I still get nervous every time I have a date even tho I've been doing this for years. I adore the lover I have right now and I really think that my pussy is forming to his dick. Someone introduced the idea to me that my lover's cum may actually be changing me genetically and so my pussy may in fact be resizing to accommodate it. I say this because sex with my husband does not feel the same at all anymore.
That is truth u do reform Ur inner self sexually with a Real Man...
I had a white boyfriend at the time, he knew about it and it wasn't planned. He left me not long after.
Thank you for your reply. One thing you didn't answer though... Did he support or encourage you? (Or did he even object?) Plus, in response to your reply: Was your having sex with another man, a Black man one reason that added to why your then-boyfriend left you? Thank you so much.
Awesome question! So like most women here, I found a totally new appreciation for my sexuality, and a huge growth in not only my self confidence, but growth in my confidence as whole... I got that “swagger”. I have seen a huge jump in my libido... it feels good to be desired, and feels even better to take advantage of someone else’s desire. I have definitely found myself to be dressing my provocatively, actively trying to get those looks. As for being less attracted to white men.... I would say that I don’t at all look for or desire a white man besides my husband... black guys are just my thing.
This is she of couple.... will Black men really do all that? Now, I'm kind of scared to be with a Black man.
For my wife who is Asian she had one Asian boyfriend her first...then 3 white boyfriends including me....all never touched her or has made loved to her like her Black boyfriend

I think at this point she wishes she married him....its a level of sex she never knew.
Agree with more confidence, wife more sexually assertive. Appreciates how important large girth is now and a feeling of being so full your pussy is going to explode. She can't replicate the image of seeing a black man laying between her legs and the contrast against her pale white skin, it a beautiful image which has changed her view of sex.
My former Bull brought out a whole different person in me. I became more confident of myself. My new found sexuality was wonderful. Around my Bull I changed my appearance, the way I dressed, my attitude, etc. My girlfriends had no idea. I kept my vanilla white wife world separate from my exciting new found lifestyle.