Cuckold lifestyle and children..

But I knew I would have to do all the work/Research for you. Search these exact words šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ . (Teaching pre $choolers about lbgt). You don't have to apologise . Just plz go away
Googled exactly what you asked and came up with a bunch of articles that talked about teaching young ******* (5 or 6) about LBGT+ relationships (as in some ******* have a mom and a dad, some have two moms or two dads and thatā€™s perfectly fine), nothing about sex or showing photos. In fact, the main point of most of the article was ā€œThe first step in introducing children to LGBTQ topics is separating them from the "birds & bees" conversation.ā€ Donā€™t know what exactly youā€™re insinuating but thereā€™s nothing wrong with teaching ******* to be more accepting of peopleā€™s differences.
Hello !
I'm here to talk about a topic and get your advice.

It's been two years since me and my beautiful wife have been in this type of relationship. I have not slept with her since then and she has a regular man who has become more than a sexfriend, he is her boyfriend.
She is fulfilled, happy and very attached to this man.
And I too am happy with this life. We are thinking of going further: that this man moves in with us and lives with my wife full time.
It is this health crisis that has pushed us to consider this. It would be easier, and it would be the logical continuation of this relationship.
The only thing that blocks us is that my wife and I have two children. They are 8 and 11 years old. We don't know how to do this, how to present this to our children? Is it not too complicated to live this for children of this age?
Do you have any advice?

If male, prepare them for at least a vasectomy when they turn 18.
Googled exactly what you asked and came up with a bunch of articles that talked about teaching young ******* (5 or 6) about LBGT+ relationships (as in some ******* have a mom and a dad, some have two moms or two dads and thatā€™s perfectly fine), nothing about sex or showing photos. In fact, the main point of most of the article was ā€œThe first step in introducing children to LGBTQ topics is separating them from the "birds & bees" conversation.ā€ Donā€™t know what exactly youā€™re insinuating but thereā€™s nothing wrong with teaching ******* to be more accepting of peopleā€™s differences.
Now while you are in that search,just click on image category. The images say it all. Me personally, I can't believe ppl still don't know about this to the point of embarrassing themselves online saying it will never happen. My main point was if they teach that to them , what's wrong with teaching them about cuckolding etc?
At there young age, it's easy to hide it..however as they reach their teen be more difficult to hide it.
Eventually, you and the wife will have to sit the ******* down and tell them the truth.
Meantime, hopefully the 11 year old hasn't caught on to what mom is doing, but if honest. I mean if the 11 year old hasn't sneaked to see what mom is already doing, either way.. they'll find out eventually.
All about the dynamics.
Now while you are in that search,just click on image category. The images say it all. Me personally, I can't believe ppl still don't know about this to the point of embarrassing themselves online saying it will never happen. My main point was if they teach that to them , what's wrong with teaching them about cuckolding etc?
The image results is a bunch of childrenā€™s books like ā€œMommy, Mama, and Me,ā€ ā€œPapa, Daddy, & Riley,ā€ a kid friendly YouTube channel that teaches the same stuff as in those articles and childrenā€™s books and one image of people protesting all of this.

You keep saying ā€œitā€ and saying that ā€œitā€ is sweeping or has already swept across the nation, never going into detail about what ā€œitā€ is. If by ā€œitā€ you mean teaching children to be accepting of relationships/families in many shapes and sizes even if theyā€™re dissimilar to their own, then I say the is an unalloyed good and remarkable progress from when I was in school. 5/6 is old enough to understand what love is and the many shapes it takes, it is NOT old enough to understand what sex is and itā€™s many forms. If you mean something else by ā€œitā€, youā€™re going to have to be specific.

To your cuckolding point, I personally wouldnā€™t teach children that age anything about cuckolding because that does move into the realm of sex. This is why my advice to them was not to approach this as ā€œhow do we introduce our ******* to this part of our sex livesā€ by ā€œhow do we introduce this person who we have a significant relationship withā€ and directed them to seek council with polyamorous people who would have more experience with this sort of thing as opposed to here where itā€™s mostly about sex. Personally I wouldnā€™t advise telling their ******* the details of their sex life until the 8 year old is at least in high school if not in her 20s, if ever. I donā€™t know anything about my parents sex life and Iā€™d wager most people donā€™t. I donā€™t know why it should be different here.
The Point. 1 more time. If they can teach them that, why can't they include other things like QOS, or cuck lifestyles. People can have their opinions wherever they want on this topic. Just seems like the point needed to be raised, so I did it. This has mad me out to be the bad guy. Which I think answers my question now. Still waiting on them to do the same for interracial couple awareness and acceptance siminars . Sad that ppl r making this into a big deal.
Hello good have you've been? How are things going in your neck of the woods?
I really miss chatting with you so very much.
I would introduce him as an old friend and keep pda to a minimum.

With daughters as they get in high school and start to date Ive often discussed my ex-wife discussing black men with them and not encouraging but allowing them to bring black boys home and be alone with them in their rooms. I would be comfortable with them eventually having sex openly in the house in front of us and me ignoring it and helping them feel more comfortable doing it in the open if their boyfriends might be interested in fucking their mothers openly next to them as well. They aren't my biological daughters, i love them, but they will be very pretty when they are mature and I would like them to be comfortable and secure in us as parents and a family to allow their lovers to take them in front of us and share this with their mom by her encouraging and blessing and showing them its natural as a white woman to have sex with their black lovers and that white men can be submissives and still be loved and respected at the same time by everyone and its ok for thier step ******* to service their bulls and its our job to make it easier and more comfortable for all of them so they have more sex and enjoy it more.. And its important for us as white males to see our daughters taken in front of us willingly giving themselves, openly so we know they are satisfied and its reassuing that its a natural act for them as white women to allow black men to take them and it helps their young bulls get used to doing this at an early age in front of white males whether fathers, or husbands so they will be better bulls as they get older.

Their mothers too will benefit from their daughters lovers and how it bonds them closer to their daughters and bonds the male ******* figure closer to his wife and daughters by being so accepting of them all and help them be better wives to some other white male and set her expectations of him to be focused on her pleasure, seeking out good stable partners who will love and support them but also be open minded and attentive to her sexual needs and encourage and allow her to bring black bulls into their relationship like her parents did for her and possibly her own daughters once day

I have witnessed this arrangement in a few other families myself.
My mom and Dad were in the lifestyle very open and liberal. I began to understand to understand what they did at 11. at first I was a bit shocked then curious then to be honest , turned on.

Id ask them If I had to love someone to have sex with them? they told me I could have sex just for fun.
Early Lerner..