Cuckold lifestyle and children..

I think it would behoove you to think this situation very thoroughly, and not what any of us thinks, or what the norm might be in the future.
Sex, especially extramarital sex, and children should be separated from each other.
It is one thing to say to the ******* "hey, this is our friend from out of town, he's going to stay with us awhile", and they might accept that for awhile, but soon enough they will figure it out. So now they have to make a choice of which male they view as the head of household. If you are the *******, and another man is occupying the space next to your wife in bed, eventually they will look at you with less respect, maybe even contempt.
Another thing to consider is how will this scenario look to their friends, or their parents, or other members of your family?
How will you respond if your ******* have a sleepover with friends at your home, and they see moms lover carrying on with her, or following her into the bedroom while you take your place in the spare room?
That information will get to those ******* parents, or to others in your families, and now you have people asking questions...
You most likely have to deal with your ******* being made fun of by their peers, and that will be another issue to deal with.
I guess my point is the most important element of this is the welfare of your children.
Your wife, her lover and you are a distant second.
At last a sensible answer.. can you get professional help from a baby psychologist or something who can help you do this better ?
There are a few prejudgemental answers in here for sure. i would not take that path. What comes first is the family without judgement. just sayin' No need to take notice of "sexifying" answers to a serious and perfectly legitimate question. ImHO. ;)
First of all, I'm not saying this is the right or wrong answer, this is just our experience and what we've done. Everything is different for every situation, remember that, do what's right for you.
We are in our early 30's have 1 ******* that's almost 5 and we've been doing this for about 4 years or little more. So yes, less than a year after our ******* was born my wife started sleeping with other men, 1 white man (only cause he was hung but she still didn't enjoy as much) and the rest black men. My wife has had many men over the past few years but currently has a boy friend that has gotten more serious. And when I say that, I mean they are pregnant together, but that's a different story I suppose. Our ******* knows nothing about the other men except the current and that's the way it should be I think. ******* should know nothing unless it's going to be serious.

How we have handled this is that he is in our lives and has become her Bf and my friend. That HAS to happen if your spouse is going to be with another man, the husband must be able to get along with him so yes, we've become great friends. Since he's our friend (and her Bf) he's been at our house a lot over the past year and half so he's met our *******. She knows he's both of ours friend so she is very comfortable with him. When my wife goes on dates with him, my ******* knows he's with our friend. Nothing out of the ordinary for us. Our ******* knows her mom and dad love each other and that they have their friend around all the time. So essentially our ******* has known him as much or more than some family. She's had him in her life for a while so nothing is odd in this situation. My point is it should never be awkward, however you work that out With yourself.
As far as my wife being pregnant, our ******* doesn't know any different than, people are people. She knows she's going to have a brother or sister. She doesn't care who the baby's ******* is. She knows she's in a loving family.
I think introducing him as a friend and eventually transitioning to Mommy’s boyfriend when/if they feel comfortable with him is a decent plan. If the relationship is serious enough where you’re contemplating living together, this has evolved from “just sex” to polyamory. For more experienced advice it would be a good idea to post this is a poly community forum as well (I know Reddit has a few).

The modern family is changing and the old two cohabiting married parent model has LOTS of completion these days. Explaining to your children that non monogamy exists, is ok and you practice it shouldn’t be scarring if done the right way. I wouldn’t divulge any sexual details because no kid wants to or needs to know any of that but the relationship stuff shouldn’t be problematic nor the living together as long as everyone gets along.
This was brought up on another website a few years ago, don’t remember were. Couple had a 11 year old ******* and they introduced their friend who came over sometimes and hung out. They were discrete, but the ******* suspected something, began to act out towards her mom, after some careful questioning found that she thought her mom was having an affair. The dad then started inviting the wife’s close friend over openly for barbecue and to watch football while letting his wife sit next to the ‘friend’. Once the ******* saw that her dad was friendly and cool with it she relaxed, and then he started coming over for family movie night and would sit on the couch with the wife and share popcorn while the dad and ******* shared the other one. Said after about month of him joining movie night the ******* was the first one to call him mom’s boyfriend. She was totally cool with it once she saw that it didn’t change anything in her parents relationship.
This was brought up on another website a few years ago, don’t remember were. Couple had a 11 year old ******* and they introduced their friend who came over sometimes and hung out. They were discrete, but the ******* suspected something, began to act out towards her mom, after some careful questioning found that she thought her mom was having an affair. The dad then started inviting the wife’s close friend over openly for barbecue and to watch football while letting his wife sit next to the ‘friend’. Once the ******* saw that her dad was friendly and cool with it she relaxed, and then he started coming over for family movie night and would sit on the couch with the wife and share popcorn while the dad and ******* shared the other one. Said after about month of him joining movie night the ******* was the first one to call him mom’s boyfriend. She was totally cool with it once she saw that it didn’t change anything in her parents relationship.

Good idea