ONLY an American/NA thing?

Black people are responsible for racism in America/North America/the world? Or are you saying that I should look in the mirror to see a picture of what it looks like to overcome the horrors and atrocities committed by white people in the name of racism. You aren't too bright eh?

And the 13th Ammendment is just a law right? It's interesting how I specifically mentioned and was speaking about America - the country and your response (whataboutism aside) is to reference an entire continent (made up of 54 countries) and an entire region (made up of 18 countries), both of which containing a multitude of different religions, cultures, groups of peoples and laws. But yes...sLaVeRY iS a CoMmoN pRaCtiCE.

you cant do that on television nicksplat GIF

Ya really thought you had something here eh? Illiteracy and the Dunning-Kruger effect all wrapped up in one ain't a pretty sight.

You strike me as one of those white Americans who would fuck the flag if given the opportunity. You know criticism of America does not equal or equate to criticism of you as a person. But seeing as how you can't differentiate that, maybe it's warranted.
It's kind of a funny fact that in the past 30 years the demographic of the race of men that are the largest group of slave and sex slave traders in the world is African black men criminal networks. And they slave trade/own more indian females from ages 12-45 than any other kind of slave traders on earth. These african black dicks criminal slave traders have slave traded over 18 million Indian females and they are very brutally violent with their slaves if any slaves resist.

But hey, I guess here in America we all have to continue to believe the evil corporate American mainstream HYPOCRISY media propaganda on the tv when they say that black guys are the most peaceful/loving and best men and best lovers on earth!!! 🔮🚣🔄🚩
Here was me thinking this was an interracial fantasy site, no?
No. The site is interracial interaction; it has a significant portion of it's users caught in their fantasies, ranging from men both married and single posing as couples or women, gay, openly bi, and DL men seeking men, those who enjoy writing stories, or seeking masturbation material. I'm comfortable putting those in the realm of interracial fantasy.

As someone who understands that the false perception of 'race' is nothing more across the world is solely a variant of melanin, your suggestion of a white man having sex with a black woman to produce white children moreso fits as Twilight Zone bullshit.