Cheating white women

I always loved fucking married women. I was working remodeling a married woman's basement, and I fucked her while her husband was above us upstairs watching television! I used to meet another woman one night a week,and on the way to meet her,I would pass the bar where her husband always hung out at. I would see his car in the parking lot. As I drove by on my way to tap his wife's big white ass,I would think to myself, enjoy your beer while I enjoy your wife! I will send her home full!
A 1,000,000,000,000% CORRECT! I say it over and over. Many men think their wives have NEVER cheated and would NEVER cheat. Oh how wrong you truly's about opportunity...plain and simple. Women regardless of her size, shape, color, etc get hit on by men everyday. So there is no shortage of men wanting her...she just has to find the man she WANTS to have sex with. Then it's simply planning and opportunity. Let's keep it real too...I'm talking about normal, everyday wives/mothers/women. Most don't fuck in hotels cars is extremely popular and in some cases in the open with the thrill of being seen or caught. Parking garages, stairwells, office conference rooms, copy rooms, storage rooms, parents homes, friends homes, lover's home, parks, playgrounds etc. There are endless places to fuck if a women is truly horny and has found her lover. And guys...she most likely will NEVER tell you! I know...I'm the guy she is fucking, regularly....nasty, freaky sex that she won't do with you. Why won't you know...because most women are excellent at keeping secrets...not giving away themselves. Men often get caught because men get give away the signs...thinking she wouldn't notice or care. Think about it...does it really take 1.5 hrs to do her nails and feet? Was that 45 min grocery run really all groceries? Her, "I was in a meeting" at lunch true? I was with my sister and shopping. True??? Of course it just isn't as long as she said. She DID go grocery shopping...but before hand she met him in the parking lot and blew and swallowed him. Or he fucked her quickly and dumped a nice load into her, THEN she went into the store, got the items and came home for you to unload them into the house. Get the point!
This analysis reflects the individual wife and her opportunity and desire. However, it does not consider potential consequences. When looking at the macro cheating statistics, the percentage of women cheating has risen significantly. Anyone who believes that 13% number that is frequently mentioned is living in fantasyland. Women today are much more independent with more education and better paying jobs than ever before. They no longer are dependent on their husbands for support. When a woman becomes dissatisfied with what she gets at home she will make her own opportunity to cheat. As has been said in other posts on B2W, women seek the best mates they can find and are no longer willing to settle for a husband who does not fulfill her needs. Marriage sociologists now claim that incidence of cheating by females in the United States has now passed rates for males. Indications show that more than 50% of married women have cheated at sometime during their marriage.
This analysis reflects the individual wife and her opportunity and desire. However, it does not consider potential consequences. When looking at the macro cheating statistics, the percentage of women cheating has risen significantly. Anyone who believes that 13% number that is frequently mentioned is living in fantasyland. Women today are much more independent with more education and better paying jobs than ever before. They no longer are dependent on their husbands for support. When a woman becomes dissatisfied with what she gets at home she will make her own opportunity to cheat. As has been said in other posts on B2W, women seek the best mates they can find and are no longer willing to settle for a husband who does not fulfill her needs. Marriage sociologists now claim that incidence of cheating by females in the United States has now passed rates for males. Indications show that more than 50% of married women have cheated at sometime during their marriage.
Nah, they been doing it throughout history I promise.
100% true I've been with my boyfriend 6 years and I just cheated on him for the 1st time and the guy was black. Honestly I've never been fucked that rough hard dirty b4 in my life. My boyfriend will never be able to fuck me like he did. I live my dude but I cant imagine not being fucked again the way his black friend fucked me.
Have you had more repeat occurrences?
My ex wife and I got together young she began cheating while dating and would continue after our marriage until she finally said im not going to stop seeing men I need them to satisfy me, and I view you more as an immature boi. After that she would go out openly bought new clothes outfits panties bras lingerie all matching looking better for strangers then she did for me. Sometimes would not get any sex from her because she said im horny just not for you...others I want to have sex but I'll be thinking of someone else. She continued on doing strangers friends co workers going out alone ditching her ring until meeting her alpha male and leaving for him.
