Cuckold lifestyle and children..

Hello !
I'm here to talk about a topic and get your advice.

It's been two years since me and my beautiful wife have been in this type of relationship. I have not slept with her since then and she has a regular man who has become more than a sexfriend, he is her boyfriend.
She is fulfilled, happy and very attached to this man.
And I too am happy with this life. We are thinking of going further: that this man moves in with us and lives with my wife full time.
It is this health crisis that has pushed us to consider this. It would be easier, and it would be the logical continuation of this relationship.
The only thing that blocks us is that my wife and I have two children. They are 8 and 11 years old. We don't know how to do this, how to present this to our children? Is it not too complicated to live this for children of this age?
Do you have any advice?

My immediate thoughts are that you maybe can tell them he is a friend from out of town who found a new job and is looking for a place to live, and in the meantime, you offered to help him out. Or, he is getting divorced from his wife, and same deal, you like him and hate for him to spend so much money for hotel rooms until he can find a place to live. Now, as far as long term, or if he is going to be sleeping in the same bad as her, I have not thought that far ahead. I do agree with Slideonin, hiding may do more damage, but I am not sure I would just come out and say he is your mommy's boyfriend, at least not yet. Maybe that might be the way to advance him living there after what I said earlier. As in, your mom and him have become "special" friends, etc. Not sure, the plot thickens, but interesting to be sure.
My immediate thoughts are that you maybe can tell them he is a friend from out of town who found a new job and is looking for a place to live, and in the meantime, you offered to help him out. Or, he is getting divorced from his wife, and same deal, you like him and hate for him to spend so much money for hotel rooms until he can find a place to live. Now, as far as long term, or if he is going to be sleeping in the same bad as her, I have not thought that far ahead. I do agree with Slideonin, hiding may do more damage, but I am not sure I would just come out and say he is your mommy's boyfriend, at least not yet. Maybe that might be the way to advance him living there after what I said earlier. As in, your mom and him have become "special" friends, etc. Not sure, the plot thickens, but interesting to be sure.
As an offspring of a parent with alternative sexuality I can say it was not really a big deal. I agree you do not need to say hey this is Mom's boyfriend, but let him move in say he is good friends with mom and dad and make it natural. In the end the ******* will figure it out and if it's not hidden there is no shame. That is not to say put it in their face as any baby does not need to know about adult stuff till it is time. If they see the friend coming out of the bedroom and ask explain he visits with mom and dad some times. You would not tell children about sex between mom and dad in detail until they are ready this is the same thing. Take it slow and be honest and not shameful. But you do not have to say, oh daddy is a cuckold and mommy loves big cock, that is wrong. Just make it natural and normal. I mean this lifestyle is very, very Old and fairly common.
You are right. We have to do things naturally and everything will be fine. It's a big step in our lives, that's why I'm a little apprehensive but I'm happy.
I just want my children to be happy in their life, that's why I ask myself so many (too many?) questions.
But I don't plan to hide this relationship to my children all their life because it's impossible. Of course I'm not going to tell them 'I'm a cuck and your mom is sleeping with this man' but just with time make them understand that their mom has another boyfriend.
Because it's not something you can keep secret forever, if my wife or her boyfriend gets too close in front of the *******, it will be embarrassing very quickly.
I just want to say that I think you are to be applauded for asking others to make sure you take the correct direction in this part of your life. This is one thing that is, and this may sound bad, but if handled in the wrong way, might impact them for their life. So, the way things are playing out now, seems like they will be okay, and you, your wife and her boyfriend will all have a happy life. If handled so, all 3 adults, and the children will be okay, and maybe even as the ******* grow older will have a better understanding of alternate lifestyles. Great way to handle it, and I mean this truthfully, as we are in such.
Thank you very much for your message!
We try to do the best we can to make everyone happy in their lives.
And it's so cool that this forum exists because sometimes we feel isolated living this life choice. But with this forum we see that many people live the same things, it feels good.
Hello !
I'm here to talk about a topic and get your advice.

