Dangers Of Resort Hookups


Real Person
Soooo, 2 major Caribbean hotel chains have been in the media lately and now have (*******) attached to their search..

Recently in Jamaica 2 ladies (tourists) claimed to have been raped at once by a male staff after being caught in the room by one of 2 husbands.
I was not there but this is the local story..oversees it only says *******.

Recently a female tourist that stayed in the Bahamas 2 years ago is now saying she was physically assaulted buy her butler. Its now world news. I work for this company although not from that Island. The report the butler makes is that he had a fer 3 somes with them and was paid.. who knows what the truth is?

There are now a miiiiillion cameras on all properties in the hotel chain I work. We have all been breifed and are now being told "tourists are not your friend and are not to be trusted"

This is just to let you all know that on property bulls will be more skeptical..

Not happy about this
Sad as it came down to this. If it did happen, shame on the rapists and that should NEVER have happened and should be delt with appropriatly, if it didnt happen, these women could be ruining these guys lives as they are now pegged as rapists and that is just as wrong. Heather put it best, the truth is usually somewhere in between.
Sad as it came down to this. If it did happen, shame on the rapists and that should NEVER have happened and should be delt with appropriatly, if it didnt happen, these women could be ruining these guys lives as they are now pegged as rapists and that is just as wrong. Heather put it best, the truth is usually somewhere in between.

Indeed. Its a sad situation all together..
Basically, the first story sounds like the wives got caught cheating and to save her marriage(maybe she lives a pretty well of lifestyle) calls ******* on the man who she was caught with.

Two women and one man, one of the husbands walks in and sees whatever is going on. While it can happen, how many occurrences are there of two adult women being raped by one man, leaving multiple witnesses? Were the two women good friends and wanted to have a threesome and invited him back? Were they flirting? Drinking? Any other witnesses or cameras? Did he use a weapon to threaten them? There are so many information gaps.

The second sounds sketchy as well. Was it another case of trying to save ther marriage by labeling the infidelity as *******? If the butler really was paid, how much? How was he paid? Can he produce the money he was paid? Did anyone see them flirting, drinking, etc? Surveillance of their infractions prior to the events

Given the type of resorts these are(their sex tourist, or at least near an area where that type of thing goes one right?) may these women have been their for alternative reasons that their husbands may not have been aware of? With the Emitt Till case and many other cases like it, the details given so far have me scratching my hand a bit.
Basically, the first story sounds like the wives got caught cheating and to save her marriage(maybe she lives a pretty well of lifestyle) calls ******* on the man who she was caught with.

Two women and one man, one of the husbands walks in and sees whatever is going on. While it can happen, how many occurrences are there of two adult women being raped by one man, leaving multiple witnesses? Were the two women good friends and wanted to have a threesome and invited him back? Were they flirting? Drinking? Any other witnesses or cameras? Did he use a weapon to threaten them? There are so many information gaps.

The second sounds sketchy as well. Was it another case of trying to save ther marriage by labeling the infidelity as *******? If the butler really was paid, how much? How was he paid? Can he produce the money he was paid? Did anyone see them flirting, drinking, etc? Surveillance of their infractions prior to the events

Given the type of resorts these are(their sex tourist, or at least near an area where that type of thing goes one right?) may these women have been their for alternative reasons that their husbands may not have been aware of? With the Emitt Till case and many other cases like it, the details given so far have me scratching my hand a bit.
Had one. Msg us
Soooo, 2 major Caribbean hotel chains have been in the media lately and now have (*******) attached to their search..

Recently in Jamaica 2 ladies (tourists) claimed to have been raped at once by a male staff after being caught in the room by one of 2 husbands.
I was not there but this is the local story..oversees it only says *******.

Recently a female tourist that stayed in the Bahamas 2 years ago is now saying she was physically assaulted buy her butler. Its now world news. I work for this company although not from that Island. The report the butler makes is that he had a fer 3 somes with them and was paid.. who knows what the truth is?

There are now a miiiiillion cameras on all properties in the hotel chain I work. We have all been breifed and are now being told "tourists are not your friend and are not to be trusted"

This is just to let you all know that on property bulls will be more skeptical..

Not happy about this
Another scream of ******* because they didn’t want people to know they actually were enjoying sex with the black locals. Disturbing. Do you know how international law works in regarding to this. Both stories as you posted sound fishy. Oh I got caught fucking a black man, I’m going to scream ******* so my husband doesn’t leave me! The other story sounds like blackmail to sue for money!
As a black man in America, and from numerous incidents that I have heard about; there is no way I am going to mix work and play. You are begging for problems, if you do.
As any man in todays society, you cant even hardly compliment the opposite sex today in the workplace. Its downright scary as everyone seems offended so easily. Its kind of a double standard though, if the guy is good looking its ok, if hes not its not in a lot of cases
As any man in todays society, you cant even hardly compliment the opposite sex today in the workplace. Its downright scary as everyone seems offended so easily. Its kind of a double standard though, if the guy is good looking its ok, if hes not its not in a lot of cases

The best top tip is if she rejects you for whatever reason let it go, if you persist and she gets tired of it then she will have a legitimate HR complaint especially if she has evidence like texts and emails.
Well, you never know when your advances will be brought up, and you might end up having a conversation with the HR manager about how you made the female employee uncomfortable and created a hostile workplace. Now, if she worked down the hall for another company, I am all game.
Another scream of ******* because they didn’t want people to know they actually were enjoying sex with the black locals. Disturbing. Do you know how international law works in regarding to this. Both stories as you posted sound fishy. Oh I got caught fucking a black man, I’m going to scream ******* so my husband doesn’t leave me! The other story sounds like blackmail to sue for money!
The second one is suing for 30 mill 2 years later.
As a black man in America, and from numerous incidents that I have heard about; there is no way I am going to mix work and play. You are begging for problems, if you do.
Sad truth.

In jamaica, most of the women that seek men here rather it be with someone from the property they are staying for comfort and safety I assume. The men are sometimes compensated and in a society where money is hard to come by risks are taken.

Not to say its right