Do older White woman like Young Black boys?

I am a young 28yr black man that loves older white woman ! Are there older White woman out there that love younger black men?
Generally speaking no they don't. Meaning if you were to go on a mainstream dating app and message white women in their 50's. You as a 28 year old won't get a reply most times.

Everyday mature white women prefer men around there age. They know that you just want sex and woman can get sex easy. So what's so special about your dk ? Bcoz it's blk ? Cmon man.

You would have to go to niche places like this and swinger sites and hit the gym. Make sure pics are quality. Just because you are blk. Does not mean they will fk any blk guy. Another thing is or when you do talk to an older white woman DON'T talk about the fact that you are blk and don't talk about your or her age.

Don't come with corny sh&t like "So you like blk guys right ?" when you do talk to them. BE DIRECT. Don't get into any chit chat. No talking about what you do for a job or your hobbies. Keep heading towards a meet.

This is how it should go

Her "Hi"
You "Hey you ok ?"
Her "I'm good. What you upto ?"
You "I'm good. Just talking to this sexy women called [insert her name or profile name] gonna get together and have a d,r,ink with her this week. What you think she'll say"

That's it. Two sentences and go for it. Then look at how she responds

If she comes "Ha....ha that nice but I prefer to get to know someone" That's a woman who has medium interest.

You could try and raise her interest but to me, this ain't a good tactic as it puts her in control of the frame were you have to prove yourself to her. Basically she looking for reasons to disqualify you

If she comes with "Wow. Your a fast mover" that's high medium interest so test her again "I'm not really into all this bk and forth email tennis. Prefer to get to the point"

And then see how she responds to that. Women are risk averse so she most times she'll say "I prefer to get to know someone first" Don't argue with her just say "I understand. I wish you luck"

You want to try to filter out the timewaster

What you want to hear is something like "Sounds good. Where and when ?" then you say "When are you free" because if you just say a date most women will go into auto rejection and say she's busy on that day. Then meet her on the days she suggest.

So you suggest a date and location. Exchange phone numbers. And tell you will text her on the day of the date to confirm and don't text or call her in between.

When you deal with women on line you must ALWAYS test them to see if they're timewaster.
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There's pros and cons to younger guys. I definitely find them sexy and somewhat taboo because of my age. However in my experience they tend to be less reliable and respectful of other obligations I have in life. Guys over 30 seem to have a better grasp on priorities and less of the "I'm horny NOW so drop everything for me" attitude.
There's pros and cons to younger guys. I definitely find them sexy and somewhat taboo because of my age. However in my experience they tend to be less reliable and respectful of other obligations I have in life. Guys over 30 seem to have a better grasp on priorities and less of the "I'm horny NOW so drop everything for me" attitude.
Same. A little immature.