Church Going...

I’ve always said that older moms are the best. They’ve experience the normal. They want and are willing to branch out. Once you flip that switch it’s incredible.
Agreed, no limits, no inhibitions and most importantly, they often need the extreme to be sexually satisfied because thye've already experienced Vanilla flavour and can't stand the taste any longer and longer is what they want....
Agreed, no limits, no inhibitions and most importantly, they often need the extreme to be sexually satisfied because thye've already experienced Vanilla flavour and can't stand the taste any longer and longer is what they want....
And that usually comes with the realization that they waited too long to start
Preaching bullshit that they don’t practice while taking your money ain’t cool True believers in their creator will have to answer for it someday. Wouldn’t want to be in their shoes.
They will respond, 'we're all sinners and tempted by the flesh" but, God/Jesus are the skill-models we must emulate.
Well, service has begun and next 2 hours will yield the confessional of those sinners who were pounded hard last night...stay tuned all......ironic, how "God" and "Jesus Christ" are passionately verbalised at the top of her lungs horizontally last night and vertically this morning....