It's been two years since me and my beautiful wife have been in this type of relationship. I have not slept with her since then and she has a regular man who has become more than a sexfriend, he is her boyfriend.
She is fulfilled, happy and very attached to this man.
And I too am happy with this life. We are thinking of going further: that this man moves in with us and lives with my wife full time.
It is this health crisis that has pushed us to consider this. It would be easier, and it would be the logical continuation of this relationship.
The only thing that blocks us is that my wife and I have two children. They are 8 and 11 years old. We don't know how to do this, how to present this to our children? Is it not too complicated to live this for children of this age?
Do you have any advice?

well, take it easy, normal, & in stages.
me & alyssa had ******* before the "alyssas children" event (search for it)
the ******* will take in the same light as you introduce it.
if you make it feel normal, & even just natural & right
...then they will think of it in that light too.
Make it step by step. If they don't know your friend already, introduce him first and see how they get along. Invite him over a few times so they get to know him a bit before telling them a reasonable situation in witch you are thinking of letting him live in your house for some time. Ask them if they are okay with your friend living at your place for a couple of weeks. If they like him, perhaps they will agree without a struggle. Remember it's not your and your wife's home only, it's theirs too.
My wife's boyfriend came to the house yesterday! He saw our ******* for the first time and it went really well. He was introduced as a very good friend. The ******* love him and he knows how to deal with them. We are relieved for the future.
But there is still the question of what to do about the rest.
For example, if my children see me sleeping in the guest room and see my wife and her boyfriend sleeping in the same room? Or if her boyfriend unintentionally says something sweet to my wife in front of the *******?

But already it is a huge relief that my children love this man. They even asked me last night when he was coming back!
Once again, thank you for your advice!
You just need to do this calmly and step by step.
About the bedroom situations.
Is there any room sharing a non-suport wall with the master bedroom?
because if so you can put a door connecting them from inside so you and the boyfriend can swap rooms quickly without the ******* noticing.
until your ******* are ready to know the real story
It is my opinion that sex life and children should always be very separated. The fact is that it will do immeasurable damage, even if it seems cool at first.

I had a friend in high school who’s mom and stepdad were lifestylers. Once I remember at a pool party he ******* early and one of the other guys pulled their “private” folder open on the laptop they were using to play music and it was full of pictures and videos of his mom with a myriad of men and as the center of numerous gangbangs. As you can imagine, this info spread around quickly and the constant harassing people gave him, however wrong it was, contributed to years of depression and ******* abuse. For both him and his older (maybe 20 at the time) sister. even if 99% of everyone was cool about it, giving a person one more thing to be insecure about to 1% of people at that point in their lives is irresponsible in my opinion.

I understand you’re predicament, however, I think it is a bad idea with other people’s health and well-being at stake. Just my $.02
It is my opinion that sex life and children should always be very separated. The fact is that it will do immeasurable damage, even if it seems cool at first.

I had a friend in high school who’s mom and stepdad were lifestylers. Once I remember at a pool party he ******* early and one of the other guys pulled their “private” folder open on the laptop they were using to play music and it was full of pictures and videos of his mom with a myriad of men and as the center of numerous gangbangs. As you can imagine, this info spread around quickly and the constant harassing people gave him, however wrong it was, contributed to years of depression and ******* abuse. For both him and his older (maybe 20 at the time) sister. even if 99% of everyone was cool about it, giving a person one more thing to be insecure about to 1% of people at that point in their lives is irresponsible in my opinion.

I understand you’re predicament, however, I think it is a bad idea with other people’s health and well-being at stake. Just my $.02
Yeh but I think that happened because the parents kept it a secret life.
I think it was more of the shock and feeling of being living in a lie that hit the poor boy more than his mothers lifystyle
Hello !
I'm here to talk about a topic and get your advice.

It's been two years since me and my beautiful wife have been in this type of relationship. I have not slept with her since then and she has a regular man who has become more than a sexfriend, he is her boyfriend.
She is fulfilled, happy and very attached to this man.
And I too am happy with this life. We are thinking of going further: that this man moves in with us and lives with my wife full time.
It is this health crisis that has pushed us to consider this. It would be easier, and it would be the logical continuation of this relationship.
The only thing that blocks us is that my wife and I have two children. They are 8 and 11 years old. We don't know how to do this, how to present this to our children? Is it not too complicated to live this for children of this age?
Do you have any advice?

Maybe just teach them about how bbc is size wise superior and their mom needs it