Day jobs of a hotwife?

More than half are nurses or teachers....I wonder why
I can only assume the stresses we go thru. Not trying to gain pitty. But for teachers my husband dated few teachers before we were married. He learned first hand on how difficult ******* are now compared to back in our day yet parents now are worse. It's rediculous on how they allow thier ******* to disrespect and if we get or defend we are in trouble We nurses and yes hubby is in medical field as well. Wow sometimes 16 20 hrs sifts depending were you work what type of medical field in. The stress you face on sick and death. We all find ways to release. For teachers lol. On each holiday go to your fav or local pub and see how many teachers getting crazy. Hubby States that teachers and nurses are fun and love to explore. Just saying cheers
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