Wow ! A lot of your experience mirrors my own with my ex wife.
What was she like?
She seemed very meek at first but after a couple of dates she became sexually aggressive. We were 21. She was very involved in initiating sex. She confessed to me that she had been with quite a number of other lovers. I didn't feel that I should hold that against her since I had also had my share of previous women. Following our marriage she seemed to develop new additional interest in sex and , sometimes, shared stories of conversations that she would have with friends. I found a polaroid she had in one of her photo albums of a penis. I was surprised that she would save it despite it being large. Then she started telling me stories about one of her close friends who had a black boyfriend. She sounded very interested, but her frequent expressions of love toward me left me feeling that I had nothing to worry about. Boy was I a fool. When I would work overnight overtime shifts on Saturday night so that we could save up to buy a house, she would go over to her friend's place. Not only was the boyfriend there but he would bring along a buddy who would hit it off with my wife. After hearing the stories from her friend my wife was an easy lay with the black buddy. He was big, powerful and satisfied her in ways I never could. He was also a very nice guy and she fell in love with him, got pregnant, and decided to divorce me. When I saw your story, I could relate to the addictive power black lovers can have on white women.I have never recovered from the loss and how it has affected me.
I ended up cheating on both of my first two husbands. Have been completely faithful to my current husband (except in my mind haha). Hoping to stay that way.
Can I ask why you cheated? I don’t and won’t judge.. I’m curious and like to learn because it seems that women cheat for a lot different reasons then men do.
Can I ask why you cheated? I don’t and won’t judge.. I’m curious and like to learn because it seems that women cheat for a lot different reasons then men do.
buddy! women are often deprived of reflection, even if they would like to tell - they cannot in most cases.
How do you mean?
1. Regarding deceit and a tendency to deceive: perhaps the first reason is the vulnerability of the beautiful half of humanity, and in this case, lying is a tactic of behavior (“no matter how it turns out worse!”); and the second - women in the mass are unimportant thinkers / logicians, not very responsible and consistent in the choice of words, and therefore often unwittingly testify against themselves.

2.As for my conviction that women should have more erotic episodes on the side than men have, then everything is very simple - they are usually initiated by a man, and if I am passive in this regard, then the probability of them in my life tends to to zero. A woman, on the other hand, does not need to do anything but remain herself and communicate with people - men will make efforts to create a “situation”.
and as I already wrote in another thread, women tend not to choose a man (a hypothetically superior than partner, husband), but an adventure. Novelty and romance. That is, in my opinion, most often it's not about sex at all.
Taking into account the fact that men who are hunting for fresh meat / a new pussy clearly understand what a woman can be bought for - they are willingly provided with a beautiful wrapper of temptation (courtship, love, admiration and other "attention")
and finally: I willingly believe that there is a certain number of women, increasing with age, who clearly understand their needs for sex, have no illusions about the motives of men for rapprochement and are looking for quality fucking with well-equipped men (including blacks;), but this is only a small part of those who are unfaithful to their husbands/partners.
I have one that’s been cheating 6mos giving me that tight sweet pussy 2-3 times a week and brings a friend anytime I ask. She doesn’t fuck her husband anymore at all because he just wants is to jack off to porn. It’s cool, I will take good care of all her holes!
Fucking hot. I'm sure you're rocking her world.
Can I ask why you cheated? I don’t and won’t judge.. I’m curious and like to learn because it seems that women cheat for a lot different reasons then men do.
I cheated on my first husband when we were drifting apart and already headed toward divorce. My second husband, over time, changed from being a facilitator of my bbc encounters to being a pathetic cuckhold who was as into the black guys as I was. I lost all respect for him and started seeing the black guys without him, since he’d become a distraction. In both cases, all my cheating was with black men.
I cheated on my first husband when we were drifting apart and already headed toward divorce. My second husband, over time, changed from being a facilitator of my bbc encounters to being a pathetic cuckhold who was as into the black guys as I was. I lost all respect for him and started seeing the black guys without him, since he’d become a distraction. In both cases, all my cheating was with black men.
Fucking hot!