Cuck in denial

i can't get the courage to tell my girlfriend who i am

Hey G,

You are not alone. There are lots and lots of guys out there that haven’t told their girlfriends or wives about what specific kinks turn them on. It’s scary, sharing your most intimate desires, not knowing how the person you are telling is going to react.

Consider this, it’s also very likely that she too has desires and kinks that she hasn’t told you, perhaps even out of the same fear as well.

A fellow Cuck that I met in a kik group gave me some advice a long time ago when I was starting out and I’d like to share it with you.

“Always articulate what you want in a relationship, and then accept the result, and move on”.

He later went on to explain that I should have enough respect for myself in a relationship to articulate what I want. If I want more sex, I should say it, if I want more back rubs, then say it, etc.

The other important part of his advice, was to respect the result of the conversation. If she says “no” to something, you have to respect her position and move on. You can’t badger her in the hopes of her changing her mind.

She will always respect you for telling her what you want in your relationship, and she may even share things that she wants to.

Sitting down and having the conversation is not easy, it’s very hard, and it took me hundreds of practice runs in my head before I had a sort of script down, but I can tell you, having that conversation changed my life and my relationship for the better, and now I can’t even imagine a time where my wife isn’t fucking other men while I watch.