My wife and I were talking recently about all of the men that have fucked their hot cum into her unprotected married white pussy . She asked me what I would have thought if she had a black baby. I told her that it would be her black baby so naturally I would love it like I would the babies she had with me. Then I told her that it would have been hard to explain to her parents. She told me that her mom would probably love that she was having a black baby because she liked black men also but her dad would have been very upset. Sadly my wife did not have any black babies but she probably had other men's white babies. My wife told me that she would love to have a black baby. I know that my wife was sincere in her wish for a black baby. I could tell by the way she looked and talked about how much she wanted a beautiful black baby. I told my wife that I wish she were able to have a black man's baby and that I would love to watch a black man fucking her and shooting his hot black baby making cum in her unprotected married white pussy and womb, being there at the moment of conception, watching him impregnate my white wife.
Lucky for me that I have had the pleasure of watching several black men shooting their hot black baby making cum in her unprotected married white pussy and womb but, sadly, none of them impregnated her.
I'd like similar for my wife