Dark dreams..


Real Person
An introduction, like a fantasy begins with a dream. I have dreamt of strength, therefore my body reflects that. I have dreamt of the stars, from which my birth sign hails- the Taurus, which makes me a bull in spirit. As the dream continues, I am hear. Greeting those of you with eyes to read and minds to understand.

I find pleasure in the pursuit, like my ancestors as they ran the plains in hunt of warmth- be it food to warm the belly or female energy to warm the primal fire within.

I take pride in the primal hunt. My belly stirs at the sight of a women who has made her choice. Whether that choice be white or black is of no consequence. Simply that, she ‘desires’ is what I find sexy. Demand your satisfaction, ladies. & from that demand, the man within me will be driven to please.

From the Palm Trees, I greet you.