Curiosity is killing me !!! I need your input !!!


I was having a conversation with a couple who would usually vacation in FL. The wife informed me that they won't be returning as they had sold their condo as they needed funds to pay for his newly discovered and debilitating disease. After I got over the shock, I suggested that they could still come but maybe not as often as they did because they both loved it here. He said his limited mobility has made it not fun for him anymore but added she could go as she needs to have some fun. She said she didn't want to go without him to which he responded that he was sincere in saying that she could go on her own. He then added that she is a big girl and can take care of herself. This has made me wonder how many women here go on a vacation or to some strange place without their husband and how many husbands would be comfortable with the wife going without you. Women who are single, div or separated do this all the time but I am curious how it relates to couples?
Your feedback is appreciated !!
I'm no expert but I would have no problem with my with going on vacation(with lover) without me. All of the times where she has been with other men I have always been there. We have had a couple of them where I left them alone but I was still in the house. We have been seeking some one for her to get more comfortable with so that she could go and see him on her own. A few months ago we found that person I got more excitement out of knowing she was with him at his place in his bed than when I would be in the same room watching them.
Sadly it didn't seem to last with that guy so we are seeking a new friend and I really hope it leads to some over nite stays
Women who are single, div or separated do this all the time but I am curious how it relates to couples? Your feedback is appreciated !!
....I've never been one to encourage a married woman to take a vacation (w/o the spouse) to be with other men, BUT, your situation is one which is a good exception. Why? Because you already know the couple, have a good relationship with them, the marriage certainly doesn't sound as if it is under any 'relationship stress', and the spouse (gentleman) has given his 'ok' with his wife visiting you, probably to give her a bit of a breather taking care of her husband's medical situation. Plus, you show a genuine interest in the couple, not just sex with her ... super!
....This can surely work for all 3 of you ... when she visits, the 2 of you simply be sure to communicate with her husband daily, expressing your wishes that he's doing ok and that you miss his presents ... a video chat each day would be awesome for him, I'm sure. It would be more personal and make him feel more of a part. Can't see this not working, based upon what you've posted ... just keep everything on the up & up.
....Best wishes ... Mac
Excellent insight !! There relationship is very sound but there is certainly tremendous amount of stress as she anticipates his long term regression !!
Excellent insight !! There relationship is very sound but there is certainly tremendous amount of stress as she anticipates his long term regression !!
....Absolutely! You didn't expand on her husband's medical situation, and I'm not asking it be revealed, BUT, ultimately, a wife's place is beside her husband's ... the 2 of them will know when that time arrives. Obviously, if he's already requiring a limited amount of custodial care at home, that time has probably already arrived. If you really do have a genuine interest in them as a couple, it might not hurt to plan a little visit while he's still capacitated. Both will surely appreciate that visit. Everything takes a back seat once 'end of life' begins to appear.
If my husband was suffering in bad health, I would have to stay by his side but, I couldn't imagine anything better than one of my longstanding black lovers deciding to visit us knowing our circumstances. My husband would be thrilled to know that a friend recognized the need and became a respite to a sad situation. I believe that hearing those familiar sounds of passion would lift his spirits considerably!
This post really caught my attention. I will be on a 4 day cruise for my friends wedding come January. There are several women I’ve been interested in inviting but I’ve tossed and turned over the idea. I’d be curious to get some input on that as well.
....Absolutely! You didn't expand on her husband's medical situation, and I'm not asking it be revealed, BUT, ultimately, a wife's place is beside her husband's ... the 2 of them will know when that time arrives. Obviously, if he's already requiring a limited amount of custodial care at home, that time has probably already arrived. If you really do have a genuine interest in them as a couple, it might not hurt to plan a little visit while he's still capacitated. Both will surely appreciate that visit. Everything takes a back seat once 'end of life' begins to appear.

I didn't reveal the situation because I didn't think that it would make a difference to the discussion however in retrospect and in light of the insight by you and others, it's important to reveal that's it's Parkinson and it's in the early stage.
If my husband was suffering in bad health, I would have to stay by his side but, I couldn't imagine anything better than one of my longstanding black lovers deciding to visit us knowing our circumstances. My husband would be thrilled to know that a friend recognized the need and became a respite to a sad situation. I believe that hearing those familiar sounds of passion would lift his spirits considerably!

Thanks for your insight. I am sure it would !!
I have spent time with a Black man, where I traveled to him and stayed overnight. I have also had a Black man travel to me and spend a week with my husband and I. I would go on a trip or go visit a Black man if both the guys, my husband and lover where ok with it. I think though keeping in contact with the husband is important. Involving him by calling or video chat is a great way to have him involved and keep him updated on what is going on.
I have spent time with a Black man, where I traveled to him and stayed overnight. I have also had a Black man travel to me and spend a week with my husband and I. I would go on a trip or go visit a Black man if both the guys, my husband and lover where ok with it. I think though keeping in contact with the husband is important. Involving him by calling or video chat is a great way to have him involved and keep him updated on what is going on.

Excellent point. I received an email in which the husband said that he allowed his wife to go on a cruise because he felt she would be safe because there were going to be other people around. Had it been a vacation to a city, he said he might not have done so.
I was having a conversation with a couple who would usually vacation in FL. The wife informed me that they won't be returning as they had sold their condo as they needed funds to pay for his newly discovered and debilitating disease. After I got over the shock, I suggested that they could still come but maybe not as often as they did because they both loved it here. He said his limited mobility has made it not fun for him anymore but added she could go as she needs to have some fun. She said she didn't want to go without him to which he responded that he was sincere in saying that she could go on her own. He then added that she is a big girl and can take care of herself. This has made me wonder how many women here go on a vacation or to some strange place without their husband and how many husbands would be comfortable with the wife going without you. Women who are single, div or separated do this all the time but I am curious how it relates to couples?
Your feedback is appreciated !!
I've traveled without my husband a few times before and him as well. Sometime it can be tricky getting the time scheduled right to go on vacation and sometimes getting two peoples schedules to work with something can be close to impossible. Opportunities come up for life experiences and do you really want to be the person to deny that from someone you claim to love?
I've traveled without my husband a few times before and him as well. Sometime it can be tricky getting the time scheduled right to go on vacation and sometimes getting two peoples schedules to work with something can be close to impossible. Opportunities come up for life experiences and do you really want to be the person to deny that from someone you claim to love?

Great insight !!! You mentioned you did in the past. Is it something you continue to do and do you have any limitations ? It's one thing to go to a club or hotel down the road but would you consider another state.
Great insight !!! You mentioned you did in the past. Is it something you continue to do and do you have any limitations ? It's one thing to go to a club or hotel down the road but would you consider another state.
I've gone to other states and so has he before without each other.
I've travelled abroad with my best friend several times, and it doesn't seem that unusual from my experience. I think it's just healthy for a married couple to get a break from time to time. If there's not enough trust in a marriage to be apart for a weekend or even a week or 2, it doesn't seem like a very healthy relationship to me.

My bull and I have never travelled together though, but he brought it up a couple of months ago. We normally have to be very discrete with our relationship, so the idea of going abroad with him, where we can be completely open, is very intriguing. I'm hoping we can work something out :blackheart:
If I were in bad health and not doing well and couldn't travel It would speak very highly of the bull to fly to where we were at, stay for a bit and satisfy my wife and make her feel better. I know she would probably enjoy his company during a worrisome time and if my health went south I need her to know i expect her to continue to get her needs met and to feel ok about it. It would be a turn on if I were really bad for him to move in with us and fuck her regularly beside me or around the house to show me she is ok and needs her lover to fuck her more than ever now and be close as a friend, dom and lover.