Dont get it

Dude your living in the past.....the best pay i ever made and best benefits i ever made were in a non union shop. I work in a union shop but i am not union...i am a salaried employee. I wouldnt join a union if they asked me to.

Yeah if that stuff happened to my car there would be some ass beatings happening to the first person i caught. Thats the kind of bullshit i dont like about unions. They think they have the right to do whatever they want.

I had this very conversation with a young union employee who informed me one year when it looked like they might strike that if i crossed the picket line he would damage my car. Now this was with a guy i worked with every day. I was kind of shocked...i politely told him i had no intention of crossing any picket line but if my car were to get damaged by him he better be ready to get his ass kicked cause i dont play games like that.

Unions have long outlived their usefulness. Especially public sector unions. Making crazy pay and ridiculous benefits off of taxpayer bullshit.

spoken like a true scab!
as for kicking some ones ass......most scabs are just talk and soon run for home and call the law...never meet one yet with balls!
you want to work in a union shop and draw the your dues...or be prepared...or move on....3 easy choices

shop before last where we had one like you...there was 30 of us...and you can't watch them all....but they will all watch you call for a ride home!

as for strikes...been there several times and they can get real nasty...but enough on all have stated your position before...and I have told you my opinion before...haven't been in a union in 20 years...but still believe in them!....seen way to many employers just for the sake of a bad mood put someone out of work...on and on.....
spoken like a true scab!
as for kicking some ones ass......most scabs are just talk and soon run for home and call the law...never meet one yet with balls!
you want to work in a union shop and draw the your dues...or be prepared...or move on....3 easy choices

shop before last where we had one like you...there was 30 of us...and you can't watch them all....but they will all watch you call for a ride home!

as for strikes...been there several times and they can get real nasty...but enough on all have stated your position before...and I have told you my opinion before...haven't been in a union in 20 years...but still believe in them!....seen way to many employers just for the sake of a bad mood put someone out of work...on and on.....

Dude...You dont even know what a scab is. A scab is a temporary worker who crosses a picket line to do a strikers union job......i have stated many times...i am a salaried engineer. I dont or wouldnt do a union shop job nor would a cross a picket line. So i am not a scab.

So why union people would threaten me or my property(car) is beyond me. So you Never met one with balls do you mean like the union pussy damaging my car in secret so nobody knows it happened. Yeah right.

I have not seen more cry babies then i have since i worked in a union....its ridiculous. They bitch and moan about everything and not realize what kind of gravy job they have.

They have better benefits....make the pay of degreed professionals, make overtime and double time get paid for lunch so only work 8 hours and yet they still bitch about everything and are far less productive than any non union shop i ever worked in.
I live in the greater Pittsburgh area and this latest shooting of a black unarmed teenager who was running from police makes me question peoples sanity. First let me say the police office was in the wrong i believe and i am pretty sure he will be charged but the people out there sayimg how this kid was such a model citizen and a kind hearted kid baffles me.

The facts say otherwise....he was inside a car that was involved in a drive by shooting...the car was pulled over and the driver was on the ground and being handcuffed by police. He decides to jump out and run and was then shot. He was found with an empty magazine on him and 2 semi auto hanguns were found in the car.

Now they are saying there is video of him actually firing a gun from the car earlier that night at another person.

So while i agree the shooting was probably not justified let not pretend the kid was a choir boy. Oh and he was 17

I actually heard someone on the news say that these ******* need something to do.....hahahaha.....something to do???

I have been bored before but committing drive by's.???

Kid was not perfect.
Getting shot while running away is not right.
******* needing something to do. I can understand.
An idle mind is satan's workshop. I hope I said that right but if a kid has nothing to do, bad things can happen.
Now finding evidence in the car that I can be big on. Cops have been known to plant items. I don't trust all cops.
I reside in Cleveland where Tamir Rice had a drive by on him. Cops flat out did not call dispatch but rode up to him while he had a toy gun.
Who rides up to someone with a gun so close...... I only think drive bys.

But I shall digress.

Police knows a dead person can speak.
Unarmed people of color even handcuffed get pieced down like it nothing.
mass shooters get captured or shoot themselves.
It sucks.

Michael Brown case sucks for there is some gray area that it was not him in store and wasn't it cheap cigars.. really.
Garner was chokeout and was informed he was selling cigarettes. Now there is stories he didn't even have cigarettes on him.
BUT, here the kicker.. no one speaks on the police office who was on site that had multiple lawsuits for illegal searches, stripping and fondling men in public on stops.

It makes me sick how we have to dive into stories all across the board to get an idea of what is going on.
More protests again today....blocking traffic and shutting down a major highway. Thats ridiculous...the cop has been arrested and charged, why u still protesting. u wanna it on the sidewalk. Then they get pissed off when someone tries to drive through them. Who the fuck are these self important idiots that think they can just shutdown major highways and get people to do whatever they want. Worse yet the police are doing nothing.

a protest is to get people aware of what's going on.
Zimmerman walked for weeks before people took notice.
I still cant believe a FREAKING baby died in the back of a car because her dad forgot her but got the other baby out the car died and NO ONE is talking about it.
really if I leave my pet in the car. I getting a ticket.
baby neglience... hello

Let me rub my crystal balls and tell you what going to happen.
Cop will be charged but will WALK on

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