Do older White woman like Young Black boys?

The issue isn’t age, it’s maturity. Being able to fuck well is just one small part, at least for us. We like to become friends w our bulls and maintain that friendship for years. Being on time, not flaking, treating her w respect, being attentive to her desires and play style, and similar is more important. Sadly, younger men don’t always understand that and have given the group a bad name.
The issue isn’t age, it’s maturity. Being able to fuck well is just one small part, at least for us. We like to become friends w our bulls and maintain that friendship for years. Being on time, not flaking, treating her w respect, being attentive to her desires and play style, and similar is more important. Sadly, younger men don’t always understand that and have given the group a bad name.
This pretty much sums it up for us, it's a maturity thing as well as repect for each other. We don't have to be best buddies however more like good FWB's.

Now, the double taboo whammy of having a sexual relationship with a younger man who also happens to be black is just freakin' HOT and we both love it!!
I’ve only been with a couple of men my own age, it’s typical for the guy to be 5-20 years younger. Or was lol. Last week, a younger black man was flirting with me. Sometimes people think I’m younger than I am? IDK. Or they know and don’t care lol Anyway, he was handsome and so charismatic but just seemed too young. Maybe I should have asked his age, the last time I turned down someone because he looked 19 to me and turned out to be 30. I’m rambling. The answer is yes, we often are but there are limits. Too young feels creepy. I don’t want to be anyone’s token old person 😂😂😂
Would you like a honest opinion. I believe most if not all would consider a younger man of any color. We are just like men it's flattering to be approached by a younger man. The catch is not to act like a boy. Think about the age of the female. She's not going to be impressed by thug street talk or slang. She's from a different generation and used to being treated in a certain way. Getting too far away from that is a turn off for many. I have had more than one female in my life talk about a infatuation with a black man or boy until they tried to have a conversation. Dress is also a factor she remember raised in a time when men didn't show off the underwear of the day. It's the fashion of your generation not hers. A impression you may not be able to get passed. Show up clean and presentable. No need for expensive, she's probably not looking for someone to support her. Talk about things you know about. I've seen women listen to some of the most boring useless information when the person speaking appeared to know about the subject. BS if detected is a big deal breaker, that of course depends on the sobriety of the female. Boose or ******* tend to make even a fool seem smart. Females are often looking for both sex and companionship to fit that you need to close the age gap by your words and actions.
Others are looking for a fast meaningless fuck, they are far harder to locate. I believe because some other black guy is already providing regular service and they are not looking too hard for a replacement.
I'm 59 and the 3 Black men that have used me so far are all in their early to mid 30s, so basically young boys to me. But to answer the question, hell yes! I love those young Black penises. Oops, meant young Black boys.
They might not tell you this, but (with your attitude, willingness, looks and overall sexuality) you might be the hottest, sexiest woman they have ever been with...