Do any of you women have a virgin fetish or desire ?

Like if you met a young black bull but he was a virgin would that be hot or would it defeat the purpose of the lifestyle?
A virgin doesn't even know how to be a bull, hell he probably doesn't even know how to fuck. All he knows is he was some ass and lacks any sense of experience as a FWB or anything.
The ******* y'all come up with is straight dumb...
As it was mentioned above virgin & bull don't come in the same sentence! Not all blacks are bulls, well hung or any cliche some people think. A simple online search will show many black sissy boys which is fine by me, just not what most people here think about black men.

BTW and that's personal belief, lucky are the virgins that loose their virginity with a mature woman and not with a girl their age. It goes against nowdays PC crap though.