Do couples really try to have black babies?

Staying solid on topic though here of the topic title - "Do (white) couples really try to have black babies?"
I'm almost certain that no such couple "seriously" does, to purposely get her knocked up that is.
The back lash from friends and family would be unrecoverable - if you are in a very strict religious mindset.

Fortunately for the rest of us, we're all sinners, we're all going to hell, the world is due an apocalypse and all that jive, there's a fairy in the clouds that some consider a god.
yes, they do. And it's normal.
Show me the porn. I've seen it all but never a real proof/documentary or something to show it truly happened.
I'm kind of surprised no married female pornstar hasn't done this - for real, like showed DNA results from established doctor clinics and such. If it were to ever happen for real then a pornstar woman/couple would do it. But never ever a real couple, unless they are in/out of mental homes.
If everyone getting involved in this lifestyle all take on the responsibility of that happening then why would it be an issue. Fantasy or not if the people involved are able to procreate then they should embrace the gift of having a baby. Remember that many people do not have the ability to have children.

I am do tire of hearing the excuse of what other people...such as family, friends, etc. Everyone should live their lives how they want and not be afraid to think and act freely.

It is called reality.
I see several things like that posted here, and I think it is mostly masturbation material for cuckold males. Many have said that white women should only have black babies, ignoring that would be mixed babies, and if that happened, there would be less and less "white women" with each generation, which would ******* the fetish,

I also doubt that many serious people want to have a mixed-race baby due to their fetish. I'm not saying it's bad, I think it's just jerk-off material for guys, though. Most folks would not want to have to deal with the constant questions about their marriage if a white male and white female have a mixed-race baby.